168 research outputs found

    Complex dynamics and configurational entropy of spatial optical solitons in nonlocal media

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    Intense light propagating in a nonlinear medium can generate an ensemble of interacting filaments of light, or spatial solitons. Using nematic liquid crystals, we demonstrate that they undergo a collective behavior typical of complex systems, including the formation of clusters and sound-like vibrations, as well as the reduction of the configurational entropy, controlled by the degree of nonlocality of the medium.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Optics Letters, to be publishe

    Space-time bullet trains via modulation instability and nonlocal solitons.

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    We introduce the generation of dense trains of light-bullets in nonlocal nonlinear dielectrics. We exploit stable spatio-temporal self-trapped optical packets stemming from the interplay between local electronic and nonlocal reorientational nonlinearities, considering a seeded temporal modulation instability by specifically referring to nematic liquid crystals

    Signal processing by opto-optical interactions between self-localized and free propagating beams in liquid crystals

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    The reorientational nonlinearity of nematic liquid crystals enables a self-localized spatial soliton and its waveguide to be deflected or destroyed by a control beam propagating across the cell. We demonstrate a simple all-optical readdressing scheme by exploiting the lens-like perturbation induced by an external beam on both a nematicon and a co-polarized guided signal of different wavelength. Angular steering as large as 2.2 degrees was obtained for control powers as low as 32mW in the near infrared

    Route to nonlocality and observation of accessible solitons

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    We develop a general theory of spatial solitons in a liquid crystalline medium exhibiting a nonlinearity with an arbitrary degree of effective nonlocality. The model accounts the observability of "accessible solitons" and establishes an important link with parametric solitons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Terahertz Faraday rotation in a magnetic liquid: High magneto-optical figure of merit and broadband operation in a ferrofluid

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    We report on the demonstration of a high figure of merit (FOM) Faraday rotation in a liquid in the terahertz (THz) regime. Using a ferrofluid, a high broadband rotation (11 mrad/mm) is experimentally demonstrated in the frequency range of 0.2–0.9 THz at room temperature. Given the low absorption of the liquid, a high magneto-optical figure of merit (5-16 rad.cm/T) is obtained

    Characterization of high-speed balanced photodetectors

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    We report the characterization of a balanced ultrafast photodetector. For this purpose, we use a recently developed time-domain laser-based vector network analyzer (VNA) to determine the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the device under test. This includes the frequency-domain response above the single-mode frequency of the coaxial connector. Although the balanced photodetector has a nominal bandwidth of 43 GHz, it generates voltage pulses with frequency components up to 180 GHz. We obtain a CMRR of better than 30 dB up to 70 GHz and better than 20 dB up to 110 GHz. The laser-based measurements are compared with the measurements using a digital sampling oscilloscope and with the frequency-domain measurements using a conventional VNA. We obtain good agreement between the three techniques with the laser-based method providing the largest measurement bandwidth, although it also constitutes the most complicated characterization setup
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