29 research outputs found

    Aerobic biodegradation of per-treated methyl tert-butyl ether by ozonation in an up-flow-fixed-bed reactor

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    Problem Statement: MTBE is a common pollution of environmental and has become an issue of considerable concern in recent years. It is not readily amenable to remove MTBE by conventional techniques in water treatment. In the present study, the feasibility of the continuous aerobic biodegradation of MTBE, was evaluated in an Up- Flow Fixed Bed Reactor (UFBR). Approach: The UFBR at a constant Hydroulic Retention Time (HRT) of 24 h was used as a biological process that receives the intermediates due to partial oxidation of MTBE. The UFBR coupled to ozonation process as a survey system after a primary operation phase that was necessary for creatory of an initial microbial film on the carriers. Residual concentration of MTBE and its major degradation intermediates were measured by gas chromatography. Aqueous concentration of ozone in the reactor and ozone average concentration in off- gas were determined according to the indigo blue method. The COD reduction and BOD5 to COD ratio were selected as biodegradability indexes. Results: Results showed an effective degradation of MTBE in the coupled ozonation-UFBR continuous flow reactor of ten days of operation time. A partial degradation of MTBE in AOPs increases its biodegradation The BOD5 to COD ratio increased from lowest (0.01) up to a maximum of 0.72 that corresponds to an ozone consumption of 0.62mg per each mg of COD initially present in the solution. The results showed when m. MolMTBEo/m. Mol(o3) = 0.611, the COD removal efficiency was 89% and as this ratio increased up to 1.25, the of COD removal efficiency decreased to 80%. 46-68% removal of the COD was needed before the mixture was considered biodegradable. The highest removal rate of MTBE, 82.91 mg day-l achieved through out the UFBR runs (87% removal efficiency, In this study, the removal efficiency of MTBE using integrated-process (ozonation followed biological treatment) was from 78.5-86.5%. In order to determine of biological removal rate of MTBE, another UFBR system used as a blank reactors. Results showed that the efficiency of the COD removal (by stripping with the biological degradation) was 5-8% which implies insignificant biological removal of MTBE without pre-ozonation. Solid produced in the proposed integrated process was 0.27-0.35 kg TSS kg-1 COD removed which is approximately in down range of conventional biological system (0.3-0.5 kg TSS kg-1COD). Conclusion: Present study showed that we can treatment of the polluted aqueous solutions to MTBE without microbial incubation used to integrated process. © 2009 Science Publications

    Study of Oxydimeton methyl residues in cucumber & tomato grown in some of greenhouses of Chaharmahal va Bachtiari province by HPLC method

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    زمینه و هدف: استفاده بیش از حد از آفت کش ها در تولید محصولات کشاورزی به عنوان یک عامل خطر برای سلامتی انسان و آلودگی محیط زیست مطرح می باشد. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی میزان باقیمانده سم اکسی دیمتون متیل در خیار و گوجه فرنگی گلخانه ای در استان چهارمحال و بختیاری انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی – تحلیلی آزمایشـــگاهی 60 نمونه گوجه فرنگی و خیار از سطح گلخانه های استان به روش تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. میزان سم نمونه ها قبل از شستن، بعد از شستن و پس از پوست کندن با اتیل استات - ان- هگزان استخراج گردید و پس از خارج کردن حلال میزان سم استخراج شده با کروماتوگرافی مایع با عملکرد بالا (HPLC) اندازه گیری شد. برای تحلیل اطلاعات از آزمون های ناپارامتری رتبه علامت دار ویلکاکسون و فراید من استفاده شد. یافته ها: میانگین باقیمانده سم در خیار نشسته 17/0±23/0، خیار شسته 6/0±15/0 و خیار پوست کنده 5/0±08/0 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم بود (001/0

    Degradation of benzo (a) pyrene by photo-fenton oxidation process: Optimization of treatment conditions using experimental design

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    زمینه و هدف: هیدروکربن‌های آروماتیک چند حلقه‌ای (PAHs)، از جمله آلاینده‌های بسیار سمی، سرطان‌زا و پایدار می‌باشند که از 2 یا چند حلقه بنزنی ساخته شده‌اند؛ همچنین به علت حلالیت پائین و پایداری آن ها در محیط زیست، در دسته آلاینده‌های آلی پایدار (POPs) قرار می‌گیرند. پرخطر‌ترین ترکیب این گروه بنزو (a) پیرن است که سرطان‌زایی آن توسط سازمان بهداشت جهانی تأیید شده است. در این تحقیق میزان تجزیه بنزو (a) پیرن با استفاده از فرآیند اکسیداسیون فتوفنتون و بهینه سازی شرایط تصفیه با استفاده از طراحی آزمایش مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی، اثر غلظت اولیه بنزو (a) پیرن 5/0، 5/1، 5/2، 5/3، 5/4 میلی گرم بر لیتر، pH بهینه 3، زمان تابش 45، 35، 25، 15، 5 دقیقه، مقدار سولفات آهن 05/0، 15/0، 25/0، 35/0، 45/0 میلی مولار و مقدار H2O2 5/0، 5/1، 5/2، 5/3، 5/4 میلی مولار مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. 31 نمونه با استفاده از روش آماری مرکب مرکزی تعیین شد. غلطت بنزو (a) پیرن با استفاده از دستگاه کروماتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا (HPLC) مجهز به ستون 18C اندازه گیری شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم افزار Design Expert انجام شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که راندمان حذف بنزو (a) پیرن با افزایش مقدار سولفات آهن، H2O2 و زمان تابش افزایش و با افزایش غلظت بنزو (a) پیرن کاهش یافت. حداکثر کارآیی حذف در شرایط 5/3 میلی گرم بر لیتر بنزو (a) پیرن، 35/0 میلی مولار سولفات آهن، 9/2 میلی مولار پراکسید هیدروژن و زمان تابش 45 دقیقه، 93 به دست آمد. نتیجه گیری: طبق نتایج به دست آمده، فرآیند فتوفنتون یک روش موثر در حذف بنزو (a) پیرن از محلول ‌های آبی است و با بهینه سازی عوامل عملیاتی موثر، می‌توان این فرآیند پاک را در مقیا‌س‌ بزرگ ‌تر انجام داد

    Catecholamines are active plant-based drug compounds in Pisum sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris and Vicia faba Species

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    Introduction: Catecholamines (L-DOPA and dopamine) are the key metabolites found in nervous system and their endogenous deficiency is associated with different patho-physiological disorders. Therefore, it is important to screen the new herbal sources of catecholamines for drug preparation. In this study, the amount of L-DOPA and dopamine were investigated in the leaves and roots of three species from legume family such as Pisum sativum (garden pea), Phaseolus vulgaris (haricot bean) and Vicia faba (broad bean); using TLC and HPLC. Methods: The seeds of P. sativum, P. Vulgaris and V. faba were treated and cultured under the glasshouse conditions. The extraction from 1 gram of each plant sample was obtained and assayed for L-DOPA and dopamine using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and reversed-phase HPLC. Results: The results indicated that all cultivars accumulated different levels of L-DOPA and dopamine in leaves and roots. The quantitative results showed that the metabolites concentrations were high in the leaves of P. Sativum and V. faba compared to that in roots. Conclusion: The present study may provide a new avenue for preparation and estimation of L-DOPA and dopamine from plant sources and may be used for further analysis and therapeutic studies

    Compare the effects of atorvastatin and omega-3 on index of lipid oxidation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background and aims: Oxidative stress in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome causes a lot of problems and oxidized lipids increase the risk of many diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in malondialdehyde (MDA) following treatment with atorvastatin and omega-3. To identify the factors causing the decline lipid oxidation are particularly important in the management and treatment of these patients. Methods: In this clinical trial study, patients with this syndrome were divided into three groups based on the visit. The first group, 26 patients consumed 4g per day omega -3. The second group, 27 patients consumed 20 mg per day atorvastatin and control group, 29 patients received placebo. After gathering all the samples using standard method for measuring lipid profile, the level of malondialdehyde was detected by the HPLC, insulin and testosterone were measured by ELISA. Data were analyzed with using paired t-test and ANOVA in SPSS software. Results: Omega-3 supplementation decreased malondialdehyde and testosterone. It also had a positive effect on raising HDL-C. Atorvastatin only decreased malondialdehyde in the atorvastatin recipients. Conclusion: Omega-3 supplements or atorvastatin in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome reduces the lipid oxidation and MDA level. It is expected to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome by reduction of lipid oxidation

    Survey of the residual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum contaminated soils in Shahrekord in 2013

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    زمینه و هدف: هیدروکربن های آروماتیک چند حلقه ای (PAHs) گروه بزرگی از آلایند های محیطی را تشکیل می دهند که به دلیل سمیت، سرطان زایی و نیز مقاومت نسبت به تجزیه از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار هستند. منشاً اصلی ورود آن ها به محیط، نفت و فراورده های نفتی می باشد. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین باقیمانده هیدروکربن‌های آروماتیک چند حلقه ای در خاک های آلوده به ترکیبات نفتی در شهرستان شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی، از سه نوع سایت آلوده در شهرستان شهرکرد (سایت حومه خطوط انتقال نفت پس از حادثه شکستگی خط لوله، سایت در معرض دود اگزوز و سایت مخازن ذخیره سوخت) به صورت تصادفی نمونه برداری انجام و غلظت فنانترن و پایرن پس از استخراج توسط دستگاه کرواتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا (HPLC) اندازه گیری شد. یافته ها: میانگین غلظت فنانترن و پایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال به ترتیب 8/6±14/24 و 42/20±67/50، میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم در سایت مخازن ذخیره به ترتیب 02/0±22/0 و 1±5/2 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم و در مناطق در معرض دود به ترتیب 45/19±24/32 و 23/36±32/61 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم بود. رابطه بین غلظت های فنانترن و پایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال و مخازن نفت با توجه به استاندارد سازمان بهداشت جهانی (WHO) و آژانس ثبت بیماری ها و مواد سمی (ATSDR) و همچنین در سایت در معرض دود اگزوز با توجه به استانداردWHO معنی دار می باشند که نشانگر آلودگی شدید در این مناطق می باشد. نتیجه گیری: غلظت فنانترن وپایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال با کاربری کشاورزی به طور متوسط به ترتیب 200 و 500 برابر استاندارد WHO برای خاک های کشاورزی (خاک غیر آلوده) و غلظت فنانترن و پایرن برای پمپ بنزین های اندازه گیری شده به طور متوسط 6 و 12 برابر استاندارد WHO برای سایت های در معرض اگزوز اتومبیل اندازه گیری شده است؛ بنابراین بایستی راهکارهای مناسب پالایش (از جمله زیست پالایی) این خاک ها مد نظر قرار گیرد

    Residues of oxytetracycline in cultured rainbow trout

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    Nowadays, antibiotics are widely used in aquatic animals to control and treatment of infections or as food supplement for growth increase and animal output. With increasing use of veterinary drugs in food production, there is global consideration about the consumption of antimicrobial residues in aquatic foods and their effects on human health. This study was aimed to evaluate the Oxytetracycline (OTC) residues in Rainbow trout meat in Shahre-kord (Iran) markets before and after frying. After randomized collection of 50 samples of fish in Shahre-kord markets in a six months period were examined. The prepared samples were examined for OTC residues using HPLC analytical method before and after frying. Results showed that 3 (6) of the samples before frying and 12 (24) after frying were having lower than Maximum residual limits (MRLs) in Codex alimentarius. However, mean OTC residues before and after frying samples were above MRLs. The mean amounts of OTC were 2260±1090 and 1110±930 ng g-1 before and after frying, respectively. These findings show that the frying of fish reduces OTC residual. Nevertheless, the usage of OTC should be reduced to an acceptable level in fishery industry. © 2013 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Effect of 8 weeks resistance training on sphingosine-1- phosphate level and gene expression of SK1 enzyme, isoforms of MHCs in skeletal muscles of male Wistar Rats

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    Background and Objective: Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is involved in regulation of proliferation, differentiation, hypertrophy and anti-apoptosis and activation of satellite cells. This study was done to evaluated the effect of 8 weeks resistance training on sphingosine-1-phosphate level and gene expression of SK1 enzyme, isoforms of MHCs in skeletal muscles of male Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was done on Twenty four 8-week-old 190-250 gr male Wistar rats. The rats were allocated randomly into control (N=12) and training (N=12) groups. Resistance training was done using a 1 meter height ladder with 2 cm grid with an 85 degree incline, and weights attached to rat's tails. The content of S1P present in the chloroform layer was determined by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Determination of relative mRNA expression was performed by Real-time PCR. Data were analyzed using SPSS-17, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and independent t-test. Results: Resistance exercise training increased the total content of S1P in FHL (fast-twitch) and soleus (slow-twitch) muscles in comparison with control group (P<0.05). Resistance exercise training changed the gene expression of FHL SK1, SOL SK1, FHL MHC I, Sol MHC I, FHL MHC IIa, Sol MHC IIa, FHL MHC IIb, Sol MHC IIb, FHL MHC IIx, Sol MHC IIx in comparison with control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that S1P level and gene expression of SK1, MHCs increased at skeletal muscles after training

    Evaluation of minerals, phenolics and anti-radical activity of three species of Iranian berberis fruit

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    The amounts of substances together with nutritional and medicinal properties of fruits from Berberidaceae family vary between the plant species. Aluminum chloride colorimetric assay was used for flavonoids determination in 250 g of dried fruit. The Folin-Ciocalteau method was used to determine the total phenolic compound contents. The free radical-scavenging activity was examined by stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay. The level of total phenol in different Berberis Ecotypes was 241.5 mg/g for Black berberis khorasanica, 296.8 mg/g for Black berberis bakhtiarica and 157.5 mg/g for Red berberis khorasanica. Furthermore, anti-radical activities (IC50) of these three Iranian Berberis species were 221.1, 58.38 and 123.2 μg/mL respectively. The level of flavonol in Black berberis khorasanica was approximately 2.42-fold higher than Black berberis bakhtiarica and 5.49-fold higher than Red berberis khorasanica. The content of flavonoids in Black berberis bakhtiarica was aproximately 2 times more than its level in Black berberis khorasanica and 3.55 times more than its level in Red berberis khorasanica. The highest amount of phenol and total phenols were observed in Black berberis bakhtiarica as its anti-radical activity was approximately 3.8 times more than Black berberis khorasanica and 2.1 times more than Red Berberis khorasanica. We showed high level of antioxidant compounds in Black berberis bakhtiarica. Considering the rate of elements and compounds in three Iranian Berberis ecotypes and based on their antioxidant and anti-radical effects, the berberis can be of benefit to oppose free radicals in the body

    Removal of 17β-Estradiol (E2) from Aqueous Solutions Using Potassium Permanganate Combined with Ultraviolet (KMnO4/UV)

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    17β-Estradiol (E2) has a significant health risk to humans, even at the ng/L level, and is discharged to the aqueous environment through wastewater. Advanced oxidation processes were proposed as an efficient process for the removal of E2. In this study, a combination of ultraviolet-C (UV-C) and KMnO4 was applied for the removal of E2. Results have shown that the removal efficiency of E2 in pH 4 (acidic condition) was 93.80 ± 0.42%. But, removal efficiency in neutral (7) and alkaline (10) conditions was 78.3 ± 2.12% and 84 ± 0.71%, respectively. The effect of Fe+2, Ca+2, Mg+2, Mn+2, and Fe+3 ions (1 mg/L) was investigated in optimized pH (4). Mn+2, Fe+2, and Ca+2 ions enhanced the removal efficiency to 94.8 ± 0.84%, 95.55 ± 0.07%, and 94.7 ± 0.14%, respectively (p > 0.05), while Mg+2 and Fe+3 ions decreased the removal efficiency significantly to 76.15 ± 1% and 83.91 ± 0.3% (p 0.05). The result indicates that the rate of oxidation of E2 is related to the second exponent of the initial concentration of E2 for optimum pH and the presence of all ions. But, in the presence of humic substances, the first-order kinetic reaction was best applicable in describing oxidation of E2. Removal of chemical oxygen demand for E2 after 120 minutes’ of contact time at optimum pH (86 ± 4.2%) demonstrated mineralization of these compounds at acceptable levels. Results presented that the UV-C/KMnO4 process is efficient for the removal of hormones from the aqueous solutio