5 research outputs found

    Hermenêutica filosófica e jurisdição democrática breve crítica ao substancialismo, à luz do debate gadamer-habermas

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    Mares Guia, Marcos. Hermenêutica filosófica e jurisdição democrática: breve crítica ao substancialismo, à luz do debate Gadamer-Habermas. 2011. 55 fls. Trabalho de conclusão de curso, graduação em Direito. Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais, Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasília, 2011. Monografia sobre o papel da hermenêutica na busca de uma jurisdição democrática efetiva. O pensamento jurídico, da antiguidade à modernidade, sempre se preocupou em esboçar modelos de interpretação e aplicação das normas. A hermenêutica filosófica gadameriana, embora não se destine especificamente ao Direito, reabilita a filosofia como instrumento de compreensão das ciências sociais. Hans-Georg Gadamer elaborou uma teoria filosófica que, em apertada síntese, tem como fio condutor a linguagem, a tradição e o caráter ôntico da vida. Em contrapartida, Jürgen Habermas apresenta crítica construtiva à hermenêutica gadameriana, apontando para uma jurisdição ponderada, em estrita observância aos procedimentos democráticos. O embate entre o substancialismo e o procedimentalismo envolve, essencialmente, a força legitimadora da gênese democrática do Direito

    Circulation of chikungunya virus East/Central/South African lineage in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    The emergence of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) has raised serious concerns due to the virus' rapid dissemination into new geographic areas and the clinical features associated with infection. To better understand CHIKV dynamics in Rio de Janeiro, we generated 11 near-complete genomes by means of real-time portable nanopore sequencing of virus isolates obtained directly from clinical samples. To better understand CHIKV dynamics in Rio de Janeiro, we generated 11 near-complete genomes by means of real-time portable nanopore sequencing of virus isolates obtained directly from clinical samples. Our phylogenetic reconstructions indicated the circulation of the East-Central-South-African (ECSA) lineage in Rio de Janeiro. Time-measured phylogenetic analysis combined with CHIKV notified case numbers revealed the ECSA lineage was introduced in Rio de Janeiro around June 2015 (95% Bayesian credible interval: May to July 2015) indicating the virus was circulating unnoticed for 5 months before the first reports of CHIKV autochthonous transmissions in Rio de Janeiro, in November 2015. These findings reinforce that continued genomic surveillance strategies are needed to assist in the monitoring and understanding of arbovirus epidemics, which might help to attenuate public health impact of infectious diseases

    Improved purification process of β- and α-trypsin isoforms by ion-exchange chromatography

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    The purpose of this work was to improve the separation and yield of pure &#946;- and &#945;-trypsin isoforms by ion-exchange chromatography and to characterize some physical-chemical properties of these isoforms. Purification of trypsin isoforms was performed by ion-exchange chromatography in 0.1 mol/L tris-HC buffer, pH 7.10 at 4ºC. The sample loading, salt concentration, flow rate and pH of mobile phase were varied to determine their effects on the resolution of the separation. The resolution was optimized mainly between &#946;- and &#945;-trypsin. Pure isoforms were obtained by chromatographying 100 mg of commercial trypsin during seven days, yielding 51 mg of high purity &#946;-trypsin and 13 mg of &#945;-trypsin partially pure, with small amounts of contaminating of &#968;-trypsin. Thus, time and resolution of purification were optimized yielding large amounts of pure active enzymes that are useful for several research areas and biotechnology.<br>O propósito deste trabalho foi melhorar a separação e o rendimento das isoformas puras &#946;- e &#945;-tripsina por meio de cromatografia de troca iônica e caracterizar algumas propriedades físico-químicas dessas isoformas. A purificação de isoformas de tripsina foi realizada em SE Sephadex, com tampão tris-HCl, pH 7,10 a 4ºC. A quantidade de amostra, a concentração salina, o fluxo e o pH da fase móvel foram variados para determinar o efeito sobre a resolução da separação. A resolução foi otimizada principalmente entre &#946;- e &#945;-tripsina, utilizando o pH 7,10 a 4ºC. Isoformas puras foram obtidas a partir de 100 mg de tripsina comercial bovina depois de sete dias de cromatografia, fornecendo 51,0 mg de &#946;-tripsina totalmente pura e 13,0 mg de &#945;-tripsina parcialmente pura, com quantidades pequenas de contaminação por &#968;-Tripsina. Assim, tempo e resolução da purificação foram otimizados redendo grandes quantidades de enzimas puras e ativas que são úteis em várias áreas de pesquisa e ciências biotecnológicas

    West Nile Virus in the State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil

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    In June 2019, a horse with neurological disorder was diagnosed with West Nile virus (WNV) in Boa Viagem, a municipality in the state of Ceará, northeast Brazil. A multi-institutional task force coordinated by the Brazilian Ministry of Health was deployed to the area for case investigation. A total of 513 biological samples from 78 humans, 157 domestic animals and 278 free-ranging wild birds, as well as 853 adult mosquitoes of 22 species were tested for WNV by highly specific serological and/or molecular tests. No active circulation of WNV was detected in vertebrates or mosquitoes by molecular methods. Previous exposure to WNV was confirmed by seroconversion in domestic birds and by the detection of specific neutralizing antibodies in 44% (11/25) of equids, 20.9% (14/67) of domestic birds, 4.7% (13/278) of free-ranging wild birds, 2.6% (2/78) of humans, and 1.5% (1/65) of small ruminants. Results indicate that not only equines but also humans and different species of domestic animals and wild birds were locally exposed to WNV. The detection of neutralizing antibodies for WNV in free-ranging individuals of abundant passerine species suggests that birds commonly found in the region may have been involved as amplifying hosts in local transmission cycles of WNV