190 research outputs found

    Analysis of constructed wetland performance for irrigation reuse

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    Most of the wastewater treatment systems in small rural communities of the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) consist of constructed wetlands (CW) with horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF). It is believed that those systems allow the compliance of discharge standards as well as the production of final effluents with suitability for reuse. Results obtained in a nine-month campaign in an HSSF bed pointed out that COD and TSS removal were lower than expected. A discrete sampling also showed that removal of TC, FC and HE was not enough to fulfill international irrigation goals. However, the bed had a very good response to variation of incoming nitrogen loads presenting high removal of nitrogen forms. A good correlation between mass load and mass removal rate was observed for BOD5, COD, TN, NH4-N, TP and TSS, which shows a satisfactory response of the bed to the variable incoming loads. The entrance of excessive loads of organic matter and solids contributed for the decrease of the effective volume for pollutant uptake and therefore, may have negatively influenced the treatment capability. Primary treatment should be improved in order to decrease the variation of incoming organic and solid loads and to improve the removal of COD, solids and pathogenic. The final effluent presented good physical–chemical quality to be reused for irrigation, which is the most likely application in the area

    “Entre séculos”: para uma abordagem histórico-literária da poesia portuguesa entre o Barroco e a Ilustração

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    Questionando a aplicabilidade do modelo periodológico das histórias romântica e positivista ao estudo da poesia portuguesa dos sécs. xvii-xviii, este texto pretende indagar sobre novas possibilidades metodológicas surgidas no domínio da teorização contemporânea. Teremos, assim, em consideração um âmbito particular, visando o contexto literário entre Barroco e Ilustração (Bègue, Ruiz Pérez); a que somamos o âmbito geral da historiografia literária contemporânea, no qual se propõem novas abordagens temáticas e modelos alternativos de configuração do sentido (Bourdieu, Greenblatt, Valdés). Em suma, procuramos levar a efeito uma revalorização da literatura setecentista através dos instrumentos da nova história literária. História Literária que, através da assimilação de um conjunto de novas perspetivas (sociológicas e hermenêuticas), se nos afigura como percurso renovado, capaz de responder aos desafios institucionais e críticos que a constituem

    Impact of the Use of Social Networks on the Growth of Tourism Development, Districts of Isla Umbú, Humaitá and Paso de Patria, Year 2022 –2023

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    El turismo, factor significativo en el sector económico a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad con el uso de las redes sociales permiten brindar mayores datos e información con alcance de gran magnitud y en forma masiva a usuarios de todos los rincones del mundo sin discriminación. Desde esta perspectiva, se tiene por objetivo determinar el uso de las redes sociales, por los pobladores, del distrito de Isla Umbú, Humaitá y Paso de Patria, en los años 2022 – 2023; considerando el impacto que tienen estas herramientas para el incremento del turismo en la zona. Se adopta una metodología no experimental de tipo descriptivo, con enfoque mixto, cuali- cuantitativo, de corte transversal a partir de un cuestionario y entrevista, aplicado a una muestra aleatoria simple intencional, compuesta, por 3 intendentes, 3 concejales, 10 referentes comerciales, y a 20 pobladores, teniendo como problemática la relevancia del uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación como herramientas de potencial acceso y alcance para permitir la difusión y captación de clientes a  los destinos turísticos de las zonas geográficas del departamento de Ñeembucú anteriormente mencionadas. La realización de esta investigación, se circunscribe en la necesidad de superar las barreras para el acceso digital, y el aporte de las redes sociales, mediante su buen uso, evidenciándose en la revisión bibliográfica, ahondar en el alcance de los conceptos, identificando los aspectos esenciales del sector económico; concluyendo, que las redes sociales influyen en la economía local, ya que a través de las mismas se pueden publicitar y dar a conocer, los atractivos turísticos de los Distritos, y servicios del comercio local, afirmándose, que el uso de las redes sociales, es fundamental para el desarrollo del turismo, que muchos turistas han tenido la oportunidad de contactar y conocer los Distritos, mediante las redes sociales.Tourism, a significant factor in the economic sector worldwide, and currently with the use of social networks allows greater data and information to be provided with a large scope and massively to users from all corners of the world without discrimination. From this perspective, the objective is to determine the use of social networks by the residents of the district of Isla Umbú, Humaitá and Paso de Patria, in the year 2022 – 2023; considering the impact that these tools have on increasing tourism in the area. A non-experimental descriptive methodology is adopted, with a mixed, qualitative-quantitative, cross-sectional approach based on a questionnaire and interview, applied to a simple intentional random sample, composed of 3 mayors, 3 councilors, 10 commercial representatives, and 20 residents, having as a problem the relevance of the use of information and communication technologies as tools of potential access and reach to allow the dissemination and attraction of clients to the tourist destinations of the geographical areas of the department of Ñeembucú mentioned above. The conduct of this research is limited to the need to overcome the barriers to digital access, and the contribution of social networks, through their good use, evident in the bibliographic review, delving into the scope of the concepts, identifying the aspects essential to the economic sector; concluding, that social networks influence the local economy, since through them the tourist attractions of the Districts, and local commerce services, can be advertised and made known, stating that the use of social networks, It is fundamental for the development of tourism, that many tourists have had the opportunity to contact and get to know the Districts, through social networks

    Leigh Syndrome with Atypical Cerebellum Imaging Features

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    Eating habits and Body Mass Index (BMI), in teachers of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences- UNP, 2021

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    La alimentación cumple una función fundamental en el bienestar integral y la salud humana, ésta se halla relacionada directamente con los hábitos alimentarios que, a su vez, se configuran influenciados por el modo de vida de las personas, su familia y su cultura. El presente estudio, tiene como propósito caracterizar los hábitos alimentarios y su relación con el IMC, presentado por docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Administrativas y Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Pilar. Se aplica un estudio correlacional cuantitativo, observacional y transversal, que busca relacionar los hábitos alimentarios con el diagnóstico de sobrepeso. El tipo de muestreo, fue no probabilístico y por conveniencia. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado de Google Forms, previamente validado por expertos. Los hallazgos más importantes fueron que el 63%  de los  docentes presentan sobrepeso y obesidad, los varones tienen una tendencia de adquirir sobrepeso u obesidad en 1,5 veces más que las mujeres. La edad, los hábitos alimentarios, la práctica de ejercicios físicos se halla relacionada con el sobrepeso y obesidad.Food plays a fundamental role in comprehensive well-being and human health, it is directly related to eating habits that, in turn, are influenced by the way of life of people, their family and their culture. The purpose of this study is to characterize eating habits and their relationship with BMI, presented by teachers from the Faculty of Accounting, Administrative and Economic Sciences of the National University of Pilar. A quantitative, observational and cross-sectional correlational study is applied, which seeks to relate eating habits with the diagnosis of overweight. The type of sampling was non-probabilistic and for convenience. A structured Google Forms questionnaire, previously validated by experts, was used. The most important findings were that 63% of teachers are overweight and obese, men have a tendency to become overweight or obese 1.5 times more than women. Age, eating habits, the practice of physical exercises are related to overweight and obesity

    El maniquí como metáfora de la condición humana : De cómo las artes visuales y el diseño de indumentaria comparten códigos en común

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    La moda y las artes visuales han estado en íntima relación desde hace tiempo. Uno se ha servido del otro como fuente de inspiración. Partiendo de este pensamiento relacional e indagando más allá de la estética que puedan presentar uno y otro respectivamente, el trabajo aborda las correspondencias (diseño y arte) a partir de un elemento común: el maniquí. Personaje que se sitúa entre los hombres y los objetos. Figura que nos remite a un mundo no humano que pone en evidencia la crisis existencial del hombre contemporáneo y su propia condición humana. En esta línea, el trabajo considera las obras de De Chirico, Cindy Sherman, Nicholas Cope, Dustin Arnold y Muriel Nisse, entre otros y, se fundamenta en las voces de Nietzsche, Deleuze, Luc Nancy y Kristeva, por nombrar a algunos.Eje 3: La interdisciplina en las producciones artísticas.Facultad de Bellas Arte


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    O presente texto tem como intuito geral mapear a presença da poesia do período barroco nos manuais e seletas escolares desde meados do século XIX até à atualidade. Para tal, centramo-nos na análise dos excertos críticos e comentários numa antologia em que as composições dos cancioneiros barrocos assumem destaque: Textos Literários – Séculos XVII e XVIII, da autoria de Maria Ema Tarracha Ferreira. Tendo sido publicada pela primeira vez em 1967, esta obra conheceu várias edições ao longo da década de 70 do século XX e constitui a fonte de onde se extraiu o pequeno conjunto de poemas no manual Aula Viva de Literatura Portuguesa (10.º ano), de 2010. Procurando compreender em que medida o cânone escolar reflete a evolução das perspetivas da história e da crítica literária, este estudo levar-nos-á em última instância a indagar sobre uma conceção definidora do cânone da literatura portuguesa

    Interpretación teórica del p valor: Theoretical interpretation of the p value

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    Leigh syndrome with atypical cerebellar lesions

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    Leigh Syndrome is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, with significant phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity. It usually presents in early life, with a severe prognosis. It can be caused by more than 75 different gene mutations, of nuclear and mitochondrial origin, involving all respiratory chain complexes, with less than 25% of Leigh syndrome having mitochondrial DNA mutations. The typical pathologic hallmarks are focal, bilateral, and symmetric lesions in the basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, cerebral white matter and spinal cord gray matter, usually with T2WI and FLAIR hyperintensity. The basal ganglia and thalami frequently present with a pattern of cytotoxic edema. We present one case with clinical and analytical features consistent with Leigh Syndrome, with peculiar imaging features, showing dominant cerebellar edematous changes with unexpected petechial component suggestive of microangiopathy. To our knowledge, these features are unreported and suggest the existence of microvascular lesions. Based on the reported imaging findings, we propose that Leigh Syndrome should be added to the differential diagnosis of acute cerebellitis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio