905 research outputs found

    Selected reading from Treatise on Friendship

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    Course reading ebook, adapted by Ian D. Dunkle from Project Gutenberg’s Treatises on Friendship and Old Age, by Marcus Tullius Cicero, translated by E.S. Shuckburgh: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2808Cicero describes the necessary features, the value, and the limits of friendship through a short dialogue

    Letter of Marcus C. Stephens (Quincy, Florida, 1835)

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    The writer of the above letter was Marcus Cicero Stephens of Newbern, North Carolina. During the early years of territorial Florida, many settlers came to the region from the Carolinas and Virginia, due, partly, to the desire to establish pioneer plantations as speculative ventures and, partly, to the need of expansion to take care of the surplus slave property. Stephens was apparently a member of this group. His family was well connected, as his mother was the niece of Commodore James Barron of the “Chesapeake” fame. The plantation which was being established was located near Quincy, Florida ; and here the group, consisting of father, mother, and eight children, took its part in the development of the new state. One of the sons, Samuel Barron Stephens, was a lieutenant of a Florida company during the War for Southern Independence and fought at the Battle of the Old Men at Natural Bridge. The original letter is in the possession of Mrs. Caroline Stephens Scott of Tallahassee, to whom acknowledgment is made. To Dr. Kathryn T. Abbey, of Florida State College for Women, is due the suggestion of its publication, its transcribing, and this note

    Redevoerings van Cicero

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    Voorwoord (pages ix-x) -- 1. Inleiding. (pages 1-2) -- A. Marcus Tullius Cicero : sy lewe en werke (pages 3-20) -- B. Romeinse kriminele regspraak deur die Quaestiones Perpetuae (pages 21-24) -- Vertalings -- (pages 25-26) -- 1. Pleitrede vir Sextus Roscius van Ameria (pages 27-82) -- 2. Die eerste redevoering teen Catilina (pages 83-98) -- 3. Die vierde redevoering teen Catilina (pages 99-112) -- 4. Pleitrede vir die digter Archias (pages 113-128) -- 5. Ter ondersteuning van Manilius se Wet (pages 129-158) -- 6. Die tweede redevoering teen Antonius (pages 159-206) -- Notas (pages 207-208) -- Inleiding (page 209) -- 1. Pleitrede vir Sextus Roscius van Ameria (pages 210-213) -- 2. Die eerste redevoering teen Catilina (pages 214-216) -- 3. Die vierde redevoering teen Catilina (pages 217-219) -- 4. Pleitrede vir die digter Archias (pages 220-221) -- 5. Ter ondersteuning van Manilius se Wet (pages 222-226) -- 6. Die tweede redevoering teen Antonius (pages 227- 237

    A jóslásról

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    M. Tvllii Ciceronis De Natvra Deorvm, Ad Brvtvm Libri Tres

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    Mark Tulij Cicero

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    Pro Archia je obrambni sodni govor, ki ga je Mark Tulij Ciceron imel poleti leta 62 pr. Kr. Takrat je že dosegel višek svoje kariere in slave, saj je bil leto prej kot konzul odkril in zadušil zaroto, ki so jo snovali razvpiti patricij Katilina in njegovi pristaši. Pesnika Arhijo je neki Gratij obtožil, da si je nezakonito pridobil državljanske pravice; za ta prestopek je bilo pristojno stalno sodišče z izžrebano poroto (quaestio perpetua de civitate). Sodni primer je bil nezahteven in Ciceron je verjetno Arhijevo obrambo sprejel iz prijateljskega nagiba. Dokaze o Arhijevi nedolžnosti je Ciceron izpostavil pravzaprav samo v prvem delu govora, v nadaljevanju pa se je osredotočil na proslavljanje poezije in na pomen kulture za posameznika in za družbo; že sam Ciceron je začutil, da je zaigral na register, ki tradicionalno ni bil značilen za sodno, pač pa za epidejktično govorništvo, zato se je čutil dolžnega, da izbiro razloži in opraviči