16 research outputs found

    Fluorination Effects in XPhos Gold(I) Fluorothiolates

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    Gold phosphine derivatives such as thiolates have been recently proposed as catalysts or catalyst precursors. The relevance of the supramolecular environment on the fine-tuning of the catalytical activity on these compounds incentivizes the use of tools that are convenient to characterize in detail the non-covalent landscape of the systems. Herein, we show the molecular and supramolecular diversity caused by the changes in the fluorination pattern in a family of new XPhos goldfluorothiolate derivatives. Furthermore, we studied the supramolecular interactions around the Au centers using quantum chemical topology tools, in particular the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and the non-covalent interaction index. Our results give detailed insights into the fluorination effects on the strength of intramolecular and intermolecular interactions in these systems. We have also used QTAIM delocalization indexes to define a novel hapticity indicator. Finally, we assessed the trans influence of the fluorothiolates on the phosphine in terms of the change in the ÎŽ 31P-NMR. These results show the feasibility of the use of fluorination in the modulation of the electronic properties of Buchwald phosphine gold(I) compounds, and thereby its potential catalytic activity

    Structural Diversity and Argentophilic Interactions in Small Phosphine Silver(I) Thiolate Clusters

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    10 pags., 5 figs., 4 tabs.Silver(I) coordination compounds display an interesting geometrical diversity, the possibility of having distinct coordination numbers (typically from 2 to 4) and the capability of forming argentophilic (Ag⋅⋅⋅Ag) interactions. These properties complicate the accurate prediction of structures of silver complexes under certain experimental conditions. In this work, we show how subtle modifications in thiolate and phosphine ligands exert important effects on the nuclearity and geometry of phosphine caped clusters [Ag(SR)] (n=4, 6 and 8). We rationalize these effects in terms of the electronic environment of silver centers by analyzing the electronic density of the single-crystal X-ray structures via the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and the Non-Covalent Interaction (NCI)-Index. Furthermore, we characterized attractive and repulsive argentophilic contacts by means of the Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA) energy partition. Our results provide insights on the effects of ancillary ligands in controlling the structure of silver-thiolate clusters. Such control is relevant towards a bottom-up approach to the atomic precise construction of higher nuclearity clusters.We acknowledge fundingby DGAPA-UNAM project IN210818,andby CONACYT-Mexico through the postdoctoral grant 740732. We are also thankful for the instrumental support of the Unit for Industryand Research Support (USAII)at the School of Chemistry at UNAM, Mexico and for the computer time provided by DGTIC/UNAMproject LANCAD-DGTIC-UNAM-250.G.M.-A acknowledges the RSC-Chemists’CommunityFund suppor

    Synthesis, Crystal Structure, DFT Studies and Optical/Electrochemical Properties of Two Novel Heteroleptic Copper(I) Complexes and Application in DSSC

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    New copper(I) compounds of compositions [Cu(HL)(PPh3)2]·H2O (1) and [Cu(HL)POP]·CH2Cl2 (2), where HL = monoanion of pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid, PPh3 = triphenylphosphine and POP = bis [2-(diphenylphosphine)phenyl]ether), are documented. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopic techniques (IR, 1H/31P RMN and UV–VIS), cyclic voltammetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. Single-crystals for 1 and 2 enabled X-ray diffraction analysis, revealing distorted tetrahedral geometries for Cu(I) centers embedded in NOP2 environments. The crystal structures are stabilized by O−H∙∙∙O, C−H∙∙∙O, C−H∙∙∙π and π∙∙∙π interactions that were analyzed by inspection of the Hirshfeld surfaces and fingerprint plots. Compounds 1 and 2 show interesting optical/electrochemical properties, which were studied experimentally in solution by UV–Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry, as well as theoretically using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT). Additionally, in combination with the ruthenium complex N719, their efficiency as co-sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) was assessed, showing good activity