571 research outputs found

    Mills’ syndrome: case report

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    The syndrome of progressive, ascending or descending hemiplegia, with no significant sensory impairment was first describes by Mills in 1900, which several cases were reported later. However after diagnostic tests and image improvements, the number of reports has shortened. A possible explanation for this shortage is the identification of other diseases that could mimic the clinical picture. Currently, the syndrome has an uncertain nosological status, since it was described based on clinical examination only. We can find this clinical presentation (Mills syndrome) in cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), predominant upper motor neuron amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (UMN-ALS) and primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), besides its symptomatic (secondary) forms. We describe a case (initial presentation and one year follow-up) of progressive ascending hemiplegia with clinical isolated upper neuron signs and normal sensory examination, discussing its nosological status, electromyographic findings, differential diagnosis and prognosis

    Autologous chondrocyte implantation: series of 3 cases

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    A cartilagem hialina recobre as superfícies articulares e tem um papel importante na redução da fricção e da carga mecânica das articulações sinoviais, como o joelho. Este tecido não é suprido de vasos, nervos ou circulação linfática, o que pode ser uma das razões pela qual a cartilagem articular tem uma péssima capacidade de cicatrização. As lesões condrais, quando atingem o osso subcondral (lesão osteocondral), não cicatrizam e podem progredir para artrose com o passar do tempo. Em pacientes jovens, o tratamento dos defeitos condrais do joelho ainda é um desafio, principalmente as lesões maiores de 4cm. Uma das opções de tratamento nesses pacientes é o transplante autólogo de condrócitos, que por não violar o osso subcondral e por reparar o defeito com tecido semelhante à cartilagem hialina, teria a vantagem teórica de ser mais biológico e mecanicamente superior, quando comparado a outras técnicas. Descreveremos nesse artigo a experiência do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo (IOT-HCFMUSP) com o transplante autólogo de condrócitos (ACI), através do relato de três casos.Hyaline cartilage in the surface of synovial joints plays an important role in lowering stress and attrition in joints such as the knee. This tissue has no blood vessels, nerves, nor lymphatic drainage, which in part explains why articular cartilage has such poor capacity for healing. Chondral lesions reaching the subchondral bone (osteochondral lesions) do not heal and may progress to osteoarthritis as time passes. In young patients, treatment of such defects is challenging, especially in lesions larger than 4 cm. One option in young adults is the autologous chondrocyte implantation, capable of filling the defect with tissue similar to hyaline cartilage without violating the subchondral bone. Theoretically, it has biological and mechanical advantages over other surgical options. In this paper, we describe the experience with this procedure in a series of 3 cases at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University of São Paulo