31,682 research outputs found

    Graph Laplacian for Image Anomaly Detection

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    Reed-Xiaoli detector (RXD) is recognized as the benchmark algorithm for image anomaly detection; however, it presents known limitations, namely the dependence over the image following a multivariate Gaussian model, the estimation and inversion of a high-dimensional covariance matrix, and the inability to effectively include spatial awareness in its evaluation. In this work, a novel graph-based solution to the image anomaly detection problem is proposed; leveraging the graph Fourier transform, we are able to overcome some of RXD's limitations while reducing computational cost at the same time. Tests over both hyperspectral and medical images, using both synthetic and real anomalies, prove the proposed technique is able to obtain significant gains over performance by other algorithms in the state of the art.Comment: Published in Machine Vision and Applications (Springer

    A Central Limit Theorem for Gibbsian Invariant Measures of 2D Euler Equations

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    We consider Canonical Gibbsian ensembles of Euler point vortices on the 2-dimensional torus or in a bounded domain of R 2 . We prove that under the Central Limit scaling of vortices intensities, and provided that the system has zero global space average in the bounded domain case (neutrality condition), the ensemble converges to the so-called Energy-Enstrophy Gaussian random distributions. This can be interpreted as describing Gaussian fluctuations around the mean field limit of vortices ensembles. The main argument consists in proving convergence of partition functions of vortices and Gaussian distributions.Comment: 27 pages, to appear on Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Deformations of algebraic schemes via Reedy-Palamodov cofibrant resolutions

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    Let XX be a Noetherian separated and finite dimensional scheme over a field K\mathbb{K} of characteristic zero. The goal of this paper is to study deformations of XX over a differential graded local Artin K\mathbb{K}-algebra by using local Tate-Quillen resolutions, i.e., the algebraic analog of the Palamodov's resolvent of a complex space. The above goal is achieved by describing the DG-Lie algebra controlling deformation theory of a diagram of differential graded commutative algebras, indexed by a direct Reedy category.Comment: Final version. To appear in Indagationes Mathematica

    The numerical duplication of a numerical semigroup

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    In this paper we present and study the numerical duplication of a numerical semigroup, a construction that, starting with a numerical semigroup SS and a semigroup ideal ESE\subseteq S, produces a new numerical semigroup, denoted by S\Join^b\E (where bb is any odd integer belonging to SS), such that S=(S\Join^b\E)/2. In particular, we characterize the ideals EE such that SbES\Join^bE is almost symmetric and we determine its type.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publication on: Semigroup Foru

    The Design of the Fifth Answer Set Programming Competition

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established paradigm of declarative programming that has been developed in the field of logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning. Advances in ASP solving technology are customarily assessed in competition events, as it happens for other closely-related problem-solving technologies like SAT/SMT, QBF, Planning and Scheduling. ASP Competitions are (usually) biennial events; however, the Fifth ASP Competition departs from tradition, in order to join the FLoC Olympic Games at the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014, which is expected to be the largest event in the history of logic. This edition of the ASP Competition series is jointly organized by the University of Calabria (Italy), the Aalto University (Finland), and the University of Genova (Italy), and is affiliated with the 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014). It features a completely re-designed setup, with novelties involving the design of tracks, the scoring schema, and the adherence to a fixed modeling language in order to push the adoption of the ASP-Core-2 standard. Benchmark domains are taken from past editions, and best system packages submitted in 2013 are compared with new versions and solvers. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 10 page

    Evidence of a Critical Phase Transition in Purely Temporal Dynamics with Long-Delayed Feedback

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    We wish to thank S. Lepri and A. Politi for useful discussions. MF and FG acknowledge support from EU Marie Curie ITN grant n. 64256 (COSMOS).Peer reviewedPublisher PD