4 research outputs found

    Cytotoxic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Persea Americana Mill. Leaves on Hela Cervical Cancer Cell

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    Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancer in women. The high mortality rate indicates that chemotherapy has not overcome cancer disease. Strategies and development of cervical cancer treatment should be pursued. Avocado leaf (Persea americana Mill) is one of natural product that had antioxidant activity by scavenging radicals and cytotoxic activity. The aim of the study was to identify the cytotoxic activity on HeLa cervix cancer cells and to identify the chemical subtance groups of avocado leaves ethanol extract as chemopreventive agent. Active contents of avocado leaves was extracted by maceration with 96% ethanol. Chromatographic test were done to identify the chemical substances of avocado extract. Cytotoxic activity of avocado leaves ethanol extract was measured using MTT assay. The result of the phytochemical screening with thin layer chromatography test showed that the extract of avocado leaf contained flavonoids, alcaloids, and saponin. Avocado leaves ethanol extract inhibited HeLa cell growth with the IC50 of 360 µg/mL. Morphology of Hela cell showed that extract inhibited cell growth in dose dependent

    Pandan Leaves Extract (Pandanus Amaryllifolius Roxb) as a Food Preservative

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    Background : Food poisoning or foodborne disease is still a serious concern in Indonesia. The use of harmful synthetic chemical preservatives are still widely found in society. Therefore, it would require efforts to develop safe natural preservatives― for instance, from Pandan leaves (Pandanus amayllifolius Roxb) which are often used as a natural food coloring and flavor concentrates, and has also widely known to have anti-bacterial activities. Objective : This study aims to determine the potential of pandan leaves extract (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) in lowering the total plate count and the number of mold on traditional food. Methods : After making the water of pandan leaves extract, a phytochemical test was done to determine bioactive compounds, such as tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols which has anti-microbial properties. In order to determine its food preservatives capabilities, Total Plate Count and Number of Mold was used on a traditional food called Putu Ayu. Results : Pandan leaves extract contain bioactive compound like tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. There were no colonization found in Putu Ayu that was added 15% pandan leaves extract concentration in 101 dilution. The result of Number of Mold Count of Putu Ayu that contain 15% pandan leaves extract concentration showed no mold growth in 104 dilution but failed to provide good fragarance and flavor in food products. Conclusion : Pandan leaves extract in the concentration of 15% were able to decrease Total Plate Count and Number of Mold in traditional food

    Pandan Leaves Extract (Pandanus Amaryllifolius Roxb) as a Food Preservative

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    Background : Food poisoning or foodborne disease is still a serious concern in Indonesia. The use of harmful synthetic chemical preservatives are still widely found in society. Therefore, it would require efforts to develop safe natural preservatives― for instance, from Pandan leaves (Pandanus amayllifolius Roxb) which are often used as a natural food coloring and flavor concentrates, and has also widely known to have anti-bacterial activities. Objective : This study aims to determine the potential of pandan leaves extract (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) in lowering the total plate count and the number of mold on traditional food. Methods : After making the water of pandan leaves extract, a phytochemical test was done to determine bioactive compounds, such as tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols which has anti-microbial properties. In order to determine its food preservatives capabilities, Total Plate Count and Number of Mold was used on a traditional food called Putu Ayu. Results : Pandan leaves extract contain bioactive compound like tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. There were no colonization found in Putu Ayu that was added 15% pandan leaves extract concentration in 101 dilution. The result of Number of Mold Count of Putu Ayu that contain 15% pandan leaves extract concentration showed no mold growth in 104 dilution but failed to provide good fragarance and flavor in food products. Conclusion : Pandan leaves extract in the concentration of 15% were able to decrease Total Plate Count and Number of Mold in traditional food

    Perbedaan Kualitas Tanaman Mint (Mentha Spicata L) Hidroponik Dan Konvensional Berdasarkan Morfologi Tanaman, Profil Kromatogram, Dan Kadar Minyak Atsiri

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    Mint is one of the essential oil-producing plants. Essential oils of Mentha spicata L or spearmint are widely used as raw materials in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical preparations industries. The main components of spearmint are karvon, limonen, cineol, dihydrocarvol, myrcene, and 0.5% menthol. The components contained in spearmint have properties as herbal remedies. Plant cultivation greatly determined the results of standardized drug ingredients. Cultivation with the right planting system can affect the quality of simplicia. This research were a descriptive study to differentiate the quality of plants. This study aimed to determine differences in plant morphology, chromatogram profile and levels of spearmint essential oil between hydroponic and conventional planting systems. Observation of plant morphology includes the size, color of the stem and leaves. Essential oil content is calculated from refined oil by steam and water distillation method. Spearmint oil was analyzed on thin layer chromatography methode using the silica gel F254 as a stationary phase and hexane-ethyl acetate (8: 2) as a mobile phase, with spot visualization under UV254 and anisaldehyde-H2SO4 . The results showed that the morphology of Mentha spicata L with hydrophonic  planting systems had a bigger size in stem and leaves, but the leaves had more bright green than a conventional plant. The chromatogram profile did not show differences in the number of spots and Rf. Mentha spicata L with conventional planting systems had a sharper intensity of color on one of the volatile oil spot, and suggested  due to menthol. The levels volatile oil of Mentha spicata L hydroponic and conventional were determined as 0.0326% and 0.0323% . The Independent T-test analysis  showed that there were not a significant differences