36 research outputs found


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    Individual information about bighorn sheep ewes of 2 years and above. Cohort 1973 to 2014. Annual fitness from 1975 to 2014


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    Seasonal values of environmental variables tested as causes of cohort effects

    Data used in the paper

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    "Datadryad" is a dataframe with 9 variables: 1) idmother = mother identity, 2) year = year of lamb birth, 3) pws = previous maternal weaning success with 3 modalities (0 = "no lamb weaned", 1 = "a son weaned", 2 = "a daugther weaned"), 4) idfather = father identity, 5) sex = lamb sex (0 = female, 1 = male), 6) env = environmental conditions, 7) condition = maternal condition, 8) age = maternal age, 9) fathersuccess = annual paternal reproductive success. All continuous variables have been centered and divided by two standard deviations

    range sizes of 95% and 50% kernels for different sex-age classes

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    Sizes of kernels were calculated in Ranges8 v. 2.5. Each line represents an individual. Width refers to the distance between the two outermost points of kernels


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    R script for conducting GWAS analyses with the RepeatABLE packag


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    Phenotype file with only 1 measure per individual for setting "base model" in RepeatABE


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    Repeated measures of body mass for sheep used in GWAS analyse


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    Repeated measures of horn base circumference for sheep used in GWAS analyse