124 research outputs found

    Force and number of myosin motors during muscle shortening and the coupling with the release of the ATP hydrolysis products

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    The chemo-mechanical cycle of the myosin II–actin reaction in situ has been investigated in Ca(2+)-activated skinned fibres from rabbit psoas, by determining the number and strain (s) of myosin motors interacting during steady shortening at different velocities (V) and the effect of raising inorganic phosphate (P(i)) concentration. It was found that in control conditions (no added P(i)), shortening at V ≤ 350 nm s(–1) per half-sarcomere, corresponding to force (T) greater than half the isometric force (T(0)), decreases the number of myosin motors in proportion to the reduction of T, so that s remains practically constant and similar to the T(0) value independent of V. At higher V the number of motors decreases less than in proportion to T, so that s progressively decreases. Raising P(i) concentration by 10 mm, which reduces T(0) and the number of motors by 40–50%, does not influence the dependence on V of number and strain. A model simulation of the myosin–actin reaction in which the structural transitions responsible for the myosin working stroke and the release of the hydrolysis products are orthogonal explains the results assuming that P(i) and then ADP are released with rates that increase as the motor progresses through the working stroke. The rate of ADP release from the conformation at the end of the working stroke is also strain-sensitive, further increasing by one order of magnitude within a few nanometres of negative strain. These results provide the molecular explanation of the relation between the rate of energy liberation and the load during muscle contraction. KEY POINTS: Muscle contraction is due to cyclical ATP-driven working strokes in the myosin motors while attached to the actin filament. Each working stroke is accompanied by the release of the hydrolysis products, orthophosphate and ADP. The rate of myosin–actin interactions increases with the increase in shortening velocity. . We used fast half-sarcomere mechanics on skinned muscle fibres to determine the relation between shortening velocity and the number and strain of myosin motors and the effect of orthophosphate concentration. . A model simulation of the myosin–actin reaction explains the results assuming that orthophosphate and then ADP are released with rates that increase as the motor progresses through the working stroke. The ADP release rate further increases by one order of magnitude with the rise of negative strain in the final motor conformation. . These results provide the molecular explanation of the relation between the rate of energy liberation and shortening velocity during muscle contraction.

    The working stroke of the myosin II motor in muscle is not tightly coupled to release of orthophosphate from its active site.

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    Skeletal muscle shortens faster against a lower load. This force–velocity relationship is the fundamental determinant of muscle performance in vivo and is due to ATP-driven working strokes of myosin II motors, during their cyclic interactions with the actin filament in each half-sarcomere. Crystallographic studies suggest that the working stroke is associated with the release of phosphate (P(i)) and consists of 70 deg tilting of a light-chain domain that connects the catalytic domain of the myosin motor to the myosin tail and filament. However, the coupling of the working stroke with P(i) release is still an unsolved question. Using nanometre–microsecond mechanics on skinned muscle fibres, we impose stepwise drops in force on an otherwise isometric contraction and record the isotonic velocity transient, to measure the mechanical manifestation of the working stroke of myosin motors and the rate of its regeneration in relation to the half-sarcomere load and [P(i)]. We show that the rate constant of the working stroke is unaffected by [P(i)], while the subsequent transition to steady velocity shortening is accelerated. We propose a new chemo-mechanical model that reproduces the transient and steady state responses by assuming that: (i) the release of P(i) from the catalytic site of a myosin motor can occur at any stage of the working stroke, and (ii) a myosin motor, in an intermediate state of the working stroke, can slip to the next actin monomer during filament sliding. This model explains the efficient action of muscle molecular motors working as an ensemble in the half-sarcomere

    Residual Strength Validation of a Composite Stiffened Panel Virtually Impacted

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    AbstractMost modern structural system designs rely on a damage tolerance philosophy, which means that a structure can withstand some damage without failure.The residual strength of a structure, i.e. the load that a damaged structure can still carry without failure, can be significantly affected by the presence of a crack or a damaged area and is usually substantially lower than the strength of the undamaged structure [1].In the study presented in this paper MSC.Nastran sol700 explicit solver has been used to simulate different impact conditions on a stiffened composite panel [2]. This has allowed estimating and analysing the damage effects on the matrix and fibers of the composite panel. The virtual damaged panel has been loaded in a non-linear implicit simulation using MSC.Nastran sol400 solution to predict the residual strength [3–6]. The simulation results were in good agreement with experimental tests

    Muscle thixotropy: more than just cross-bridges?

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    AbstractAlthough Campbell and Lakie in a Comment to the Editor in this issue of Biophysical Journal suggested that exclusive cross-bridge action is behind muscle thixotropy, recent findings and our preliminary observations suggest that additional mechanisms could also be involved

    Inotropic interventions do not change the resting state of myosin motors during cardiac diastole

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    When striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle is in its relaxed state, myosin motors are packed in helical tracks on the surface of the thick filament, folded toward the center of the sarcomere, and unable to bind actin or hydrolyze ATP (OFF state). This raises the question of whatthe mechanism is that integrates the Ca2+-dependent thin filament activation, making myosin heads available for interaction with actin. Here we test the interdependency of the thin and thick filament regulatory mechanisms in intact trabeculae from the rat heart. We record the x-ray diffraction signals that mark the state of the thick filament during inotropic interventions (increase in sarcomere length from 1.95 to 2.25 µm and addition of 10-7 M isoprenaline), which potentiate the twitch force developed by an electrically paced trabecula by up to twofold. During diastole, none of the signals related to the OFF state of the thick filament are significantly affected by these interventions, except the intensity of both myosin-binding protein C- and troponin-related meridional reflections, which reduce by 20% in the presence of isoprenaline. These results indicate that recruitment of myosin motors from their OFF state occurs independently and downstream from thin filament activation. This is in agreement with the recently discovered mechanism based on thick filament mechanosensing in which the number of motors available for interaction with actin rapidly adapts to the stress on the thick filament and thus to the loading conditions of the contraction. The gain of this positive feedback may be modulated by both sarcomere length and the degree of phosphorylation of myosin-binding protein C

    TNF-α/TNF-R System May Represent a Crucial Mediator of Proliferative Synovitis in Hemophilia A

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    Hemophilic arthropathy (HA) typically begins with proliferative synovitis that shares some similarities with inflammatory arthritides, in which the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α has a crucial pathogenetic role. Inappropriate release of TNF-α was shown to contribute to arthropathy development following intra-articular bleeding in hemophilic mice. Here, we were interested in determining whether systemic levels of TNF-α and synovial tissue expression of the TNF-α/TNF receptor (TNF-R) system could be increased and related to joint damage in hemophilia A patients with severe HA. Serum levels of TNF-α measured by quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were significantly increased in HA patients (n = 67) compared to healthy controls (n = 20). In HA patients, elevated TNF-α levels were significantly associated with the number of hemarthroses, the grade of synovial hypertrophy, and both the clinical World Federation of Hemophilia score and ultrasound score. The expression of TNF-α, TNF-R1, and TNF-R2 was strongly increased in HA synovium (n = 10) compared to the non-inflamed osteoarthritis control synovium (n = 8), as assessed by both immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Increased protein levels of TNF-α, TNF-R1, and TNF-R2 were retained in vitro by HA fibroblast-like synoviocytes (n = 6) with respect to osteoarthritis control fibroblast-like synoviocytes (n = 6). Stimulation with TNF-α resulted in a significant increase in HA fibroblast-like synoviocyte proliferation quantified by the water-soluble tetrazolium (WST)-1 assay, while it had no relevant effect on osteoarthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Quantification of active/cleaved caspase-3 by ELISA demonstrated that TNF-α did not induce apoptosis either in HA or in osteoarthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes. The TNF-α/TNF-R system may represent a crucial mediator of proliferative synovitis and, therefore, a new attractive target for the prevention and treatment of joint damage in HA patients. Our findings provide the groundwork for further clinical investigation of anti-TNF-α therapeutic feasibility in hemophiliacs

    Myopalladin promotes muscle growth through modulation of the serum response factor pathway

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    Myopalladin (MYPN) is a striated muscle-specific, immunoglobulin-containing protein located in the Z-line and I-band of the sarcomere as well as the nucleus. Heterozygous MYPN gene mutations are associated with hypertrophic, dilated, and restrictive cardiomyopathy, and homozygous loss-of-function truncating mutations have recently been identified in patients with cap myopathy, nemaline myopathy, and congenital myopathy with hanging big toe

    Validation tests of the CMS TIB/TID structures

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    Tracker Inner Barrel half-cylinders and Tracker Inner Disks of the CMS tracker have been integrated in three INFN sites. Integrated structures are submitted to an extensive set of tests whose main aim is to validate the functioning of the structures in CMS-like conditions. The tests have furthermore proven to be a great opportunity to study several aspects of the performance in detail. In this note the tests are described in some detail and an overview of the results is presented
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