29 research outputs found

    Regularity estimates for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension

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    In this paper we deal with the regularizing effect that, in a scalar conservation laws in one space dimension, the nonlinearity of the flux function ff has on the entropy solution. More precisely, if the set {w:f′′(w)≠0}\{w:f''(w)\ne 0\} is dense, the regularity of the solution can be expressed in terms of BVΦ\mathrm{BV}^\Phi spaces, where Φ\Phi depends on the nonlinearity of ff. If moreover the set {w:f′′(w)=0}\{w:f''(w)=0\} is finite, under the additional polynomial degeneracy condition at the inflection points, we prove that f′∘u(t)∈BVloc(R)f'\circ u(t)\in \mathrm{BV}_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathrm{R}) for every t>0t>0 and that this can be improved to SBVloc(R)\mathrm{SBV}_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}) regularity except an at most countable set of singular times. Finally we present some examples that shows the sharpness of these results and counterexamples to related questions, namely regularity in the kinetic formulation and a property of the fractional BV spaces

    Differentiability properties of the flow of 2d autonomous vector fields

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    We investigate under which assumptions the flow associated to autonomous planar vector fields inherits the Sobolev or BV regularity of the vector field. We consider nearly incompressible and divergence-free vector fields, taking advantage in both cases of the underlying Hamiltonian structure. Finally we provide an example of an autonomous planar Sobolev divergence-free vector field, such that the corresponding regular Lagrangian flow has no bounded variation

    On the concentration of entropy for scalar conservation laws

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    We prove that the entropy for an L∞L^\infty-solution to a scalar conservation laws with continuous initial data is concentrated on a countably 11-rectifiable set. To prove this result we introduce the notion of Lagrangian representation of the solution and give regularity estimates on the solution

    Stability of the vortex in micromagnetics and related models

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    We consider line-energy models of Ginzburg-Landau type in a two-dimensional simply-connected bounded domain. Configurations of vanishing energy have been characterized by Jabin, Otto and Perthame: the domain must be a disk, and the configuration a vortex. We prove a quantitative version of this statement in the class of C1,1C^{1,1} domains, improving on previous results by Lorent. In particular, the deviation of the domain from a disk is controlled by a power of the energy, and that power is optimal. The main tool is a Lagrangian representation introduced by the second author, which allows to decompose the energy along characteristic curves

    New regularity results for scalar conservation laws and applications to a source–destination model for traffic flows on networks

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    We focus on entropy admissible solutions of scalar conservation laws in one space dimension and establish new regularity results with respect to time. First, we assume that the flux function ff is strictly convex and show that, for every x∈R x \in \mathbb{R}, the total variation of the composite function f∘u(⋅,x)f \circ u(\cdot, x) is controlled by the total variation of the initial datum. Next, we assume that ff is monotone and, under no convexity assumption, we show that, for every xx, the total variation of the left and right trace u(⋅,x±)u(\cdot, x^\pm) is controlled by the total variation of the initial datum. We also exhibit a counter-example showing that in the first result the total variation bound does not extend to the function uu, or equivalently that in the second result we cannot drop the monotonicity assumption. We then discuss applications to a source-destination model for traffic flows on road networks. We introduce a new approach, based on the analysis of transport equations with irregular coefficients, and, under the assumption that the network only contains so-called T-junctions, we establish existence and uniqueness results for merely bounded data in the class of solutions where the traffic is not congested. Our assumptions on the network and the traffic congestion are basically necessary to obtain well-posedness in view of a counter-example due to Bressan and Yu. We also establish stability and propagation of BVBV regularity, and this is again interesting in view of recent counter-examples.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Stability of quasi-entropy solutions of non-local scalar conservation laws

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    We prove the stability of entropy solutions of nonlinear conservation laws with respect to perturbations of the initial datum, the space-time dependent flux and the entropy inequalities. Such a general stability theorem is motivated by the study of problems in which the flux P[u](t,x,u)P[u](t,x,u) depends possibly non-locally on the solution itself. For these problems we show the conditional existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions. Moreover, the relaxation of the entropy inequality allows to treat approximate solutions arising from various numerical schemes. This can be used to derive the rate of convergence of the recent particle method introduced in [Radici-Stra 2021] to solve a one-dimensional model of traffic with congestion, as well as recover already known rates for some other approximation methods