5 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK  Fokus penelitian ini adalah implementasi kewenangan Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam penegakan Peraturan Daerah di Kabupaten Bogor, dengan tujuan dapat memahami fungsi Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil, apa kewenangan dan bagaimana implementasi kewenangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Kewenangan yang merupakan hak yang dimiliki seorang pejabat pemerintah atau institusi dan lembaga pemerintahan untuk menjalankan wewenang berdasarkan undang-undang. Teori Penegakan Hukum, proses mewujudkan keinginan- keinginan hukum dalam hal ini pikiran badan-badan pembuat undang-undang yang dirumuskan dalam peraturan-peraturan. Teori Sanksi, untuk dapat mengetahui apakah sanksi memberikan pengaruh terhadap sikap patuh atau tidak patuh terhadap norma yang dimuat dalam peraturan daerah. Peneliti menjabarkan bentuk-bentuk wewenang, dan macam-macam sanksi dalam proses penegakan hukum. Penelitian menggunakan Metode Normatif Empiris, sedangkan sifat penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriftif analitis. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kepustakaan, penelitian lapangan, dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat penulis simpulkan: a. Fungsi PPNS yaitu sebagai pegawai negeri sipil yang diberikan wewenang untuk melakukan 2. Kewenangan PPNS Kabupaten Bogor mempunyai wewenang untuk melakukan penyidikan terhadap masyarakat atau badan hukum yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap peraturan daerah. Faktor pendukung meliputi kualitas aparatur baik sisi kemampuan skill dalam melakukan penyidikan dan latar belakang pendidikan dan dukungan dari sisi regulasi/kebiijakan pemerintah. Sementara penghambat mliputi minimnya sarana/prasana, masih kurangnya jumlah PPNS dan sanksi yang tidak tegas. Kata Kunci: PPNS, penegakan peraturan daerah, Implementasi.                         ABSTRACT  The focus of this research is the implementation of the authority of Civil Servant Investigators in the enforcement of Regional Regulations in Bogor Regency, with the aim of being able to understand the function of Civil Servant Investigators, what authority is and how the authority is implemented. This study uses Authority Theory, which is the right of a government official or government institution and institution to exercise authority based on law. Law Enforcement Theory, the process of realizing legal desires, in this case the minds of lawmaking bodies formulated in regulations. Sanction Theory, to find out whether sanctions have an effect on obedience or disobedience to the norms contained in regional regulations. Researchers describe the forms of authority and types of sanctions in the law enforcement process. The study used the Normative Empirical Method, while the nature of the research used in this study was analytical descriptive. Data collection techniques using literature, field research, and interviews. Based on the research results, the authors conclude : a. The PPNS function is as a civil servant who is given the authority to perform 2. Authority PPNS Bogor Regency has the authority to carry out investigations against the public or legal entities that violate local regulations. Supporting factors include the quality of the apparatus both in terms of skills in conducting investigations and educational background and support from the side of government regulations / policies. Meanwhile, the obstacles include the lack of facilities / infrastructure, the insufficient number of PPNS and unclear sanctions  Keywords: PPNS, enforcement of local regulations, implementation

    Thermal Energy Corporation Combined Heat and Power Project

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    To meet the planned heating and cooling load growth at the Texas Medical Center (TMC), Thermal Energy Corporation (TECO) implemented Phase 1 of a Master Plan to install an additional 32,000 tons of chilled water capacity, a 75,000 ton-hour (8.8 million gallon) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank, and a 48 MW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system. The Department of Energy selected TMC for a $10 million grant award as part of the Financial Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement, U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology, Recovery Act: Deployment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems, District Energy Systems, Waste Energy Recovery Systems, and Efficiency Industrial Equipment Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0000044 to support the installation of a new 48 MW CHP system at the TMC located just outside downtown Houston. As the largest medical center in the world, TMC is home to many of the nationâs best hospitals, physicians, researchers, educational institutions, and health care providers. TMC provides care to approximately six million patients each year, and medical instruction to over 71,000 students. A medical center the size of TMC has enormous electricity and thermal energy demands to help it carry out its mission. Reliable, high-quality steam and chilled water are of utmost importance to the operations of its many facilities. For example, advanced medical equipment, laboratories, laundry facilities, space heating and cooling all rely on the generation of heat and power. As result of this project TECO provides this mission critical heating and cooling to TMC utilizing a system that is both energy-efficient and reliable since it provides the capability to run on power independent of the already strained regional electric grid. This allows the medical center to focus on its primary mission â providing top quality medical care and instruction â without worrying about excessive energy costs or the loss of heating and cooling due to the risk of power outages. TECOâs operation is the largest Chilled Water District Energy System in the United States. The company used DOEâs funding to help install a new high efficiency CHP system consisting of a Combustion Turbine and a Heat Recovery Steam Generator. This CHP installation was just part of a larger project undertaken by TECO to ensure that it can continue to meet TMCâs growing needs. The complete efficiency overhaul that TECO undertook supported more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs in manufacturing, engineering, and construction, with approximately 400 of those being jobs directly associated with construction of the combined heat and power plant. This showcase industrial scale CHP project, serving a critical component of the nationâs healthcare infrastructure, directly and immediately supported the energy efficiency and job creation goals established by ARRA and DOE. It also provided an unsurpassed model of a district energy CHP application that can be replicated within other energy intensive applications in the industrial, institutional and commercial sectors

    Transluminal angioplasty in postsurgical stenosis of the extracranial carotid artery.

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    Transluminal angioplasty of the common carotid artery was beneficial in a patient with postendarterectomy recurrent stenosis due to fibrous myointimal hyperplasia. This lesion is the major cause of restenosis within the first 24 postoperative months and has histologic characteristics quite favorable for angioplasty with minimal possibility for embolic complications. Since surgery is a proven procedure with low morbidity/mortality for most patients, the authors believe transluminal angioplasty for carotid restenosis should be limited to surgically inaccessible lesions or patients presenting unacceptable operative risk, as in the case described