180 research outputs found

    Finite groups in Axiomatic Index Number Theory

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    In this paper we adopt Group Theory to investigate the symmetry and invariance properties of price index numbers. An alternative treatment is given to the study of the reversibilty axioms, that clarifies their meaning and allows for a conceptual unification of this topic, within the framework of Axiomatic Index Number Theory.Price index, Axiomatic Index Number Theory, Basis antithesis, Factor antithesis, Group Theory

    On the Relationships among Latent Variables and Residuals in PLS Path Modeling: the Formative-Reflective Scheme

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    A new approach for the estimation and the validation of a Structural Equation Model with a formative-reflective scheme is presented. The basis of the paper is a proposal for overcoming a potential deficiency of PLS Path Modeling. In the PLS approach the reflective scheme assumed for the endogenous latent variables is inverted; moreover, the model errors are not explicitly taken into account for the estimation of the endogenous latent variables. The proposed approach utilizes all the relevant information in the formative manifest variables providing solutions which respect the causal structure of the model. The estimation procedure is based on the optimization of the redundancy criterion. The new approach, entitled Redundancy Analysis approach to Path Modeling is compared with both traditional PLS Path Modeling and LISREL methodology, on the basis of real and simulated data.Latent Variables, Partial Least Squares, PLS Path Modeling, Redundancy Analysis, LISREL Model

    Sex-specific tonic 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling at inhibitory inputs onto dopamine neurons of Lister Hooded rats

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    Addiction as a psychiatric disorder involves interaction of inherited predispositions and environmental factors. Similarly to humans, laboratory animals self-administer addictive drugs, whose appetitive properties result from activation and suppression of brain reward and aversive pathways, respectively. The ventral tegmental area (VTA) where dopamine (DA) cells are located is a key component of brain reward circuitry, whereas the rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) critically regulates aversive behaviors. Reduced responses to either aversive intrinsic components of addictive drugs or to negative consequences of compulsive drug taking might contribute to vulnerability to addiction. In this regard, female Lister Hooded (LH) rats are more vulnerable than male counterparts to cannabinoid self-administration. We, therefore, took advantage of sex differences displayed by LH rats, and studied VTA DA neuronal properties to unveil functional differences. Electrophysiological properties of DA cells were examined performing either single cell extracellular recordings in anesthetized rats or whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in slices. In vivo, DA cell spontaneous activity was similar, though sex differences were observed in RMTg-induced inhibition of DA neurons. In vitro, DA cells showed similar intrinsic and synaptic properties. However, females displayed larger depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI) than male LH rats. DSI, an endocannabinoid-mediated form of short term plasticity, was mediated by 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) activating type 1-cannabinoid (CB1) receptors. We found that sex-dependent differences in DSI magnitude were not ascribed to CB1 number and/or function, but rather to a tonic 2-AG signaling. We suggest that sex specific tonic 2-AG signaling might contribute to regulate responses to aversive intrinsic properties to cannabinoids, thus resulting in faster acquisition/initiation of cannabinoid taking and, eventually, in progression to addiction

    Targeting Policies for Multidimensional Poverty and Social Fragility Relief Among Migrants in Italy, Using F-FOD Analysis

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    In this paper, we apply the novel Fuzzy First-Order Dominance (F-FOD) methodology to rank migrant subpopulations in Lombardy (Italy), in terms of multidimensional poverty and social fragility, for the year 2014, with the purpose to possibly provide useful support to policy-makers, in targeting relief interventions from poverty and discomfort. The F-FOD methodology allows for the direct comparison of different distributions of poverty and fragility, assessed by means of suitable ordinal multi-indicator systems, so extending to this more complex setting, the usual univariate first-order dominance criterion. It also provides complimentary “incomparability” scores, to assess to what extent the final rankings are reliable or instead forcing. It turns out that the levels of poverty and fragility of migrant subpopulations are quite different and, in particular, that the time since migrations has a key impact, on the identification of most critical cases, which typically involve recently migrated people. Evidence also emerges that the temporal poverty/fragility trajectories of migrants, distinguished by country of origin, follow different paths, suggesting how policy interventions must be properly, and differently, tuned to be effective

    New insights into methoxetamine mechanisms of action: Focus on serotonergic 5-HT 2 receptors in pharmacological and behavioral effects in the rat

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    Methoxetamine (MXE) is a dissociative substance of the arylcyclohexylamine class that has been present on the designer drug market as a ketamine-substitute since 2010. We have previously shown that MXE (i) possesses ketamine-like discriminative and positive rewarding effects in rats, (ii) affects brain processing involved in cognition and emotional responses, (iii) causes long-lasting behavioral abnormalities and neurotoxicity in rats and (iv) induces neurological, sensorimotor and cardiorespiratory alterations in mice. To shed light on the mechanisms through which MXE exerts its effects, we conducted a multidisciplinary study to evaluate the various neurotransmitter systems presumably involved in its actions on the brain. In vivo microdialysis study first showed that a single administration of MXE (0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg, i.v.) is able to significantly alter serotonin levels in the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accumbens. Then, we observed that blockade of the serotonin 5-HT2 receptors through two selective antagonists, ketanserin (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) and MDL 100907 (0.03 mg/kg, i.p.), at doses not affecting animals behavior per se, attenuated the facilitatory motor effect and the inhibition on visual sensory responses induced by MXE (3 mg/kg, i.p.) and ketamine (3 mg/kg, i.p.), and prevented MXE-induced reduction of the prepulse inhibition in rats, pointing to the 5-HT2 receptors as a key target for the recently described MXE-induced sensorimotor effects. Finally, in-vitro electrophysiological studies revealed that the GABAergic and glutamatergic systems are also likely involved in the mechanisms through which MXE exerts its central effects since MXE inhibits, in a concentration-dependent manner, NMDA-mediated field postsynaptic potentials and GABA-mediated spontaneous currents. Conversely, MXE failed to alter both the AMPA component of field potentials and presynaptic glutamate release, and seems not to interfere with the endocannabinoid-mediated effects on mPFC GABAergic synapses. Altogether, our results support the notion of MXE as a NMDA receptor antagonist and shed further lights into the central mechanisms of action of this ketamine-substitute by pointing to serotonin 5-HT2 receptors as crucial players in the expression of its sensorimotor altering effects and to the NMDA and GABA receptors as potential further important targets of action

    L\u2019utilizzo dei farmaci analgesici oppiacei per il trattamento del dolore in Italia: un\u2019analisi empirica

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    The International association for the study of pain and the World medical association stated that receiving a fair treatment of pain is a right of each individual. Moderate or high intensity cases of pain are treated with opiates. In Italy, in 2010, a new legislation has been issued, one of the most advanced on the topic of the treatment of pain and the usage of opiates. Although the legislative progresses, the consumption of opiates is not so common and ranks far behind the other European countries. The analysis of the spread of opiates in the treatment of pain pointed out relevant differences in terms of gender, age, region, cancer, type of opioid prescribed. It should then take action to make consistent use of opiates in pain therapy, focusing in particular on cancer patients and territorial differences. The analysis of religiosity as a potential barrier to pain management and opiates usage allowed us to conclude, however, that it is a factor that influences the number of prescriptions of opiates, even if the moderate effect. Public policies should respect personal choices (also religious ones), but it is important broadcasting some appropriate information campaigns which allow to make independent and informed choices. Key words. Opioids, pain, religiosity. JEL classification. I18

    Repeated exposure to JWH-018 induces adaptive changes in the mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine pathways, glial cells alteration and behavioural correlates

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    Spice/K2 herbal mixtures, containing synthetic cannabinoids such as JWH-018, have been marketed as marijuana surrogates since 2004. We demonstrated that JWH-018 has cannabinoid CB1 receptor-dependent reinforcing properties and acutely increases dopamine transmission selectively in the NAc shell. Here we tested the hypothesis that repeated administration of JWH-018 (i) modulates behaviour, (ii) affects dopamine transmission and its responsiveness to motivational stimuli, and (iii) is associated with a neuroinflammatory phenotype

    The new world of RNA diagnostics and therapeutics

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    The 5th Workshop IRE on Translational Oncology was held in Rome (Italy) on 27–28 March at the IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute. This meeting entitled “The New World of RNA diagnostics and therapeutics” highlightes the significant progress in the RNA field made over the last years. Research moved from pure discovery towards the development of diagnostic biomarkers or RNA-base targeted therapies seeking validation in several clinical trials. Non-coding RNAs in particular have been the focus of this workshop due to their unique properties that make them attractive tools for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. This report collected the presentations of many scientists from different institutions that discussed recent oncology research providing an excellent overview and representative examples for each possible application of RNA as biomarker, for therapy or to increase the number of patients that can benefit from precision oncology treatment. In particular, the meeting specifically emphasized two key features of RNA applications: RNA diagnostic (Blandino, Palcau, Sestito, Díaz Méndez, Cappelletto, Pulito, Monteonofrio, Calin, Sozzi, Cheong) and RNA therapeutics (Dinami, Marcia, Anastasiadou, Ryan, Fattore, Regazzo, Loria, Aharonov)

    Brain tumor location influences the onset of acute psychiatric adverse events of levetiracetam therapy: an observational study.

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    To explore possible correlations among brain lesion location, development of psychiatric symptoms and the use of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in a population of patients with brain tumor and epilepsy. The medical records of 283 patients with various types of brain tumor (161 M/122 F, mean age 64.9 years) were analysed retrospectively. Patients with grade III and IV glioma, previous history of epileptic seizures and/or psychiatric disorders were excluded. Psychiatric symptoms occurring after initiation of AED therapy were considered as treatment emergent psychiatric adverse events (TE-PAEs) if they fulfilled the following conditions: (1) onset within 4 weeks after the beginning of AED therapy; (2) disappearance on drug discontinuation; (3) absence of any other identified possible concurrent cause. The possible influence of the following variables were analysed: (a) AED drug and dose; (b) location and neuroradiologic features of the tumor, (c) location and type of EEG epileptic abnormalities, (d) tumor excision already or not yet performed; (e) initiation or not of radiotherapy. TE-PAEs occurred in 27 of the 175 AED-treated patients (15.4%). Multivariate analysis showed a significant association of TE-PAEs occurrence with location of the tumor in the frontal lobe (Odds ratio: 5.56; 95% confidence interval 1.95-15.82; p value: 0.005) and treatment with levetiracetam (Odds ratio: 3.61; 95% confidence interval 1.48-8.2; p value: 0.001). Drug-unrelated acute psychiatric symptoms were observed in 4 of the 108 AED-untreated patients (3.7%) and in 7 of the 175 AED-treated patients (4%). The results of the present study suggest that an AED alternative to levetiracetam should be chosen to treat epileptic seizures in patients with a brain tumor located in the frontal lobe to minimize the possible onset of TE-PAEs