28 research outputs found

    Increased focal interictal discharges during specific cognitive tasks

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    We present a patient with pharmacoresistant right temporal lobe epilepsy who showed a significant increase in focal interictal spikes in response to specific visuospatial tasks, Temporal spiking was particularly increased during immediate recall of visuospatial material, but not during verbal memory tasks. This reflexive phenomenon, situated in between cognitive alterations as seen in most patients with epilepsy and frank seizures elicited by higher cerebral function as in reflex epilepsy, is discussed in relation to cognition and underlying neural substrates

    Malaise du nourrisson pensez à une intoxication à l'anis étoil [Apparent life-threatening event in infants: think about star anise intoxication!].

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    In previous years, several publications have reported cases of infants presenting neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms after ingestion of star anise tea. Such teas are sometimes given in various cultures for the treatment of infant colic pains. In most cases, the cause of intoxication was contamination of Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) by Japanese star anise (Illicium anisatum). Indeed, the toxicity of Illicium anisatum, also known as Shikimi, is caused by its content in potent neurotoxins (anisatin, neoanisatin, and pseudoanisatin), due to their activity as non-competitive antagonists of GABA receptors. The main reasons explaining the frequent contaminations are the strong macroscopic resemblance of the 2 substances, as well as the fact that the fruits are often sold partially broken or in ground form. Therefore, in most cases, chemical analysis is required to determine the possible adulterations. CASE REPORT: A 2-month-old infant, in good general health, was brought to the emergency unit after 3 consecutive episodes of central cyanosis and tetany of the limbs with spontaneous recovery the same afternoon. The child was also very irritable, regurgitated a lot, and positioned himself in opisthotonos. Between these episodes, the neurological exam showed some perturbations (horizontal nystagmus and Bell's phenomenon, hypertony of the extensor muscles, and mild hypotony of the axial flexor muscles) with slow improvement over the following hours. The remaining clinical exam, the laboratory work (complete blood count, renal, hepatic, and muscular tests, capillary blood gas, plasmatic amino acids, and urinary organic acids), and the electroencephalogram findings were all normal. In the course of a detailed interview, the parents reported having given 3 bottles to their child, each one containing 200 mL of an infusion with 4 to 5 fruits of star anise, in the hours preceding the symptoms to relieve colic pains. The last seizure-like event took place approximately 8h after the last ingestion. We could prove the ingestion of anisatin, the toxic substance found in Japanese star anise, and the contamination of Chinese star anise by the Japanese species. Indeed, the anisatin analysis by liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) in a urine sample taken 22 h after the last infusion ingestion showed trace amounts of the substance. In another urine sample taken 33 h after ingestion, no anisatin could be detected. Furthermore, the analysis of the fruit sample gave an anisatin concentration of 7800 μg/kg while the maximum tolerance value in Switzerland is 1000 μg/kg. CONCLUSION: The evaluation of ALTE in infants should always include the possibility of intoxication. Star anise is generally considered a harmless medicine. Nevertheless, it can sometimes cause a severe intoxication resulting in various neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms. To prevent such events, not only the parents, but also the care personnel and pharmacists must be informed about the possible adverse effects caused either by the overdose of Chinese star anise or by the eventual contamination of herbal teas with Japanese star anise. A better control of the substances by the health authorities is also necessary

    Phenotype oculaire chez un enfant atteint d'une chondrodysplasia punctata, forme rhizomelique. [Ocular phenotype in a child with chondrodysplasia punctata, rhizomelic form]

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    Chondrodysplasia calcificans punctata (CDP) is a rare congenital syndrome characterized by calcific stippling of the hyaline cartilage. CDP is classified into 4 types: the autosomal dominant Conradi-Hunermann type, the autosomal recessive rhizomelic type, the X-linked dominant form and the X-linked recessive form. We present a child affected with a rhizomelic CDP born from consanguinous parents. The ocular phenotype consisted of microphakia associated with a progressive bilateral "cataracta cortico-zonularis suturata". At 11 years of age, a phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation was performed in the left eye

    When should clinicians search for GLUT1 deficiency syndrome in childhood generalized epilepsies?

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    UNLABELLED: GLUT1 deficiency (GLUT1D) has recently been identified as an important cause of generalized epilepsies in childhood. As it is a treatable condition, it is crucial to determine which patients should be investigated. METHODS: We analyzed SLC2A1 for mutations in a group of 93 unrelated children with generalized epilepsies. Fasting lumbar puncture was performed following the identification of a mutation. We compared our results with a systematic review of 7 publications of series of patients with generalized epilepsies screened for SLC2A1 mutations. RESULTS: We found 2/93 (2.1%) patients with a SLC2A1 mutation. One, carrying a novel de novo deletion had epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures (MAE), mild slowing of head growth, choreiform movements and developmental delay. The other, with a paternally inherited missense mutation, had childhood absence epilepsy with atypical EEG features and paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia (PED) initially misdiagnosed as myoclonic seizures. Out of a total of 1110 screened patients with generalized epilepsies from 7 studies, 2.4% (29/1110) had GLUT1D. This rate was higher (5.6%) among 303 patients with early onset absence epilepsy (EOAE) from 4 studies. About 50% of GLUT1D patients had abnormal movements and 41% a family history of seizures, abnormal movements or both. CONCLUSION: GLUT1D is most likely to be found in MAE and in EOAE. The probability of finding GLUT1D in the classical idiopathic generalized epilepsies is very low. Pointers to GLUT1D include an increase in seizures before meals, cognitive impairment, or PED which can easily be overlooked

    Neuropsychological problems after paediatric stroke: two year follow-up of Swiss children

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to obtain information about neurological and cognitive outcome for a population-based group of children after paediatric ischaemic stroke. METHODS: Data from the Swiss neuropaediatric stroke registry (SNPSR), from 1.1.2000 to 1.7.2002, including children (AIS 1) and neonates (AIS 2). At 18-24 months after a stroke, a follow-up examination was performed including a history, neurological and neuropsychological assessment. RESULTS: 33/48 children (22 AIS 1, 11 AIS 2) participated in the study. Neurological outcome was good in 16/33. After childhood stroke mean IQ levels were normal (94), but 6 children had IQ < 85 (50-82) and neuropsychological problems were present in 75%. Performance IQ (93) was reduced compared to verbal IQ (101, p = 0.121) due to problems in the domain of processing speed (89.5); auditory short-term memory was especially affected. Effects on school career were common. Outcome was worse in children after right-sided infarction. Children suffering from stroke in mid-childhood had the best prognosis. There was no clear relationship between outcome and localisation of the lesion. After neonatal stroke 7/11 children showed normal development and epilepsy indicated a worse prognosis in the remaining 4. CONCLUSION: After paediatric stroke neuropsychological problems are present in about 75% of children. Younger age at stroke as well as an emergence of epilepsy were predictors for worse prognosis