48 research outputs found
This paper presents the study on determination of the free amino acid in blood serum of cows with high milk production (Herd A) and cows with subclinical ketosis compared to healthy ones (Herd B). In Herd A examinated 12 cows in the first 100 days in milk. A total of 24 cows from a herd B divided into two groups: experimental (12 cows with ketosis) and control (12 healthy cows) were included in the study. Statistically significantly higher concentrations of glutamine, glutamic acid, isoleucine (p ≤ 0.001), and tyrosine (p ≤ 0.05) were found in dairy cows with subclinical ketosis compared to healthy ones. A significant decrease in the concentrations of asparagine, histidine, methionine, and serine (p ≤ 0.001) as well as alanine, leucine, lysine and proline (p ≤ 0.05) was observed. In Herd A was high level of total essential amino acids in blood serum. In our study, the changes, in particular, observed in amino acid concentration in cows with subclinical ketosis indicate its intensive use in both ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis processes
Simultaneous assessment of acidogenesis-mitigation and specific bacterial growth-inhibition by dentifrices
Dentifrices can augment oral hygiene by inactivating bacteria and at sub-lethal concentrations may affect bacterial metabolism, potentially inhibiting acidogenesis, the main cause of caries. Reported herein is the development of a rapid method to simultaneously measure group-specific bactericidal and acidogenesis-mitigation effects of dentifrices on oral bacteria. Saliva was incubated aerobically and anaerobically in Tryptone Soya Broth, Wilkins-Chalgren Broth with mucin, or artificial saliva and was exposed to dentifrices containing triclosan/copolymer (TD); sodium fluoride (FD); stannous fluoride and zinc lactate (SFD1); or stannous fluoride, zinc lactate and stannous chloride (SFD2). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined turbidometrically whilst group-specific minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were assessed using growth media and conditions selective for total aerobes, total anaerobes, streptococci and Gram-negative anaerobes. Minimum acid neutralization concentration (MNC) was defined as the lowest concentration of dentifrice at which acidification was inhibited. Differences between MIC and MNC were calculated and normalized with respect to MIC to derive the combined inhibitory and neutralizing capacity (CINC), a cumulative measure of acidogenesis-mitigation and growth inhibition. The overall rank order for growth inhibition potency (MIC) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions was: TD> SFD2> SFD1> FD. Acidogenesis-mitigation (MNC) was ordered; TD> FD> SFD2> SFD1. CINC was ordered TD> FD> SFD2> SFD1 aerobically and TD> FD> SFD1> SFD2 anaerobically. With respect to group-specific bactericidal activity, TD generally exhibited the greatest potency, particularly against total aerobes, total anaerobes and streptococci. This approach enables the rapid simultaneous evaluation of acidity mitigation, growth inhibition and specific antimicrobial activity by dentifrices
Gibbs films of semi-fluorinated alkanes at the surface of alkane solutions
Adsorbed monolayer phases of semi-fluorinated alkanes F(CF2)(12)(CH2)(m)H with m = 12, 14, 16, and 18 (denoted F12Hm) at the free surface of their solutions in H-12 and H-16 solvents (dodecane, bicyclohexyl, and hexadecane) were studied by surface tension measurements and surface-sensitive X-ray techniques. Solutions in the two H-12 solvents exhibit sharp first-order phase transitions from a gaslike state at high temperature to a condensed state at lower temperatures. In the condensed film, the fluorocarbon blocks of the F12Hm, molecules are close-packed in two-dimensional hexagonal arrays (cross-sectional area, ca.28 circle/A(2)), but the in-plane order is rather short ranged, having a positional correlation length of only ca. 20 circle/A. The electron density profiles rho(e)(z) reveal that the mass centers of the fluorocarbon blocks are not aligned in a plane but distributed over a region of ca. 20-30 circle/A. The short-range order of these films is attributed to the packing frustration of the different diameters of the fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon blocks of the F12Hm molecules. Gibbs films Of F12H16 on hexadecane exhibit not a sharp transition but a gradual increase of the surface concentration below 25degreesC. This anomalous behavior is attributed tentatively to a solvation of the alkane block of the F12H16 molecules by the hydrocarbon solvent, which will prevent a close packing of the fluorocarbon blocks
Changes of the state of farm equipment into means of mechanization used in milk production
Chów bydła mlecznego, jego efekty ekonomiczne i produkcyjne są ściśle uzależnione od struktury gospodarstw rolnych specjalizujących się w tej dziedzinie. Celem prowadzonych badań ankietowych było określenie zmian, które zaszły w okresie ostatnich 20 lat w odniesieniu do stanu wyposażenia technicznego gospodarstw rolnych w środki mechanizacji stosowane do produkcji mleka. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w 2013 r. i objęto nimi 95 gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka usytuowanych w powiecie makowskim i ostrołęckim, w województwie mazowieckim. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na znaczny wzrost i rozwój wyposażenia technicznego gospodarstw, co przekłada się na zwiększenie obsady zwierząt w gospodarstwie oraz poprawę ich dobrostanu.Dairy cattle breeding, it’s economic and production effects are strictly dependent on the structure of agricultural holdings specialized in the art. In Poland there are many farms focused on milk production, but their held stocks are in average four times smaller than in the same farms of other EU countries and the yield of dairy cows is approx. 20% smaller. The aim of the survey study was to determine the changes that have taken place over the last 20 years in relation to the state of farm equipment in mechanization measures used in milk production. The study was conducted in 2013 and it included 95 farms specialized in milk production located in the district of Maków and Ostrołęka, in the Mazowieckie province. The results indicate a significant level of increase and modernization of technical equipment, which translates into an increasing number of animals held on the farm and the improvement of their living conditions and hygiene
Selected issues of the environmental noise pollution coming from the work of the agricultural machines and equipment
Bezpieczeństwo pracy w sektorze rolnictwa w znacznej mierze zależy od fachowej wiedzy w kontekście wykonywanych czynności agrotechnicznych, postępowaniu ze zwierzętami gospodarskimi oraz obsługi maszyn i urządzeń wykorzystywanych w produkcji rolniczej. W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę zagrożenia hałasem w rolniczym środowisku pracy. Przedstawiono główne źródła hałasu w rolnictwie oraz poziomy normatywne dla maszyn i urządzeń wykorzystywanych w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolniczych. Zaprezentowano podstawowe formy przeciwdziałania zagrożeniu hałasem w sektorze rolnictwa w Polsce.Work safety in the agricultural sector largely depends on the expertise within the context of their operations agronomic, dealing with livestock and operation of machinery and equipment used in agricultural production. The article presents the problem of noise pollution in the agricultural working environment. We present the main sources of noise in agriculture and normative levels achieved by machinery and equipment used on farms. The basic forms of counteracting threats noise in the agricultural sector in Poland was presented
Program for handling the service of agricultural machinery
Intensywny rozwój rolnictwa oraz jego mechanizacja spowodowały zapotrzebowanie na
tworzenie programów komputerowych wspomagających pracę rolników. Oprócz programów
do zarządzania gospodarstwem rolnym, zapisywania terminów oraz używanych
środków chemicznych, ważne są też inne, często nie brane pod uwagę przez wszystkich
użytkowników maszyn rolniczych. W niniejszej pracy poruszono kwestie związane
z oprogramowaniem komputerowym służącym serwisom maszyn rolniczych. Celem pracy
było zaprojektowanie i stworzenie oprogramowania pod nazwą SMR (Serwis Maszyn
Rolniczych), przeznaczonego do wspomagania zarządzania serwisem maszyn i urządzeń
eksploatowanych w rolnictwie. Program przewidziany jest do zastosowania w mniejszych
warsztatach, zajmujących się serwisowaniem sprzętu rolniczego. Umożliwi on planowanie
pracy w długim terminie, zapewni funkcjonalność i bezpieczeństwo zapisanych danych.
Baza danych zawiera informacje o kliencie, posiadanych przez niego urządzeniach
oraz zleceniach napraw poszczególnych urządzeń. Prace nad programem były konsultowane
z istniejącymi serwisami, w celu dostosowania jego funkcjonalności oraz aby uniknąć
stworzenia narzędzi, które nie byłyby używane lub byłyby używane bardzo rzadko.Intense development and mechanization of agriculture have caused a demand for creating
software solutions that support the work of farmers. In addition to programs for farm
management, keeping schedules and logs of used chemicals, other software, often not
taken into account by all users of agricultural machinery, is also important. This paper
addresses issues related to computer software used by agricultural machinery service
companies. The aim of the study was to design and develop software called SAM (Service
of Agricultural Machinery), designed to support service management of machines
and devices operating in agriculture. The program is intended for use in smaller workshops,
dealing with the servicing of agricultural equipment. It allows long term work planning
and provides the functionality and security of the stored data. The database contains
customer information which include machines and devices owned by the client and their
individual service orders. The works on the program were consulted with existing service
companies, in order to adapt it’s functionality and to avoid the creation of tools that would
not be used, or would be used very rarely