6 research outputs found

    Glucose markers in healthy and diabetic bitches in different stages of the oestral cycle

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    The female dog has a unique reproductive endocrinology, with high levels of progesterone throughout the 70-day long luteal phase. In this project, markers of glucose metabolism were studied and compared from the aspects of breed group and time in oestral cycle. The parameters studied were: glucose, insulin, progesterone, fructosamine and the newly introduced analysis of HbA1c. Hba1c was also further evaluated and discussed as a diagnostic tool in canine medicine. No differences in terms of glucose markers were found between a group of purebreed dogs of various breeds compared to a group of dogs with high risk of dioestrus diabetes, namely the Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds. No differences were found between the two sample occasions, anoestrus and dioestrus, concluding that there is no need for relating test results to the time of the oestrous cycle in middle-aged intact female dogs. There were statistically significant higher values of all glucose markers in diabetic dogs than in non-diabetic dogs. When it came to HbA1c, however, there was a larger overlap between the two groups, compared to fructosamine. The HbA1c analysis was easy to perform, but was found to have a low precision. It was not possible to compare the results of HbA1c with other studies, since there is no agreement of a standardized method. The author therefore concludes that if HbA1c is to be used in veterinary medicine, reference values for the specific laboratory and analytic method needs to be set up

    Sexuality on terms of cancer. A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Gynekologisk cancersjukdom drabbar årligen 2800 kvinnor i Sverige. Behandling av gynekologisk cancersjukdom kan innebära påfrestande biverkningar, både fysiska och psykiska, som kan påverka den sexuella hälsan. Sexualitet och sexuell hälsa är sammanlänkat med välbefinnande och hälsa. Personcentrerad vård beskrivs som en av sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser och innebär att se patienten som en person med unika behov, resurser och erfarenheter. Sexualitet kan vara ett intimt och känsligt samtalsämne, vilket ställer krav på sjuksköterskans kompetens. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av sexualitet i samband med gynekologisk cancersjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt, baserad på elva kvalitetsgranskade vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades och sammanställdes i ett resultat. Resultat: Under analysen framkom fyra teman Förändrat sexliv, Förändrad självbild, Förändrad syn på sexualitet och Förändrade relationer. Resultatet visar att kvinnors erfarenhet av sexualiteten förändras i samband med gynekologisk cancersjukdom. Kvinnor beskriver negativa förändringar i sexlivet som blir påtagliga både psykiskt och fysiskt, förändrad självbild och förändrad kroppsuppfattning. Kvinnor med gynekologisk cancersjukdom beskriver även att relationen till partnern förändras och att synen på sexualitet förändras. Slutsats: Kvinnor som drabbas av gynekologisk cancersjukdom är en sårbar patientgrupp och sjuksköterskan har ett ansvar i att främja den sexuella hälsan. Den personcentrerade vården ger sjuksköterskor utrymme att bejaka sexualitetens subjektivitet då kvinnans egenupplevda sexuella hälsa är utgångspunkt för vården

    Autoantibody response to BPI predict disease severity and outcome in cystic fibrosis.

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    AbstractBackground:Autoantibodies against bactericidal permeability increasing protein (BPI-ANCA) are frequently present in cystic fibrosis patients and have been reported to be associated to colonization with Pseudomonas (P) aeruginosa and lung damage. In the present study, we investigated BPI-ANCA as a prognostic marker and its relation to P. aeruginosa colonization and lung function.Methods:BPI-ANCA, measured by ELISA, was examined relative to lung function and microbiological findings. The prognostic value of BPI-ANCA was assessed in 46 adult patients followed for 1.2–8.9 years. The cross-sectional investigation was performed in 366 patients (age 0.5–55).Results:The presence of BPI-ANCA predicted poor prognosis. An adverse outcome occurred in 15/28 BPI-ANCA positive patients and in 2/18 BPI-ANCA negative patients (p=0.01). This result remained valid when the patients were stratified according to lung function (p=0.03). Findings of BPI-ANCA were correlated to P. aeruginosa colonization and lung damage. Development of BPI-ANCA occurred after colonization with P. aeruginosa. All colonized patients did not develop BPI-ANCA. The BPI-ANCA levels were fairly stable during the disease course, but decreased significantly following lung transplantation.Conclusion:BPI-ANCA responses follow colonization with P. aeruginosa and may be predictive for lung damage