8,622 research outputs found

    Dust in active nuclei. II. Powder or gravel?

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    In a companion paper, Maiolino et al. (2000) presented various observational evidences for "anomalous" dust properties in the circumnuclear region of AGNs and, in particular, the reduced E(B-V)/N_H and Av/N_H ratios, the absence of the silicate absorption feature in mid-IR spectra of Sy2s and the absence of the carbon dip in UV spectra of reddened Sy1s. In this paper we discuss various explanations for these facts. The observational constraints favor a scenario where coagulation, catalyzed by the high densities in the circumnuclear region, yields to the formation of large grains. The resulting extinction curve is featureless, flatter than Galactic and the E(B-V)/N_H and Av/N_H ratios are significantly reduced. These results should warn about an unappropriate use of the standard Galactic extinction curve and Av/N_H ratio when dealing with the extreme gas conditions typical of the circumnuclear clouds of AGNs. We also investigated alternative scenarios for the observed anomalous properties of dust in AGNs. Some of these scenarios might explain some of the observed properties for a few objects, but they generally fail to account for all of the observational constraints obtained for the large sample of AGNs studied in these works.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    On the impact of Helium abundance on the Cepheid Period-Luminosity and Wesenheit relations and the Distance Ladder

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    This work analyses the effect of the Helium content on synthetic Period-Luminosity Relations (PLRs) and Period-Wesenheit Relations (PWRs) of Cepheids and the systematic uncertainties on the derived distances that a hidden population of He-enhanced Cepheids may generate. We use new stellar and pulsation models to build a homogeneous and consistent framework to derive the Cepheid features. The Cepheid populations expected in synthetic color-magnitude diagrams of young stellar systems (from 20 Myr to 250 Myr) are computed in several photometric bands for Y = 0.25 and Y = 0.35, at a fixed metallicity (Z = 0.008). The PLRs appear to be very similar in the two cases, with negligible effects (few %) on distances, while PWRs differ somewhat, with systematic uncertainties in deriving distances as high as about 7% at log P < 1.5. Statistical effects due to the number of variables used to determine the relations contribute to a distance systematic error of the order of few percent, with values decreasing from optical to near-infrared bands. The empirical PWRs derived from multi-wavelength datasets for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is in a very good agreement with our theoretical PWRs obtained with a standard He content, supporting the evidence that LMC Cepheids do not show any He effect

    Multipopulation aftereffects on the color-magnitude diagram and Cepheid variables of young stellar systems

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    Context: The evidence of a multipopulation scenario in Galactic globular clusters raises several questions about the formation and evolution of the two (or more) generations of stars. These populations show differences in their age and chemical composition. These differences are found in old- and intermediate- age stellar clusters in the Local Group. The observations of young stellar systems are expected to present footprints of multiple stellar populations. Aims: This theoretical work intends to be a specific step in exploring the space of the observational indicators of multipopulations, without covering all the combinations of parameters that may contribute to the formation of multiple generations of stars in a cluster or in galaxy. The goal is to shed light on the possible observational features expected by core He-burning stars that belong to two stellar populations with different original He content and ages. Methods: The tool adopted was the stellar population synthesis. We used new stellar and pulsation models to construct a homogeneous and consistent framework. Synthetic color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of young- and intermediate-age stellar systems (from 20 Myr up to 1 Gyr) were computed in several photometric bands to derive possible indicators of double populations both in the observed CMDs and in the pulsation properties of the Cepheids. Results: We predict that the morphology of the red/blue clump in VIK bands can be used to photometrically indicate the two stellar populations in a rich assembly of stars if there is a significant difference in their original He content. Moreover, the period distribution of the Cepheids appears to be widely affected by the coeval multiple generations of stars within stellar systems. We show that the Wesenheit relations may be affected by the helium content of the Cepheids.Comment: in press on A&

    The rectifiability of the entropy defect measure for Burgers equation

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    We consider bounded weak solutions to the Burgers equation for which every entropy dissipation is representable by a measure and we prove that all these measures are concentrated on the graphs of countably many Lipschitz curves. The main tool is the Lagrangian representation, which is an extension of the method of characteristics to the non-smooth setting

    The RD53 Collaboration's SystemVerilog-UVM Simulation Framework and its General Applicability to Design of Advanced Pixel Readout Chips

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    The foreseen Phase 2 pixel upgrades at the LHC have very challenging requirements for the design of hybrid pixel readout chips. A versatile pixel simulation platform is as an essential development tool for the design, verification and optimization of both the system architecture and the pixel chip building blocks (Intellectual Properties, IPs). This work is focused on the implemented simulation and verification environment named VEPIX53, built using the SystemVerilog language and the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) class library in the framework of the RD53 Collaboration. The environment supports pixel chips at different levels of description: its reusable components feature the generation of different classes of parameterized input hits to the pixel matrix, monitoring of pixel chip inputs and outputs, conformity checks between predicted and actual outputs and collection of statistics on system performance. The environment has been tested performing a study of shared architectures of the trigger latency buffering section of pixel chips. A fully shared architecture and a distributed one have been described at behavioral level and simulated; the resulting memory occupancy statistics and hit loss rates have subsequently been compared.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures (11 figure files), submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Photometric and spectroscopic study of the intermediate age open cluster NGC 3960

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    We present CCD UBVI photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the intermediate age open cluster NGC 3960. The colour - magnitude diagrams (CMDs) derived from the photometric data and interpreted with the synthetic CMD method allow us to estimate the cluster parameters. We derive: age = 0.9 or 0.6 Gyr (depending on whether or not overshooting from convective regions is included in the adopted stellar models), distance (m-M)0 = 11.6 +/- 0.1, reddening E(B-V) = 0.29 +/- 0.02, differential reddening Delta E(B-V) = 0.05 and approximate metallicity between solar and half of solar. We obtained high resolution spectra of three clump stars, and derived an average [Fe/H] = -0.12 (rms 0.04 dex), in very good agreement with the photometric determination. We also obtained abundances of alpha-elements, Fe-peak elements, and of Ba. The reddenings toward individual stars derived from the spectroscopic temperatures and the Alonso et al. calibrations give further support to the existence of significative variations across the cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS; fig. 3, 4, 5, 6 at degraded resolutio
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