18 research outputs found

    Alterações clínicas e laboratoriais em equinos adaptados a dieta com nível elevado de concentrado e submetidos à sobrecarga dietética com amido

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    This work was carried out to evaluate the effect of dietetic starch overload in horses adapted to diets with high level of concentrated. Six crossbreed mature horses were previously adapted to diet composed by coast cross hay and concentrate in a 60:40 proportion and later submitted to gastric infusion of 17.6 g starch/kg body weight. The horses were evaluated by clinical and laboratorial examination until 36-hour after overload. One horse died 32 hours after overload, presenting clinical signs of endotoxemia and laminitis.No differences (P &gt; 0.05) were observed in heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, capillary refill time and hoof temperature of horses. There was a tendency to increase intestinal mobility following by fluidity of faeces. Increase (P < 0.05) in packed cell volume and total plasma protein were observed 24 hours after overload when compared to baseline, from 26.7 to 32.0% and 7.1 to 8.1 g/dL, respectively. Neutrophils increased (P < 0.05) during the evaluation period, with values varying of 0.1 to 0.7 x 10³/µL before overload and 24 hours after, respectively, while the eosinophils decreased. The plasma lactate concentration was slight increased with difference (p < 0.05) before, 20 and 28 hours after overload, with values of 0.7, 1.0 and 1.2 mmol/L, respectively. It was concluded that horses consuming diets with high levels of concentrated and submitted to dietetic starch overload had clinical and laboratory changes moderate, however, severe cases, followed by death may occur due to individual variation.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da sobrecarga dietética com amido em equinos adaptados a dieta com nível elevado de concentrado. Seis equinos adultos foram previamente adaptados à dieta composta por feno de coast cross e concentrado na proporção de 60:40 e, posteriormente submetidos à infusão gástrica de 17,6 g amido/kg de peso corporal. Os equinos foram avaliados por meio de exames clínicos e laboratoriais até 36 horas após a sobrecarga. Um equino veio a óbito 32 horas após a sobrecarga, apresentando quadro clínico de endotoxemia e laminite. Não houve diferença (P &gt; 0,05) nas frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura retal, tempo de preenchimento capilar e temperatura superficial dos cascos dos equinos durante o experimento. Houve tendência ao aumento na motilidade intestinal, seguido de aumento na fluidez das fezes. O volume globular e a concentração de proteína plasmática total aumentaram (P &lt; 0,05) 24 horas após a sobrecarga quando comparados aos valores basais, de 26,7 a 32,0% e de 7,1 e 8,1 g/dL, respectivamente. Os neutrófilos bastonetes aumentaram (P &lt; 0,05) durante o período de avaliação, com valores variando de 0,1 a 0,7 x 10(3)/µL antes da sobrecarga e 24 horas após, respectivamente, enquanto os eosinófilos apresentaram redução. A concentração plasmática de lactato teve aumento discreto com diferença (P &lt; 0,05) antes, 20 e 28 horas após a sobrecarga, com valores de 0,7, 1,0 e 1,2 mmol/L, respectivamente. Conclui-se que equinos consumindo dieta com elevado nível de concentrado e submetidos à sobrecarga dietética com amido apresentam alterações clínicas e laboratoriais moderadas, porém, casos graves, seguidos do óbito, podem ocorrer devido à variação individual

    Diagnosis of first stage larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes of dairy calves in the city of Paty do Alferes-RJ

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    Foi realizado um levantamento epidemiológico utilizando-se a técnica coproparasitologica do filtro de Visser para o diagnóstico de larvas de primeiro estágio (L1) de nematóides gastrintestinais em amostras fecais de 150 bezerros leiteiros do município de Paty do Alferes, estado do Rio de Janeiro. Amostras individuais de fezes foram coletadas diretamente da ampola retal de 150 bezerros, com idade variando entre três e 12 meses, procedentes de 15 propriedades rurais no município de Paty do Alferes-RJ. Destas amostras, foram identificados os seguintes gêneros de nematóides: Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., Bunostomum spp., Strongyloides e Oesophagostomum spp. Os gêneros de maior ocorrência foram Cooperia spp. (54%), Haemonchus spp. (50,6%) e Trichostrongylus spp. (48,7%). Do total de propriedades vistoriadas, 86,7% apresentaram animais positivos para Haemonchus spp. e Trichostrongylus spp. O gênero Bunostomum spp. foi o que apresentou menor ocorrência, com 12,7% de casos. Os gêneros identificados com os maiores valores médios de larvas de primeiro estágio em 15mL de fezes por amostra foram: Cooperia spp. (812) e Haemonchus spp. (489).An epidemiologycal survey were carried out using the filter of Visser technique for the diagnosis of first-stage larvae (L1) of gastrointestinal nematodes in faecal samples from 150 dairy calves in Paty do Alferes city, Rio de Janeiro state. Feces were individually collected directly of the rectal flask of 150 calves, with age varying between three and 12 months, coming from 15 rural properties in the municipal district Paty do Alferes-RJ. The following genera of nematodes were identified: Haemonchus spp, Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., Bunostomum spp., Strongyloides and Oesophagostomum spp. The genera of greater occurrence were Cooperia spp. (54%), Haemonchus spp. (50.6%) and Trichostrongylus spp. (48.7%). Of the total of inspected properties, 86.7% presented positive animals for Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. The genera Bunostomum spp. had presented smaller occurrence, with 12,7% of cases. The genera identified with the highest medium values of first-stage larvae in 15mL of faeces were: Cooperia spp. (812) and Haemonchus spp. (489)

    Passage kinetics of digesta in horses fed with coastcross hay ground to different degrees

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the kinetics, physicochemical characteristics and particle size of digesta in the right ventral colon (RVC) of horses fed coastcross hay ground to different degrees. Four horses fitted with cannulae in the RVC were used and were fed the following forms of hay: long, chopped, ground to 5 mm and ground to 3 mm. A Latin Square 4x4 study design was used. Each experimental period included 10 days for diet adaptation, four days for feces collection and one day for digesta collection. The kinetics of the particulate and solute phases of digesta were evaluated based on the mean retention time (MRT), passage rate (k) and transit time (TT) using two external markers: Cr-NDF and Co-EDTA. The TT of solid phase digesta was 3 hours longer (P0.05) in k or MRT in either the liquid or solid phase of digesta as a function of the different degrees of hay grinding. However, the liquid phase of digesta presented a higher k than the solid phase, with values of 3.28 and 2.73 h-1 being obtained, respectively. The smallest particle size and the lowest neutral detergent fiber contents in colon digesta were observed when hay ground to 3 mm was offered, leading to values of 0.51 mm and 53.46%, respectively. Grinding the hay increased the transit time of the liquid phase in the digestive tract of the horses, whereas no change in the kinetics of the solid phase digesta was observed. The grinding of hay reduced the NDF and the average particle size in the right ventral colon

    Detecção molecular de Ehrlichia canis e Babesia canis vogeli em Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato de carrapatos em Cuba

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    Os carrapatos (Acari: Ixodidae) são de importância médica e veterinária relevantes em todo o mundo por causa da variedade de agentes patogênicos que podem transmitir. No presente trabalho, foi realizada uma pesquisa para identificar Babesia spp. e Ehrlichia spp. em carrapatos coletados de cães de Cuba. Foram coletados 431 carrapatos de 378 cães, tendo sido identificados como pertencentes às espécies de Ripicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (s. 1). O DNA genômico foi extraído com protocolo usando fenol/clorofórmio. Os carrapatos foram organizados em “pools” e o DNA extraído foi testado pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (nPCR) para amplificar 398 pares de bases (pb) do DNA ribossômico 16S (rDNA) de Ehrlichia canis e PCR para amplificar aproximadamente 560 pb do DNA ribossômico 18S (rDNA). Dos 49 pools testados, 8,16% (n = 4/49) foram positivos para o E. canis por nPCR visando o gene do 16S rDNA e apenas um pool (n = 1/49; 2,04%) foi positivo para o gene 18S rDNA para Babesia canis. As quatro sequências obtidas para o fragmento de 16S rDNA foram idênticas entre si e resultaram em 100% de identidade com E. canis de diferentes países. A sequência obtida do gene do 18S rDNA para Babesia spp. apresentou semelhança de 100% com Babesia canis vogeli quando comparada às sequências depositadas no Genbank. Esta foi a primeira detecção molecular desses agentes no carrapato R. sanguineus s. l. em Cuba

    Occurrences of Ornithocoris toledoi (Cimicidae) on a free-range chicken farm in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Abstract Ornithocoris toledoi is a hematophagous insect that parasites birds, particularly, galliformes. Although the occurrence of this arthropod is relatively low in Brazil, this is an important ectoparasite associated with backyarding poultry. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of O. toledoi in a free-range chicken farm in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, including aspects of its taxonomic identification, biology and epidemiology

    Effect of storage time and temperature in the determination of serum and plasma biochemical parameters of Quarter horses

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    ABSTRACT. Oliveira A.F.X., Raimundo J.M., Pires M.S., Amaro G.M., Guimarães A., Silva A.T., Botelho C.F.M., Machado C.H., Almeida F.Q. & Baldani C.D. [Effect of storage time and temperature in the determination of serum and plasma biochemical parameters of Quarter horses.] Efeito do tempo e da temperatura de armazenamento na determinação de parâmetros bioquímicos séricos e plasmáticos de equinos Quarto de Milha. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(Supl.2):11-16, 2016. Departamento de Medicina e Cirurgia Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, KM 47, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of storage time and temperature of serum and plasma on the determination of clinical biochemistry analytes in horses. Blood samples were taken from ten clinically healthy Quarter Horses, and analysis were performed immediately after obtaining the sample (time zero) and after 24 hours, 48 hours, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days. Samples were evaluated at room temperature (16.6 to 29.6° C), refrigeration (4° C) and freezing (-20° C). Biochemical parameters analysed were urea, creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), glucose, lactate, total protein (TP) and albumin. All parameters were stable at room temperature for 24 hours. Under refrigeration conditions no significant differences (p> 0.05) were observed until the 30th day of analysis, with exception of albumin which demonstrated instability from day 15 . In frozen (-20° C) samples, albumin and AST were significantly unstable on 15 and 90 days (p <0.05) of analysis respectively, remaining the other analytes without significant changes for 90 days. The results showed considerable stability of biochemical parameters on serum or plasma, ensuring greater autonomy to veterinarians in sending samples to the clinical laboratory

    First molecular evidence of <em>Babesia caballi</em> and <em>Theileria equi</em> infections in horses in Cuba

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    Contribution: Phylogenetic analysis and drafted the manuscriptInternational audienceEquine piroplasmosis is a disease of Equidae, including horses, donkeys, mules, and zebras, caused by either Theileria equi or Babesia caballi. This disease represents a serious problem for the horse industry and its control is critical for the international trade of horses. The objective of the present study was to detect B. caballi and T. equi infections in horses reared in western Cuba. Blood samples from 100 horses were tested for the presence of piroplasms by using Giemsa-stained blood smears and nested PCR (nPCR) assays targeting merozoite antigen genes of B. caballi (bc48) and T. equi (ema-1). All animals were inspected for the detection of tick infestation and tick specimens were collected for species identification. Erythrocyte inclusions were observed in 13 (13%) of the analyzed samples. nPCR analysis showed that 25 (25%) samples were positive for B. caballi, 73 (73%) for T. equi, and 20 (20%) showed dual infections. Only one tick species was found infesting horses, Dermacentor nitens. In addition, three nearly full-length sequences of T. equi 18S rRNA gene were obtained and subjected to phylogenetic analyses. This study reports a high prevalence of T. equi and B. caballi single and coinfections in horses in western Cuba. Molecular analysis of the 18S rRNA gene of T. equi suggested that different genotypes of this hemoparasite circulate in Cuba. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the molecular detection of B. caballi and T. equi in horses in Cuba