105 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de herramientas genómicas y proteómicas de diagnóstico para el Sistema Murciano de Salud

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    La presentación muestra las líneas de investigación del grupo de Genética: •Control genético del tamaño de los órganos. •Desarrollo de herramientas de genómica. –Genotecas ultranormalizadas. –Mapeo de baja y alta resolución. –Identificación de fragmentos de ADN exógeno insertos en genomas complejos. –Desarrollo de vectores de expresión para genética y genómica inversa.Fundación Séneca. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Fondo Social Europeo

    Teaching genetics, genomics and related disciplines to Erasmus students in English, language versus conceptual weaknesses

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    [SPA] El alto número de alumnos Erasmus nos llevó a iniciar la docencia en inglés en el curso 2000-1. Se han impartido asignaturas optativas como Biología Molecular Aplicada, Ingeniería Genética Vegetal y Genómica, cursos de master: Herramientas de Genómica en Investigación o troncales como Genética. La evaluación se ha llevado a cabo con presentaciones orales, y desde 2009 se ha añadido un examen tipo test. El examen test criba a los alumnos sin conocimientos básicos y falta de atención a las clases. Presentar un artículo de investigación requiere tutorías debido a la densidad de la escritura científica comparada con la de los textos para estudiantes. Los estudiantes de grado obtuvieron notas similares independientemente de su origen. Por el contrario, los estudiantes de master españoles obtuvieron notas significativamente mejores. Esta discrepancia podría deberse a que los alumnos extranjeros de grado tienen un nivel de conocimientos previo parecido a los españoles para las asignaturas. Sin embargo, en el master, los españoles eligen por afinidad temática mientras que los extranjeros lo hacen porque se oferta en inglés. El principal predictor del éxito de los alumnos no es que la asignatura se imparta en inglés, sino el grado de conocimientos previos relacionados con la materia impartida. [ENG] As a result of a relative important number of Erasmus students we started to teach in English in 2000-2001. Throughout the years the courses included optional courses like Applied Molecular Biology, and Plant Genetic Engineering for undergraduates, Genomics for graduate students, Genomic tools in research for master and compulsory courses like Genetics. Despite the offer of the different courses in English, the main predictor for the students success was a general knowledge of biological concepts and genetics rather than their English level beyond a certain minimal threshold. Grading was performed on the basis of an oral presentation of a scientific paper and since 2009 we included a short multiple-choice test of basic concepts. Both proved difficult but the multiple choice weeded out those students that did not do the everyday work of attendance. The preparation of a scientific paper required tutorial guidance as a result of the density of the scientific writing as compared to regular undergraduate textbooks. Undergraduate students graded equal irrespective of their origin while graduate students were significantly better when coming from Spanish universities probably as a result of choosing the subject based on previous knowledge and not on the language used

    Development of loss of function alleles based on CRISPR/CAS9 to study flower and fruit development

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    [SPA] El sistema CRISPR/Cas9 se ha convertido en la tecnología más útil para obtener alelos nuevos al estar basada en el proceso local de reparación de ADN activado localmente por la rotura del ADN. El complejo CRISPR/Cas9 es guiado por una molécula guía de ARN que le da especificidad de acción sobre una secuencia de ADN concreta. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar una colección de alelos en genes de interés relacionados con el desarrollo de la flor y fruto. [ENG] The CRISPR/cas9 system has taken over the methodologies to obtain new alleles as it is based on DNA repair mechanisms activated locally by DNA breakage. The CRISPR/Cas9 complex is driven by a guide RNA conferring specificity of action on a given DNA sequence. The aim of the work is to develop a set of alleles in genes of interest involved in flower and fruit development.The experiments will be conducted in Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV), Cartagena within Polytechnic University of Cartagena

    Development of loss of function alleles based on CRISPR/CAS9 to study flower and fruit development

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    [SPA] El sistema CRISPR/Cas9 se ha convertido en la tecnología más útil para obtener alelos nuevos al estar basada en el proceso local de reparación de ADN activado localmente por la rotura del ADN. El complejo CRISPR/Cas9 es guiado por una molécula guía de ARN que le da especificidad de acción sobre una secuencia de ADN concreta. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar una colección de alelos en genes de interés relacionados con el desarrollo de la flor y fruto. [ENG] The CRISPR/cas9 system has taken over the methodologies to obtain new alleles as it is based on DNA repair mechanisms activated locally by DNA breakage. The CRISPR/Cas9 complex is driven by a guide RNA conferring specificity of action on a given DNA sequence. The aim of the work is to develop a set of alleles in genes of interest involved in flower and fruit development.The experiments will be conducted in Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBB), Cartagena within Polytechnic University of Cartagena. This work is supported by BFU2017-88300-C2-1-R

    Impact of crop diversification and low-input farming on soil microbial diversity

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    [SPA] Las comunidades microbianas existen en los ecosistemas de suelo y son indicadoras de su calidad. Los microorganismos en el suelo, proveen y contribuyen a los grandes ciclos geoquímicos del carbono y nitrógeno. Determinan las características físico-químicas y proveen de forma localizada de nitrógeno, sulfuro, fostato en la agricultura. El presente proyecto enfoca la determinación de comunidades microbiológicas, incluyendo especies y abundancia por medio de secuenciación de nueva generación de ADN de diferentes áreas agrícolas. Los datos generados van a dar una información muy amplia sobre las comunidades microbianas del suelo y el impacto de diferentes prácticas agrícolas sobre su estructura. [ENG] Microbial community existing in soil ecosystems is a major indicator of soil quality. Microorganisms in soil provide and/or contribute major biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. They shape soil characteristics physically and chemically along with providing for Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphate and other nutritional cycles in agricultural areas locally. This project focuses on determination of soil microbiome community as the types of species existing and the abundance of each species through next-generation sequencing of 16S ribosomal metagenomic DNA from different agricultural areas. The overall data will provide a vast range of information of soil microbial community structure and the effect of different agricultural practices on community structure.This thesis is carried out in correlation with Plant Biotechnology Institute, Cartagena and Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Cartagena. Diverfarming Project is funded by European Union (H2020 project)

    Role of molecular markers in environmental studies on the example of the endangered species Cistus heterophyllus

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    [SPA] Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar un conjunto de marcadores moleculares para el rastreo de eventos de hibridación en la población de una especie en peligro de extinción de la familia Cistaceae, Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis limitada a una sola población natural en el noreste de España. En esta población coocurren individuos con fenotipo silvestre y fenotipos híbridos, descritos antes en Africa como C. × clausonis, lo que sugiere eventos de hibridación entre esta población en peligro de extinción y una especie localmente abundante, Cistus albidus. Hemos aplicado marcadores plastídicos y la region internos inter-espaciados (ITS) de la ADN ribosómico como marcadores para su aplicación en la población mencionada. Observamos heteroplasmia en C. heterophyllus y C. × clausonis local, pero no en C. albidus. La región de ITS fue analizada en poblaciones geograficamente aisladas de Cistus heterophyllus, Cistus albidus y posibles híbridos entre estos dos especies. Depnediendo de individuo o población, C. × clausonis filogenéticamente parece más a Cistus heterophyllus o Cistus albidus y problamente está relacionado a la homogenización de variación por evolution concertada. [ENG] This study aims to analyse a set of molecular markers for tracing hybridization events in the population of an endangered species from the Cistaceae family, Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis limited to only one natural population in the north-eastern Spain. In this population individuals with wild type and hybrid phenotypes, described before in Africa as C. × clausonis, co-occure, suggesting hybridization events between the endangered population and the locally abundant Cistus albidus. We applied plastid DNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA as markers in the aforementioned population. We observed heteroplasmy for rpoB and rpoC1 plastid genes in C. heterophyllus and the local C. × clausonis, but not in C. albidus. The ITS region was analysed in geographically isolated populations of Cistus heterophyllus, Cistus albidus and possible hybrids of these two species. Depending on the individual and population, C. × clausonis phylogenetically resembles more either Cistus heterophyllus or Cistus albidus and it might be related to the homogenization of variation between repeat types through concerted evolution.This work was funded by the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia Project “Molecular markers in conservation and management of the flora of Murcia Region”

    Editorial: Spectroscopy for Crop and Product Phenotyping

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    Spectroscopy is a viable technique for exploring plant biochemistry in an efficient, accurate and typically non-destructive manner (Schie et al., 2018). By taking advantage of the properties of plant biomolecules and metabolites in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, advances have been made that allow for investigations into previously inaccessible aspects of biology in real-time (Akhgar et al., 2020). Other important advances involve disease diagnostics, early stress detection and plant product quality assessment (Gemperline et al., 2016). High-throughput technologies for nucleotide sequence analysis and detection of sequence variation have been increasingly used for plant genotyping and other fields of genetic testing. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a simple and rapid method that can detect molecular genetic polymorphisms in basic and applied research applications. An important prospective use of PCR-based genotyping assays is to perform large-scale phenotyping analyses (Suyama and Matsuki, 2015), mutant screens, and comparative physiological analyses for Marker Assisted Breeding. This Research Topic highlights novel and innovative applications of all spectroscopic techniques that aim for characterization in plants in order to understand plant growth and productivity. Studies featuring impactful and innovative applications of well-established methodologies such as Raman spectroscopy, Near-infrared spectroscopy, Fluorescence resonance energy transfer, hyperspectral imaging, or a novel combination of spectrometric measurement techniques and novel spectrometric techniques were invited, resulting in 8 published articles. Infrared and Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) spectroscopy Infrared spectroscopy (Gillie et al., 2000) is becoming an increasingly popular and promising technology in agricultural and agri-food industries to measure intact, fresh, and unfrozen samples directly. The field of infrared spectroscopy is complex and comprehensive and could lead to specialized solutions for the agricultural sector in general, and for the viticultural industry in particular. Wyngaard et al., show that infrared spectroscopy is implemented for continuous monitoring of key metabolites in grapevine organs throughout the growing season. The observed spectral changes led to the classification of grapevine organs, providing individualized calibrations to compensate for the heterogeneity in grapevines, as well as developing more robust prediction models. Near-infrared spectroscopy is a non-destructive, fast, and low-cost method to measure the biochemicals for screening plant samples. Armstrong et al., investigate the feasibility of single kernel NIR spectroscopy for rapid determination of protein, oil, and weight in intact single sorghum seeds, highlighting the use of this non-destructive and quick method for screening these traits in sorghum breeding and industry applications. In the work of Ejaz et al., biochemical components of sorghum were predicted for enhancing grain sorting efficiency for food, feed, and fuel, using Fourier-transform NIR spectroscopy. Raman Spectroscopy-based Plant Pathology Diagnostics Raman spectroscopy (RS) is a label-free, non-invasive, non-destructive spectroscopic technique that is effective for studying the chemical structure of analyzed samples (Cialla-May et al., 2022). This technique has been widely used among biochemists, and has now found applications in agronomy, plant pathology and physiology for analysis of plant health status. Changes in plant biochemistry can be probed by Raman spectroscopy, allowing its use in confirmatory diagnosis of plant pathology. Dou et al., use RS to develop the diagnosis of Huanglongbing, a devastating disease caused by Candidatus Liberibacter spp. (Ca. L. asiaticus). By using a combination of HPLC and image studies of leaves, they created a ground truth concept demonstrating that a given signature in RS corresponds to increased p-coumaric acid and decreased lutein in infected grapefruit leaves. Since Raman spectroscopy can be used to resolve stress-induced changes in plant biochemistry on the molecular level, it represents a prospective and rapid technique for agronomy and plant pathology. Farber et al., show that RS can be used for highly accurate identification of stalk rot caused by Colletotrichum graminicola in maize at both early and late stages of disease progression, via spectroscopic analysis of both leaves and stalks. High-Resolution Microscopy and Spectrometry Approach The rhizosphere is a hotspot for microbial activity, organic carbon input, and carbon turnover in soils (Ilhardt et al., 2019). Several stand-alone and combinatorial methods have been developed to investigate the chemistry and the role of microbes in soil and the rhizosphere. Bandara et al., present a novel approach that allows simultaneous microbial identification and chemical analysis of the rhizosphere at a spatial resolution ranging from micro- to nanometers. This new method allows for comprehensive study of the spatio-temporal organization of nutrients and microbes in the rhizosphere at an unprecedented scale and provides a platform for a mechanistic understanding of complex patterns of interactions between roots, the microbiome and soil using a correlative microscopy approach. Lohse et al., present a novel workflow using laser desorption ionization combined with mass spectrometric imaging to directly analyze plant metabolites in a complex soil matrix. The target metabolites were detected with a spatial resolution of 25 μm in the root and surrounding soil, based on accurate masses using ultra-high mass resolution laser desorption ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Direct molecular imaging allows a non-targeted or targeted analysis of plant metabolites in undisturbed soil samples, paving the way to study the turnover of root-derived organic carbon in the rhizosphere with high chemical and spatial resolution. PCR genotyping Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the smallest type of genetic differences in DNA between biological samples (Campbell et al., 2015). SNP analysis has emerged as one of the most powerful tools employed over a wide range of research, from small-scale student-led investigations of specific SNPs to high-throughput microarray technologies to analyze thousands of SNPs simultaneously. Kalendar et al., propose a modification to improve the version of the existing Allele-specific PCR method that is similar to the Kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) technique for genotyping SNPs based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). This new technique is based on the simultaneous presence of two components in the PCR: an allele-specific mixture (allele-specific and common primers), and a template-independent detector mixture that contains two to four universal probes and a single universal quencher oligonucleotide (Kalendar et al., 2022). The SNP site is positioned preferably at a penultimate base in each allele-specific primer, which increases the reaction specificity and allele discrimination. The proposed method was used for SNP genotyping in barley genes HvSAP16 and HvSAP8, and is suitable for bi-allelic uniplex, 3- or 4-allelic variants, or different SNPs in a multiplex format that can be used in a range of applications including medical, forensic, or any study involving SNP genotyping. Overall, the research collected on this Research Topic highlights innovative and promising applications of all spectroscopic techniques for characterizing plants to understand plant growth, productivity, and disease resistance, and for PCR-based genotyping to perform large-scale mutant screens, comparative analysis for Marker Assisted Breeding.Non peer reviewe

    Genetic and molecular analysis of Gigantea, a gene involved in adaptation to climate via regulation of the circadian clock in Solanaceae

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    [SPA] El metabolismo, fisiología y comportamiento de los organismos vivos cambia entre el día y la noche. Estas oscilaciones biológicas se deben al reloj circadiano, un sistema endógeno que regula la mayoría de los procesos biológicos. En el reino vegetal, uno de los genes involucrados en esta regulación es Gigantea. Aunque fue descubierto en los años 50, sus funciones biológicas y moleculares no se conocen con detalle y son objeto de intenso trabajo debido a su importancia en la adaptación. En este proyecto de tesis pretendemos analizar cambios fenotípicos y bioquímicos relacionados con el silenciamiento de Gigantea en solanáceas. [ENG] The metabolism, physiology, and also the behaviour of most living beings, profoundly changes between day and night. These biological oscillations happen due to the circadian rhythm, an endogenous clock that regulates most of biological events. In the plant kingdom, one of the genes involved in this important regulation is Gigantea. Although discovered in the past century, some of its functions, at the molecular level, are unclear and still a source of intense scientific research. In this thesis project we will try to analyze phenotypic and biochemical changes induced by gene silencing in Solanaceae with the aim to better understand the function of Gigantea.I would like to thank the Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV), especially my director and co-director of thesis, Dr. Julia Rosl Weiss and Dr. Marcos Egea Gutiérrez-Cortines for their willingness and their valuable advice. This works is part of projects BFU-2013-45148-R and Seneca 19398/PI/1

    Editorial: Recent Advances in Plant Genetic Engineering and Innovative Applications

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    Plant genetic engineering is one of the most popular advances in plant science that has been included in the mainstream societal discussion (Mackelprang and Lemaux, 2020). This is born out of multiple unresolved debates on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the involvement of policymakers in an attempt to regulate and ensure its safe application to food crop production and also featuring as a topic in the politics of global aid (Steinwand and Ronald, 2020). Apart from the GMO debate, however, several advances in genetic engineering have been recorded that empower plant scientists to investigate and solve problems previously untouched (Evanega et al., 2022). From the challenge of transforming recalcitrant species and the development of genetic engineering techniques suitable to non-angiosperms to the development of novel genetic engineering technologies and updates to existing technologies, the field of plant genetic engineering is growing and extending the limits of possibilities in Plant Sciences (Zhang et al., 2019). The extension of plant science research capabilities is particularly important as Plant Science has a significant role in global hot topics such as climate change and sustainability. The goal of this research topic is to highlight studies that embody these advances in new biotechnological tools (NBTs) development and the innovative applications of plant genetic engineering. Studies that focus on NBTs development for recalcitrant or previous non-transformable species to allow the unlocking of the biology of these species are of significant interest to this collection. Furthermore, application of novel strategies of next-generation genetic engineering technologies such as genome/gene editing and protein-domain specific technology (e.g., K-Domain technology) (Song and Han, 2021) and innovative applications as well as updates on well-established genetic engineering technologies (e.g., plant artificial minichromosomes and virus-induced silencing) (Yu et al., 2016;Courdavault et al., 2020) will be explored in this collection. Finally, the innovative combination of artificial intelligence or machine learning with genetic engineering to investigate (Alley et al., 2020), solve problems and innovate in plant science is sought after for this collection. Genome Editing and Transgenic Plant Technology Transgenic plant expression of pesticidal proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and other bacteria has been successfully used for insect pest control. In a paper by Seyed Ali Ravanfar et al., (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2022.899624/full), transgenic curry tree (Bergera koenigii) was produced by expressing the pesticidal protein Cry1Ba1 derived from Bacillus thuringiensis. Interestingly, this transgenic can be produced for potential use as trap plants for suppression of Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) populations toward the protection of citrus groves from citrus greening. Another application of using transgenic plants utilizing the K-domain technology to increase maize yield was presented by Guo-Qing Song and Xue Han (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.664983/full). Keratin-like (K) domain is a conserved protein domain of tens of MIKC-type MADS-box genes in plants. K-domain technology utilizes the expression of the K-domain of a blueberry SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 to regulate plant growth and resulted in grain yield increase by 13 to 100% under different experimental conditions. This K-domain technology opens a new approach to increasing crop yield by its potential of mimicking the K-domains of multiple MADS-box genes. Non-transgenic crop breeding with high production in diverse plants presented by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) genetic tools in plants. VIGS exploits an RNA-mediated antiviral defense mechanism [post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS)] for functional gene analysis to fulfill some of this promise in diverse aspects. The plant's natural defense mechanism is induced by a virus infection, and some endogenous genes that are homologous to viral genomes could also be silenced at the same time. Modification of the viral genome into a recombinant viral vector containing sequences homologous to host genes causes homologous silencing of endogenous genes in plants. The review by Gongyao Shi et al., (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.671091/full) summarizes the recent applications in diverse plant species, thus providing a better understanding and advice for functional gene analysis related to crop improvements. As viral vector construction of tobacco rattle virus (TRV) is an important factor of an efficient VIGS system, many modifications have been done based on the original TRV vector to obtain better silencing efficiency in different species. The development of the VIGS system is strongly affected by the selection of Agrobacterium strain, inoculum concentration, environmental factors and proper positive controls. All improvements to VIGS technology will speed up the application of this tool for identifying candidate genes involved in various aspects of plant biology), including plant-environment interactions, plant growth and development, metabolic processes, and other cellular processes in plants. The Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-based VIGS vector was the establishment of a simple and effective VIGS procedure by Yongqin Wang et al., (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.685187/full) in bread wheat genes PHYTOENE DESATURASE (TaPDS) and PHOSPHATE2 (TaPHO2) as targets. Smaller inserts (~100 nucleotides) were more stable and conferred higher silencing efficiency and longer silencing duration, compared with larger inserts. This VIGS genetic technology has a high potential for a rapid and effective functional genomics tool for high-throughput gene function studies in aerial and root tissues and many plant species. The application of CRISPR/Cas9 was used for efficient multi-site genome editing in coniferous species (Picea glauca) by Ying Cui et al., (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.751891/full) for target traits modification needed to speed up breeding. This CRISPR/Cas9 system based on somatic embryogenesis was proven for conifers and was optimized based on codon bias in white spruce and a spruce U6 promoter. This conifer-specific CRISPR/Cas9 system was used for multi-site genome editing to target the gene encodes 1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate synthase of white spruce by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and is valuable in gene function research and trait improvement. Establishment of Transgenic Root in Agrobacterium-mediated Gene Transformation The optimization of plant in vitro studies, by considering all the influential factors, is laborious, time-consuming, and challenging because of its multifactorial nature. The developed protocols are based on the model for efficiency in predicting the gene transformation efficiency of plants with a low rate of transformation. The multilayer perceptron topology of an artificial neural network (ANN) was applied to create two predictor models in Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation of tobacco by Gniewko Niedbała (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.695110/full). Through the precise and efficient data interpretation, ANN could help optimize the gene transformation conditions in Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation studies. The study of Vy Nguyen and Iain R. Searle (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.781014/full) developed a simple, efficient and rapid hairy root transformation system for common vetch to facilitate functional gene analysis. Authors show that the infection of the hypocotyls on 5-day-old in vitro or in vivo, soil-grown seedlings with Rhizobium rhizogenes using a stabbing method on vetch explants was effective to produce transgenic in shoot and hypocotyl-epicotyl explants. This simple method also produces contaminant-free transgenic hairy roots for downstream study and shoots could be helpful in plant propagation. Artificial Minichromosomes Technology Artificial minichromosomes are the next-generation technology for plant genetic engineering and represent an independent platform for expressing foreign genes and the tools for studying the structure and function of chromosomes. This technology for telomere-associated chromosome truncation has been applied successfully in mammals and plants and used as an independent platform for stacking multiple foreign genes without gene segregation. The truncated minichromosome was employed as a platform to receive foreign genes in Brassica napus by Xiangzhen Yin et al. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.743792/full). This research primarily focused on the development of stably inherited minichromosomes and their precise characterization and tracking over different generations. A 0.35-kb direct repeat of the Arabidopsis telomeric sequence was transformed into Brassica napus to produce artificial minichromosomes, which were analyzed by multifluorescence in situ hybridization (multi-FISH), genome resequencing, and insertion site-specific PCR, primer extension telomere rapid amplification (PETRA). In summary, the research collected on this Research Topic advances in next generation sequencing and gene editing technologies have revolutionized plant science research that empowers plant biotechnologists to manipulate target gene(s) more precisely and effectively in genetic engineering. We believe that a breakthrough in plant genetic engineering is being made and is going to drive a second Green Revolution that is the key to feeding our future.Non peer reviewe