325 research outputs found

    Exploring the boundaries and ontology of Psychiatric Disorders (PDs) using the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) model

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    In this article we show that, even though the classification and diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders (PDs) are performed according to essentialist terms, the psychiatric diagnoses currently employed (i.e., clinical psychiatry) do not actually meet these criteria. Diagnosis is performed operationally. In this paper, we suggest a change of perspective. We reject essentialism relating to PDs and argue for the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) model, which allows a greater insight into the ontology of PDs than the operational perspective. More specifically, we argue that the HPC model allows for a synthesis of continuous and discrete methods of understanding the boundaries between PDs. Finally, we specify in a more general manner, the kind of ontology we deal with when adopting the HPC model, arguing that this model can be viewed as a mirror device, reflecting the ontological features of PDs

    Exploring the boundaries and ontology of Psychiatric Disorders (PDs) using the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) model

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    In this article we show that, even though the classification and diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders (PDs) are performed according to essentialist terms, the psychiatric diagnoses currently employed, (i.e., clinical psychiatry) do not actually meet these criteria. Diagnosis is performed operationally. In this paper, we suggest a change of perspective. We reject essentialism relating to PDs and argue for the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) model, which allows a greater insight into the ontology of PDs than the operational perspective. More specifically, we argue that the HPC model allows for a synthesis of continuous and discrete methods of understanding the boundaries between PDs. Finally, we specify in a more general manner, the kind of ontology we deal with when adopting the HPC model, arguing that this model can be viewed as a mirror device, reflecting the ontological features of PDs.In this article we show that, even though the classification and diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders (PDs) are performed according to essentialist terms, the psychiatric diagnoses currently employed, (i.e., clinical psychiatry) do not actually meet these criteria. Diagnosis is performed operationally. In this paper, we suggest a change of perspective. We reject essentialism relating to PDs and argue for the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) model, which allows a greater insight into the ontology of PDs than the operational perspective. More specifically, we argue that the HPC model allows for a synthesis of continuous and discrete methods of understanding the boundaries between PDs. Finally, we specify in a more general manner, the kind of ontology we deal with when adopting the HPC model, arguing that this model can be viewed as a mirror device, reflecting the ontological features of PDs

    Ottimizzazione del funzionamento di un sensore industriale a triangolazione ottica basato su trasduttori lineari d'immagine

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    Il presente elaborato di tesi ha come scopo finale lo studio e l’approfondimento dei metodi realizzativi di sensori BGS basati su array di fotodiodi. L’obiettivo è la rilevazione della presenza di un oggetto in una determinata posizione, attraverso la stima della sua distanza, ottenuta con il miglior compromesso tra accuratezza e velocità di acquisizione ed elaborazione

    Generi psichiatrici come HPC: un nuovo approccio al dibattito discreto/continuo in psichiatria

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    Riassunto: Questo lavoro cerca di mostrare come i disordini psichiatrici non possano essere inquadrati in chiave essenzialista, cioè non possano essere individuati attraverso proprietà necessarie e sufficienti. Preliminarmente introdurremo un modello chiamato Homestatic Property Cluster (HPC), che risulterà strumentale per comprendere, in prima istanza, la natura continua o discreta delle entità “disordini psichiatrici”. Sosterremo che i disordini mentali sono entità discrete. In seguito, per quanto riguarda la nostra critica all’essenzialismo, analizzeremo il disease model(un modello essenzialista molto utilizzato in ambito medico), ponendo l’attenzione soprattutto sui suoi limiti, cercando di mettere in rilievo varie obiezioni rispetto alla sua applicabilità. Infine, cercheremo di illustrare come il modello HPC possa essere un buon punto di partenza per identificare e classificare i generi psichiatrici e come esso possa mediare tra una visione rigidamente discreta e una visione rigidamente continua dei generi psichiatrici, poiché il modello HPC, a nostro avviso, combina in maniera virtuosa proprietà di entrambe le concezioni.Parole chiave: Modello HPC; Generi naturali; Continuo; Discreto; Filosofia della psichiatria Psychiatric Kinds as HPC: A new Approach to the Discrete/Continuum Controversy in Psychiatry Abstract: This paper aims to show that psychiatric disorders cannot be defined within an essentialist perspective – i.e. by means of necessary and sufficient properties. We introduce the Homeostatic Property Cluster model (HPC) which proves useful for addressing the question as to whether psychiatric disorders are continuous or discrete entities. From this discussion we find that psychiatric kinds are discrete. We then analyze the disease model – recognized in the medical field as an essentialist model – bringing attention to its limitations and raising objections to its applicability. Finally, we argue that the HPC model offers a good starting point for identifying and classifying psychiatric kinds, and show how it can provide a bridge between the rigidly discrete and rigidly continuous perspectives on kinds, bringing together aspects of both.Keywords: HPC Model; Natural Kinds; Continuous; Discrete; Philosophy of Psychiatr

    Experimental Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Quench in Superconducting HTS Tapes and Coils

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    The quench characteristics of second generation (2 G) YBCO Coated Conductor (CC) tapes are of fundamental importance for the design and safe operation of superconducting cables and magnets based on this material. Their ability to transport high current densities at high temperature, up to 77 K, and at very high fields, over 20 T, together with the increasing knowledge in their manufacturing, which is reducing their cost, are pushing the use of this innovative material in numerous system applications, from high field magnets for research to motors and generators as well as for cables. The aim of this Ph. D. thesis is the experimental analysis and numerical simulations of quench in superconducting HTS tapes and coils. A measurements facility for the characterization of superconducting tapes and coils was designed, assembled and tested. The facility consist of a cryostat, a cryocooler, a vacuum system, resistive and superconducting current leads and signal feedthrough. Moreover, the data acquisition system and the software for critical current and quench measurements were developed. A 2D model was developed using the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics R . The problem of modeling the high aspect ratio of the tape is tackled by multiplying the tape thickness by a constant factor, compensating the heat and electrical balance equations by introducing a material anisotropy. The model was then validated both with the results of a 1D quench model based on a non-linear electric circuit coupled to a thermal model of the tape, to literature measurements and to critical current and quench measurements made in the cryogenic facility. Finally the model was extended to the study of coils and windings with the definition of the tape and stack homogenized properties. The procedure allows the definition of a multi-scale hierarchical model, able to simulate the windings with different degrees of detail

    New Control Method For Fixed Speed Compressors With Side Stream

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    Case StudyProblem statement: Operability issues were experienced on flash gas back-to-back compressors with lower molecular weight side stream, driven by fixed speed electric motor: • Failed attempts of start-up/loading • During normal operation compressors went off-line due to process upset (e.g. inlet flow decrease) • Unable to operate parallel trains simultaneously. Consequent loss of production

    Stability analysis of the Interconnection of the LHC Main Superconducting Bus Bars

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    The operation of the Large Hadron Collider calls for a thorough analysis of the thermo-electric behavior of the 13 kA superconducting bus-bars connecting its dipole and quadrupole main magnets. This presentation reports a synthesis of the work performed jointly by researchers and students at CERN and at the University of Bologna as a contribution to the understanding of the LHC incident occurred on September 19th 2008. This work is complementary to the analyses carried out at CERN by the MPE group. The aim of the work is to analyze the stability of the interconnections as far as the quality of manufacturing, operating conditions and protection system parameters are concerned. A first part of the work is devoted to the development of a numerical model suitable for the analysis of the faulty interconnections. The main type of defect analyzed is the lack of solder among the superconducting cable and the copper stabilizer components at the interface between bus bar and splice. The evaluation of the critical defect length limiting the maximum safe current for powering the magnets without risk of thermal runaway is provided, as a function of the RRR of cable and stabilizer, decay time constant of the LHC circuit, spatial distribution of the defect and cooling conditions. A second part of the work is related to the modeling of the heat transfer mechanism between the main superconducting bus bar and the surrounding helium bath. This study is aimed to analyze a set of experimental measurements on the heat transfer coefficient of the main bending dipole bus bars performed at CERN. The final part of the work consists in a preliminary analysis of the heat transfer mechanisms involved in the stability experiments of defective interconnections performed in the FRESCA facility

    Protection estimates for the 13 kA bus bars interconnections at 3.5 - 4.5 TeV

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    This memorandum provides alternate estimates of the critical additional resistance Radd of the 13 kA superconducting bus bars interconnections (IC), both for the LHC main bending (MB) dipole and main quadrupole (MQ) magnets. The calculations are performed using the 1-D thermo-electrical model described in [1], based on the definition of transverse local heat transfer coefficient towards the cooling helium bath established from the analysis of short sample tests performed in 2009 and 2010. Details on the model and its validation are not discussed here. The most pessimistic (adiabatic), most optimistic (full cooling) and most likely (partial cooling) critical additional resistances are provided, depending on the bus-bar and cable RRR, dump time constant, and space distribution of the defect, for beam energy between 3.5 and 4.5 TeV

    Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Induces Intracellular Ca2+ Signalling and Stimulates Proliferation in Human Cardiac Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a newly discovered second messenger that gates two pore channels 1 (TPC1) and 2 (TPC2) to elicit endo-lysosomal (EL) Ca2+ release. NAADP-induced lysosomal Ca2+ release may be amplified by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) mechanism. NAADP-induced intracellular Ca2+ signals were shown to modulate a growing number of functions in the cardiovascular system, but their occurrence and role in cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells (C-MSCs) is still unknown. Herein, we found that exogenous delivery of NAADP-AM induced a robust Ca2+ signal that was abolished by disrupting the lysosomal Ca2+ store with Gly-Phe β-naphthylamide, nigericin, and bafilomycin A1, and blocking TPC1 and TPC2, that are both expressed at protein level in C-MSCs. Furthermore, NAADP-induced EL Ca2+ release resulted in the Ca2+-dependent recruitment of ER-embedded InsP3Rs and SOCE activation. Transmission electron microscopy revealed clearly visible membrane contact sites between lysosome and ER membranes, which are predicted to provide the sub-cellular framework for lysosomal Ca2+ to recruit ER-embedded InsP3Rs through CICR. NAADP-induced EL Ca2+ mobilization via EL TPC was found to trigger the intracellular Ca2+ signals whereby Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) induces C-MSC proliferation. Furthermore, NAADP-evoked Ca2+ release was required to mediate FBS-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), but not Akt, phosphorylation in C-MSCs. These finding support the notion that NAADP-induced TPC activation could be targeted to boost proliferation in C-MSCs and pave the way for future studies assessing whether aberrant NAADP signaling in C-MSCs could be involved in cardiac disorders
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