8,182 research outputs found

    Phases dynamics in VCSELs with delayed optical feedback and cross re-injection

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    We study theoretically the non linear polarization dynamics of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers in the presence of an external cavity providing delayed optical feedback and cross polarization re-injection. We show that far from the laser threshold, the dynamics remains confined close to the equatorial plane of a Stokes sphere of a given radius and we reduce the dynamics to a dynamical system composed of two phases: the orientation phase of the quasi-linear polarization and the optical phase of the field. We explore the complex modal structure given by the double feedback configuration and recovers as particular cases the Lang-Kobayashi modes and the modes founds by Giudici et al. [1]. We also re-interpret the square waves switching dynamics as phase kinks.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, pre-submission to Phys. Rev.

    The Relation between Black Hole Mass, Bulge Mass, and Near-Infrared Luminosity

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    We present new accurate near-infrared (NIR) spheroid (bulge) structural parameters obtained by two-dimensional image analysis for all galaxies with a direct black hole (BH) mass determination. As expected, NIR bulge luminosities Lbul and BH masses are tightly correlated, and if we consider only those galaxies with secure BH mass measurement and accurate Lbul (27 objects), the spread of MBH-Lbul is similar to MBH-sigma, where sigma is the effective stellar velocity dispersion. We find an intrinsic rms scatter of ~0.3 dex in log MBH. By combining the bulge effective radii R_e measured in our analysis with sigma, we find a tight linear correlation (rms ~ 0.25 dex) between MBH and the virial bulge mass (propto R_e sigma^2), with ~ 0.002. A partial correlation analysis shows that MBH depends on both sigma and R_e, and that both variables are necessary to drive the correlations between MBH and other bulge properties.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    The RD53 Collaboration's SystemVerilog-UVM Simulation Framework and its General Applicability to Design of Advanced Pixel Readout Chips

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    The foreseen Phase 2 pixel upgrades at the LHC have very challenging requirements for the design of hybrid pixel readout chips. A versatile pixel simulation platform is as an essential development tool for the design, verification and optimization of both the system architecture and the pixel chip building blocks (Intellectual Properties, IPs). This work is focused on the implemented simulation and verification environment named VEPIX53, built using the SystemVerilog language and the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) class library in the framework of the RD53 Collaboration. The environment supports pixel chips at different levels of description: its reusable components feature the generation of different classes of parameterized input hits to the pixel matrix, monitoring of pixel chip inputs and outputs, conformity checks between predicted and actual outputs and collection of statistics on system performance. The environment has been tested performing a study of shared architectures of the trigger latency buffering section of pixel chips. A fully shared architecture and a distributed one have been described at behavioral level and simulated; the resulting memory occupancy statistics and hit loss rates have subsequently been compared.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures (11 figure files), submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Spectroastrometry of rotating gas disks for the detection of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei. I. Method and simulations

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    This is the first in a series of papers in which we study the application of spectroastrometry in the context of gas kinematical studies aimed at measuring the mass of supermassive black holes. The spectroastrometrical method consists in measuring the photocenter of light emission in different wavelength or velocity channels. In particular we explore the potential of spectroastrometry of gas emission lines in galaxy nuclei to constrain the kinematics of rotating gas disks and to measure the mass of putative supermassive black holes. By means of detailed simulations and test cases, we show that the fundamental advantage of spectroastrometry is that it can provide information on the gravitational potential of a galaxy on scales significantly smaller (~ 1/10) than the limit imposed by the spatial resolution of the observations. We then describe a simple method to infer detailed kinematical informations from spectroastrometry in longslit spectra and to measure the mass of nuclear mass concentrations. Such method can be applied straightforwardly to integral field spectra, which do not have the complexities due to a partial spatial covering of the source in the case of longslit spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Theoretical insights into the RR Lyrae K-band Period-Luminosity relation

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    Based on updated nonlinear, convective pulsation models computed for several values of stellar mass, luminosity and metallicity, theoretical constraints on the K-band Period-Luminosity (PLK) relation of RR Lyrae stars are presented. We show that for each given metal content the predicted PLK is marginally dependent on uncertainties of the stellar mass and/or luminosity. Then, by considering the RR Lyrae masses suggested by evolutionary computations for the various metallicities, we obtain that the predicted infrared magnitude M_K over the range 0.0001< Z <0.02 is given by the relation MK=0.568-2.071logP+0.087logZ-0.778logL/Lo, with a rms scatter of 0.032 mag. Therefore, by allowing the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars to vary within the range covered by current evolutionary predictions for metal-deficient (0.0001< Z <0.006) horizontal branch models, we eventually find that the infrared Period-Luminosity- Metallicity (PLZK) relation is MK=0.139-2.071(logP+0.30)+0.167logZ, with a total intrinsic dispersion of 0.037 mag. As a consequence, the use of such a PLZK relation should constrain within +-0.04 mag the infrared distance modulus of field and cluster RR Lyrae variables, provided that accurate observations and reliable estimates of the metal content are available. Moreover, we show that the combination of K and V measurements can supply independent information on the average luminosity of RR Lyrae stars, thus yielding tight constraints on the input physics of stellar evolution computations. Finally, for globular clusters with a sizable sample of first overtone variables, the reddening can be estimated by using the PLZK relation together with the predicted MV-logP relation at the blue edge of the instability strip (Caputo et al. 2000).Comment: 8 pages, including 5 postscript figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    A theoretical approach for the interpretation of pulsating PMS intermediate-mass stars

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    The investigation of the pulsation properties of pre-main-sequence intermediate-mass stars is a promising tool to evaluate the intrinsic properties of these stars and to constrain current evolutionary models. Many new candidates of this class have been discovered during the last decade and very accurate data are expected from space observations obtained for example with the CoRoT satellite. In this context we aim at developing a theoretical approach for the interpretation of observed frequencies, both from the already available ground-based observations and from the future more accurate and extensive CoRoT results. To this purpose we have started a project devoted to the computations of fine and extensive grids of asteroseismic models of intermediate mass pre-main-sequence stars. The obtained frequencies are used to derive an analytical relation between the large frequency separation and the stellar luminosity and effective temperature and to develop a tool to compare theory and observations in the echelle diagram. The predictive capabilities of the proposed method are verified through the application to two test stars. As a second step, we apply the procedure to two true observations from multisite campaigns and we are able to constrain their stellar parameters, in particular the mass, in spite of the small number of frequencies. We expect that with a significantly higher number of frequencies both the stellar mass and age could be constrained and, at the same time, the physics of the models could be tested.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Reversible Vortex Ratchet Effects and Ordering in Superconductors with Simple Asymmetric Potential Arrays

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    We demonstrate using computer simulations that the simplest vortex ratchet system for type-II superconductors with artificial pinning arrays, an asymmetric one-dimensional (1D) potential array, exhibits the same features as more complicated two-dimensional vortex ratchets that have been studied in recent experiments. We show that the 1D geometry, originally proposed by Lee et al. [Nature 400, 337 (1999)], undergoes multiple reversals in the sign of the ratchet effect as a function of vortex density, substrate strength, and ac drive amplitude, and that the sign of the ratchet effect is related to the type of vortex lattice structure present. When the vortex lattice is highly ordered, an ordinary vortex ratchet effect occurs which is similar to the response of an isolated particle in the same ratchet geometry. In regimes where the vortices form a smectic or disordered phase, the vortex-vortex interactions are relevant and we show with force balance arguments that the ratchet effect can reverse in sign. The dc response of this system features a reversible diode effect and a variety of vortex states including triangular, smectic, disordered and square.Comment: 10 pages, 12 postscript figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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