28 research outputs found

    Development of a Single Vector System that Enhances Trans-Splicing of SMN2 Transcripts

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    RNA modalities are developing as a powerful means to re-direct pathogenic pre-mRNA splicing events. Improving the efficiency of these molecules in vivo is critical as they move towards clinical applications. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by loss of SMN1. A nearly identical copy gene called SMN2 produces low levels of functional protein due to alternative splicing. We previously reported a trans-splicing RNA (tsRNA) that re-directed SMN2 splicing. Now we show that reducing the competition between endogenous splices sites enhanced the efficiency of trans-splicing. A single vector system was developed that expressed the SMN tsRNA and a splice-site blocking antisense (ASO-tsRNA). The ASO-tsRNA vector significantly elevated SMN levels in primary SMA patient fibroblasts, within the central nervous system of SMA mice and increased SMN-dependent in vitro snRNP assembly. These results demonstrate that the ASO-tsRNA strategy provides insight into the trans-splicing mechanism and a means of significantly enhancing trans-splicing activity in vivo

    Antisense correction of SMN2 splicing in the CNS rescues necrosis in a type III SMA mouse model

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    Increasing survival of motor neuron 2, centromeric (SMN2) exon 7 inclusion to express more full-length SMN protein in motor neurons is a promising approach to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a genetic neurodegenerative disease. Previously, we identified a potent 2′-O-(2-methoxyethyl) (MOE) phosphorothioate-modified antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) that blocks an SMN2 intronic splicing silencer element and efficiently promotes exon 7 inclusion in transgenic mouse peripheral tissues after systemic administration. Here we address its efficacy in the spinal cord—a prerequisite for disease treatment—and its ability to rescue a mild SMA mouse model that develops tail and ear necrosis, resembling the distal tissue necrosis reported in some SMA infants. Using a micro-osmotic pump, we directly infused the ASO into a lateral cerebral ventricle in adult mice expressing a human SMN2 transgene; the ASO gave a robust and long-lasting increase in SMN2 exon 7 inclusion measured at both the mRNA and protein levels in spinal cord motor neurons. A single embryonic or neonatal intracerebroventricular ASO injection strikingly rescued the tail and ear necrosis in SMA mice. We conclude that this MOE ASO is a promising drug candidate for SMA therapy, and, more generally, that ASOs can be used to efficiently redirect alternative splicing of target genes in the CNS

    Intraventricular Brain Injection of Adeno-Associated Virus Type 1 (AAV1) in Neonatal Mice Results in Complementary Patterns of Neuronal Transduction to AAV2 and Total Long-Term Correction of Storage Lesions in the Brains of β-Glucuronidase-Deficient Mice

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    Inherited metabolic disorders that affect the central nervous system typically result in pathology throughout the brain; thus, gene therapy strategies need to achieve widespread delivery. We previously found that although intraventricular injection of the neonatal mouse brain with adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) results in dispersed gene delivery, many brain structures were poorly transduced. This limitation may be overcome by using different AAV serotypes because the capsid proteins use different cellular receptors for entry, which may allow enhanced global targeting of the brain. We tested this with AAV1 and AAV5 vectors. AAV5 showed very limited brain transduction after neonatal injection, even though it has different transduction patterns than AAV2 in adult brain injections. In contrast, AAV1 vectors, which have not been tested in the brain, showed robust widespread transduction. Complementary patterns of transduction between AAV1 and AAV2 were established and maintained in the adult brain after neonatal injection. In the majority of structures, AAV1 transduced many more cells than AAV2. Both vectors transduced mostly neurons, indicating that differential expression of receptors on the surfaces of neurons occurs in the developing brain. The number of cells positive for a vector-encoded secreted enzyme (β-glucuronidase) was notably greater and more widespread in AAV1-injected brains. A comprehensive analysis of AAV1-treated brains from β-glucuronidase-deficient mice (mucopolysaccharidosis type VII) showed complete reversal of pathology in all areas of the brain for at least 1 year, demonstrating that the combination of this serotype and experimental strategy is therapeutically effective for treating global neurometabolic disorders

    Merits of Combination Cortical, Subcortical, and Cerebellar Injections for the Treatment of Niemann-Pick Disease Type A

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    Niemann-Pick disease Type A (NPA) is a neuronopathic lysosomal storage disease (LSD) caused by the loss of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM). The goals of the current study are to ascertain the levels of human ASM that are efficacious in ASM knockout (ASMKO) mice, and determine whether these levels can be attained in non-human primates (NHPs) using a multiple parenchymal injection strategy. Intracranial injections of different doses of AAV1-hASM in ASMKO mice demonstrated that only a small amount of enzyme (<0.5 mg hASM/g tissue) was sufficient to increase survival, and that increasing the amount of hASM did not enhance this survival benefit until a new threshold level of >10 mg hASM/g tissue was reached. In monkeys, injection of 12 tracts of AAV1-hASM resulted in efficacious levels of enzyme in broad regions of the brain that was aided, in part, by axonal transport of adeno-associated virus (AAV) and movement through the perivascular space. This study demonstrates that a combination cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar injection protocol could provide therapeutic levels of hASM to regions of the NHP brain that are highly affected in NPA patients. The information from this study might help design new AAV-mediated enzyme replacement protocols for NPA and other neuronopathic LSDs in future clinical trials

    CNS-targeted gene therapy improves survival and motor function in a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by a deficiency of survival motor neuron (SMN) due to mutations in the SMN1 gene. In this study, an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector expressing human SMN (AAV8-hSMN) was injected at birth into the CNS of mice modeling SMA. Western blot analysis showed that these injections resulted in widespread expression of SMN throughout the spinal cord, and this translated into robust improvement in skeletal muscle physiology, including increased myofiber size and improved neuromuscular junction architecture. Treated mice also displayed substantial improvements on behavioral tests of muscle strength, coordination, and locomotion, indicating that the neuromuscular junction was functional. Treatment with AAV8-hSMN increased the median life span of mice with SMA-like disease to 50 days compared with 15 days for untreated controls. Moreover, injecting mice with SMA-like disease with a human SMN–expressing self-complementary AAV vector — a vector that leads to earlier onset of gene expression compared with standard AAV vectors — led to improved efficacy of gene therapy, including a substantial extension in median survival to 157 days. These data indicate that CNS-directed, AAV-mediated SMN augmentation is highly efficacious in addressing both neuronal and muscular pathologies in a severe mouse model of SMA