434 research outputs found

    Czechoslovakia faced with the hostile attitudes of Germany and Italy in 1938

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    Czechoslovakia faced with the hostile attitudes of Germany and Italy in 1938Adolph Hitler’s Germany and Benito Mussolini’s Italy were both professed enemies of the Czechoslovak state. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Third Reich, did not try to conceal his negative attitude towards Czechoslovakia any more than the Italian Foreign Minister, Galeazzo Ciano. The diaries of Goebbels and Ciano shed interesting light on foreign policy of Germany and Italy. Neither of the authors did try to conceal his aversion to the policy of Czechoslovakia, when analysing the chain of events on the political scene which, in their view, confirmed their opinion on the weakness of Prague.Goebbels paid attention to show trials in Russia and to the policy of Poland towards Lithuania, and declared that nothing would save Czechoslovakia. “This state has to disappear – he wrote – the sooner, the better”. Ciano, on the other hand, noted Benito Mussolini’s remarks, who – after the annexation of Austria into Germany – indicated Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and Belgium as the weak points to be erased from the map of Europe. He stressed that Italy was not interested in the fate of Prague. Highly symbolic was the order given by Ciano to the Italian ambassador in Berlin, Bernardo Attolico, to go to Ribbentrop and ask him about precise information on the plans of the Third Reich towards Czechoslovakia to allow Italy to make preparations for mobilisation so as not to be taken unawares. Чехословакия перед лицом враждебной позиции Германии и Италии в 1938 годуЯрыми врагами чехословацкого государства были Германия Адольфа Гитлера и Италия Бенито Муссолини. Министр пропаганды Третьего Рейха Йозеф Геббельс не таил своего отрицательного отношения к Чехословакии. Подобным образом поступал итальянский министр иностранных дел Галеаццо Чиано. Дневники Геббельса, а также дневники Чиано бросают интересный свет на иностранную политику Германии и Италии. Оба автора не скрывали отвращения к чехословацкой политике, анализируя цепь событий на политической сцене, которые, согласно их мнению, подтверждали тезис о слабости Праги. Геббельс обращал внимание на показательные процессы в России, а также на политику Польши по отношению к Литве и отмечал, что уже ничто не сможет спасти Чехословакию. Это государство должно исчезнуть – писал он – чем скорее тем лучше. Чиано записал замечания Бенито Муссолини, который после аншлюса Австрии Третим Рейхом, указал, как на сомнительные точки, которые следует удалить с карты Европы – Чехословакию, Швейцарию и Бельгию. Он подчеркивал, что Италия не заинтересована в судьбе Праги. Символическим моментом являлось распоряжение Чиано, отданное итальянскому послу в Берлине Бернардо Аттолико, отправиться к Риббентропу и попросить его о точной информации о намерениях правительства Рейха по отношению к Чехословакии, чтобы предпринять возможные мобилизационные шаги

    Utjecaj termičke modifikacije hrastovine na granulometrijski sastav piljevine

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    This paper presents the results of granulometric analyses of sawdust of thermally modified oak wood and unmodified oak wood sawed on narrow-kerf sash gang saw. Sawdust of dry thermally modified oak, produced during the sawing process on the frame sawing machine PRW 15–M with the feed speed of 0.36 and 1.67 m·min-1, consists of chip granularity in the range from 0.0412 mm to 3.6 mm, whereas the unmodified oak wood sawdust consists of chips in the granularity range from 0.0448 mm to 12.1 mm. In both cases polydispersive fibrils with a strong extension in one dimension were observed. It can be concluded that thermally modified oak sawdust is finer, with a distinct larger participation of the fraction in the granularity range a = 125–500 μm and a slightly increased share of the fraction in the range a = 32–125 μm.U radu su izneseni rezultati granulometrijske analize piljevine termički modificirane i nemodificirane hrastovine. Uzorci piljevine dobiveni su piljenjem modificiranoga i nemodificiranog drva pilom jarmačom male širine propiljka. Piljevina suhe termički modificirane hrastovine, dobivena u procesu piljenja jarmačom PRW 15–M posmičnom brzinom 0,36 i 1,67 m·min-1 sadržava drvne čestice veličine 0,0412 – 3,6 mm a piljevina nemodificirane hrastovine sadržava čestice veličine 0,0448 – 12,1 mm. Može se zaključiti da se piljevina termički modificiranog drva sastoji od sitnijih čestica, sa znatno većim udjelom frakcije čestica veličine a = 125–500 μm i nešto većim udjelom frakcije čestica veličine a = 32–125 μm

    Positron Annihilation Lifetime Study of Steel Surface Modification by Shot Peening

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    AbstractSteel made machine components are often exposed to variable loads during the operation. Thus, their important characteristic is fatigue strength, which largely depends on the residual stress in the surface layer of these elements. The fatigue strength of components can be increased e.g. by exposing them to shot peening. Influence of shot peening on the defect structure in the samples observed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy was studied for various steels. The differences between unprocessed and shot peened samples reflect mostly in the intensity ratio decrease of the components attributed to monovacancies and vacancy clusters. Shot peening result in uniformization of the vacancy clusters size. The carburized steel does not exhibit any changes in positron annihilation lifetime spectra caused by shot peening. On the other hand, the changes in the chromium plated steel are considerable. Their origin lies is compression of the microcracks present in the chromium layer caused by shot peening

    Participation of quaternary aquifers in groundwater inflow to mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB)

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    The Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) is situated within Variscean depression in the southern Poland. Mining of the hard coal, ore and sand deposits in the USCB has a long-lasting tradition. Exploitation has been carried out with both – open pit and mainly underground operations. The intensity of water inflows to mines depends on geogenic and technological factors. Among geogenic factors the main one is occurrence of thick water – bearing Quaternary sediments in the roof of Carboniferous ore deposits. Among technological factors the essential influence on the inflows to the mine workings have: time, depth and surface of exploitation, as well as drainage intensity

    Revivals in the attractive BEC in a double-well potential and their decoherence

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    We study the dynamics of ultracold attractive atoms in a weakly linked two potential wells. We consider an unbalanced initial state and monitor dynamics of the population difference between the two wells. The average imbalance between wells undergoes damped oscillations, like in a classical counterpart, but then it revives almost to the initial value. We explain in details the whole behavior using three different models of the system. Furthermore we investigate the sensitivity of the revivals on the decoherence caused by one- and three-body losses. We include the dissipative processes using appropriate master equations and solve them using the stochastic wave approximation method

    Czechosłowacja w obliczu wrogiej postawy Niemiec i Włoch w 1938 r.

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    Sytuacja Czechosłowacji w 1938 r. była bardzo zła. Osamotniona, starała się za wszelką cenę nie dopuścić do utraty swej suwerenności. Niemcy i Włochy, coraz bardziej pewne, że nikt nie ujmie się za Pragą, nie kryły się z wrogością wobec niej. Pamiętniki Josepha Goebbelsa i Galeazzo Ciano pozwalają prześledzić opinie na temat przyszłości państwa czechosłowackiego