20 research outputs found

    2D/3D ultrasonography for endometrial evaluation in a cohort of 118 postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleedings

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    Objectives: 2D/3D transvaginal ultrasonography in evaluation of endometrium in postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleedings (AUB). Material and methods: 2D/3D transvaginal ultrasonography (TVU) was performed in 118 menopausal women with AUB. Endometrial volume and thickness, uterine volume and endometrial vascularity were evaluated. Complete histologic evaluation of the endometrium was obtained through dilatation & curettage (D&C) and/or hysteroscopy. Accordingly, patients were divided into 3 groups: controls (no endometrial pathology, n = 49), GI (benign endometrial pathology, n = 37), GII (endometrial carcinoma, n = 32). Results: GII had greater thickness and volume of the endometrium, compared to GI and controls. The presence of arterial vascular flow was identified only in GI and GII (51.35% and 93.75%, respectively). Endometrial volume merged together with uterine volume measurements (TVU-3D) showed a strong, statistical significance between GI and GII, allowing differentiation of begin and malignant endometrial pathologies in postmenopausal women. Conclusions: In TVU diagnostics of postmenopausal women with AUB the following play the most significant role: 1) endometrial thickness (TVU-2D); 2) endometrial volume (TVU-3D); 3) uterine plus endometrial volume (TVU-3D); 4) vascularization within the endometrium, allowing to differentiate between pathological and normal endometrium (TVU-2/3D). Evaluation of the endometrial vascularity, both in TVU-2D and TVU-3D technique, does not allow for reliable differentiation between benign lesions and endometrial cancer


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    The continuous development, competitiveness and innovativeness of enterprises has contributed in the second decade of the 21st century to the implementation of many improvements in electronic industry, both in the production as well as analytical and managerial areas. The global coronavirus pandemic, and the need for an immediate transition to remote working, has increased this trend significantly. The quality management processes also required changes to enable efficient data analysis and to effectively prevent the occurrence of quality nonconformities. The aim of the article is to discuss the results of the research of enterprises from Wielkopolska region research on the awareness of the importance and usage of data processing, analysis techniques as well as efficient information flow.  Keywords: preventive approach, quality management, hybrid work  JEL classification code: L150Ciągły rozwój, konkurencyjność i innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw przyczyniła się w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku do wprowadzania licznych usprawnień elektronicznych w przemyśle, zarówno w sferze produkcyjnej, analitycznej, jak i menedżerskiej. Pandemia koronawirusa na świecie i konieczność natychmiastowego przejścia tam, gdzie to możliwe na formę zdalną pracy, pogłębiła ten trend znacząco. Także procesy zarządzania jakością wymagały wprowadzenia zmian pozwalających na sprawną analizę danych i skuteczne zapobieganie wystąpieniu niezgodności jakościowych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wyników badań wielkopolskich przedsiębiorstw w odniesieniu do świadomości znaczenia i stopnia wykorzystania technik przetwarzania i analizy danych oraz sprawnego przepływu informacji. Słowa kluczowe: podejście prewencyjne, zarządzanie jakością, praca hybrydowa Kod klasyfikacji JEL: L15

    Physicochemical, structural, and adsorption characteristics of DMSPS-co-DVB nanopolymers

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    The aim of this work is the synthesis and characterization of the series of S,S′-thiodi-4,1-phenylene bis(thio-methacrylate)-co-divinylbenzene (DMSPS-co-DVB) nanomaterials. The series of new nanopolymers including three mixed systems with different ratios of DMSPS and DVB components, DMSPS-co-DVB = 1:1, DMSPS-co-DVB = 1:2, and DMSPS-co-DVB = 1:3, was synthesized in the polymerization reaction. The research task is to investigate the influence of the reaction mixture composition on morphological, textural, and structural properties of final nanosystems including size, shape, and agglomeration effect. The advanced biphasic nanomaterials enriched with thiol groups were successfully synthesized as potential sorbents for binding organic substances, heavy metals, or biomolecules. To determine the impact of the DMSPS monomer on the final properties of DMSPS-co-DVB nanocomposites, several techniques were applied to reveal the nano-dimensional structure (SAXS), texture (low-temperature nitrogen sorption), general morphology (SEM), acid–base properties (potentiometric titration), and surface chemistry and phase bonding effectiveness (FTIR/ATR spectroscopy). Finally, kinetic studies of aniline sorption on polymeric materials were performed

    Expression of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPR30) and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) after treatment with mixture of endocrine disruptors in MA-10 Leydig cells.

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    Estrogeny od dawna przestały być postrzegane jako typowo żeńskie hormony. W ostatnich latach w wielu badaniach udokumentowano ich wpływ na fizjologię męskiego układu rozrodczego. Poza wiązaniem się z klasycznymi receptorami estrogenowymi (ER) mają zdolność oddziaływania z błonowym receptorem estrogenowym (GPR30; G protein-coupled receptor). Receptor węglowodorów aromatycznych (AhR; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor) pełni wiele istotnych funkcji w organizmie, m.in. odpowiada za metabolizm toksyn środowiskowych, bierze udział w procesach komórkowej oksydacji i antyoksydacji, pełni rolę bariery naskórkowej, ale także jest zaangażowany w prawidłowy rozród samca. Insulinopodobne białko 3 (Insl3; Insulin-like peptide 3) to peptyd wytwarzany u samców przez komórki Leydiga, który w życiu płodowym nadzoruje proces zstępowania jąder, uczestnicząc tym samym w różnicowaniu płci w kierunku męskim. W życiu dorosłym Insl3 wpływa na przeżywalność komórek plemnikotwórczych, działając jako swoisty czynnik antyapoptotyczny. W środowisku naturalnym występuje wiele związków, które potrafią naśladować działalność hormonów, wchodząc w reakcję z ich receptorami. Należą do nich m.in. polichlorowane bifenyle (PCB; Polychlorinated biphenyls), które wiążą się zarówno z receptorem AhR jak i ER, wywołując efekt toksyczny w komórkach. W tej pracy przedstawiono badania obrazujące wpływ środowiskowych związków hormonalnie czynnych z grupy ksenoestrogenów na ekspresję AhR, GPR30 oraz Insl3 w komórkach Leydiga linii MA-10. Zastosowano mieszaninę niskochlorowanych kongenerów PCB (d103) w dawce niskiej (d103 dn) i wysokiej (d103 dw). Metodą Western blot dokonano analizy poziomu ekspresji białka dla AhR, GPR30 oraz Insl3. Zbadano potencjał błony mitochondrialnej komórek Leydiga linii MA-10 traktowanych d103 z wykorzystaniem testu TMRE oraz ultrastrukturę mitochondriów dzięki zastosowaniu mikroskopu transmisyjnego. Metodą spektrofotometryczną oszacowano poziomy wewnątrzkomórkowego Ca2+. Wyniki badań wskazują, że d103 dn obniża ekspresję AhR i GPR30, zaś d103 dw podnosi ją. Natomiast poziom białka Insl3 jest wyraźnie niższy po zastosowaniu zarówno d103 dn jak i d103 dw. Mieszanina d103 powoduje znaczące zmiany strukturalne mitochondriów w komórkach Leydiga przejawiające się zaburzeniami w ich kształcie, powiększeniem objętości lub brakiem grzebieni. Zaobserwowano także spadek ich ilości w komórce. Mimo to potencjał błony mitochondrialnej był obniżony jedynie w niewielkim stopniu. Wewnątrzkomórkowy poziom Ca2+ był wyraźnie podwyższony zarówno po potraktowaniu komórek d103 dn jak i d103 dw, co sugeruje, że Ca2+ jest niezbędny do metabolizmu tych związków.Te badania dowodzą, że PCB mają zdolność wywierania negatywnego wpływu na komórki Leydiga działając na drodze sygnalizacyjnej poprzez receptory AhR i GPR30, w wyniku czego zwiększają produkcję drugiego przekaźnika w komórkach – Ca2+.For some time past, estrogens have ceased to be considered typical female hormones. In recent years, many studies have documented their effect on the physiology of the male reproductive system. These hormones bind to the estrogen receptors (ER) and the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPR30). The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) plays important role in the organism, for example, it is responsible for the metabolism of environmental toxins, cellular oxidation/ antioxidantion, epidermal barrier function, but it is also involved in the process of male reproduction. Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) is secreted by mature Leydig cells in the testes. In prenatal life monitors testicular descent, affecting sexual differentiation. In adult male affect the survival of germ cells, acting as a specific antiapoptotic factor. In the natural environment there are many compounds that can mimic the activity of hormones by reacting with their receptors. To belong to these compounds including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that bind to both the AhR receptor and the estrogen receptor, resulting in toxic effects in cellsThese studies show the effect of the environmental xenoestrogenic substances on the expression of AhR, GPR30 and Insl3 in MA-10 Leydig cells. A mixture of low – chlorinated PCB (d103) in a low dose (d103 dn) and a high dose (d103 dw) was used. The western blot method was used to determine the level of protein expression for AhR, GPR30 and Insl3. The mitochondrial membrane potential of MA-10 Leydig cells treated with d103 using the TMRE assay. The mitochondrial ultrastructure was analyzed using a transmission microscope. The levels of intracellular Ca2+ were assessed by spectrophotometric method.The results indicate that d103 dn reduces the expression of AhR and GPR30 and d103 dw increases it. On the other hand, the level of Insl3 remains unchanged after both d103 dn and d103 dw. The mixture of d103 causes significant structural alterations of the mitochondria in Leydig cells manifested by disturbances in their shape, enlarged volume or lack of cristae. The number of mitochondria in the cell has also decreased. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial membrane potential was reduced to a small extent. Intracellular Ca2+ level was clearly elevated both after treatment of cells with d103 dn and d103 dw, suggesting Ca2+ is essential for the metabolism of these compounds.These studies have shown that PCBs have the ability to exert negative influence on Leydig cells by signaling through AhR and GPR30 receptors, thereby increasing the production of the second messengers in cells – Ca2+

    Mesocellular Silica Foams (MCFs) with Tunable Pore Size as a Support for Lysozyme Immobilization: Adsorption Equilibrium and Kinetics, Biocomposite Properties

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    The effect of the porous structure of mesocellular silica foams (MCFs) on the lysozyme (LYS) adsorption capacity, as well as the rate, was studied to design the effective sorbent for potential applications as the carriers of biomolecules. The structural (N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms), textural (SEM, TEM), acid-base (potentiometric titration), adsorption properties, and thermal characteristics of the obtained lysozyme/silica composites were studied. The protein adsorption equilibrium and kinetics showed significant dependence on silica pore size. For instance, LYS adsorption uptake on MCF-6.4 support (pore diameter 6.4 nm) was about 0.29 g/g. The equilibrium loading amount of LYS on MCF-14.5 material (pore size 14.5 nm) increased to 0.55 g/g. However, when the pore diameter was larger than 14.5 nm, the LYS adsorption value systematically decreased with increasing pore size (e.g., for MCF-30.1 was only 0.27 g/g). The electrostatic attractive interactions between the positively charged lysozyme (at pH = 7.4) and the negatively charged silica played a significant role in the immobilization process. The differences in protein adsorption and surface morphology for the biocomposites of various pore sizes were found. The thermal behavior of the studied bio/systems was conducted by TG/DSC/FTIR/MS coupled method. It was found that the thermal degradation of lysozyme/silica composites was a double-stage process in the temperature range 165–420–830 °C

    Identification of leading factors supporting decisions in preventive quality management

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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to present the results of research of entrepreneurs who maintain a certified quality management system in terms of leading factors supporting decisions of a preventive approach to management. Design/methodology/approach: Interview method conducted in manufacturing companies with an implemented and certified quality management system using CATI technique Findings: Research has shown that in large industrial enterprises the key stimulants of preventive actions are, above all, efficient information flow, technical and organizational order, as well as consistent pursuit of the goal. Smaller enterprises put the main emphasis on maintaining good relations with the environment, safety and ergonomics of work, as well as skillful selection of suppliers. Research limitations/implications: The authors of the paper see the need to continue research in the field of in-depth analysis of selected factors in relation to the effectiveness of the actions taken and the possibility of supporting information. Practical implications: Entrepreneurs with knowledge of key stimulants will make decisions more consciously and focused on a targeted analysis of data in order to search for relevant premises to prevent non-compliance. Originality/value: This paper concerns key factors influencing a preventive approach that can support decision-making. For the purposes of multicriteria decision-making processes, it is valuable to know the key stimuli characteristic of effective preventive actions. An additional value of the article is the showing of the factors with a differentiation by company size. This enables a more relevant focus of the research results