73 research outputs found

    The Shears Mechanism in 142Gd in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Method with the Tilted-Axis Cranking

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    We report on the first Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations with the tilted-axis cranking in the context of magnetic rotation. The mean field symmetries, differences between phenomenological and self-consistent methods and the generation of shears-like structures in the mean field are discussed. Significant role of the time-odd spin-spin effective interaction is pointed out. We reproduce the shears mechanism, but quantitative agreement with experiment is rather poor. It may have to do with too large core polarization, lack of pairing correlations or properties of the Skyrme force.Comment: Presented at the XXVII Mazurian Lakes School of Physics, September 2-9 2001, Krzyze, Poland, Submitted to Acta Physica Polonic

    Women’s preferences for sexual dimorphism in faces: Data from a sample of Arab women

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    Many previous studies have investigated the effects of manipulating sexually dimorphic shape characteristics in face images on attractiveness judgments. However, results have been mixed and show considerable cross-cultural variability, particularly for women’s judgments of men’s facial attractiveness. Because very little research has investigated face preferences in Arab samples, we assessed Arab women’s preferences for sexually dimorphic face shapes (study 1) and the effect of sexually dimorphic face shapes on Arab women’s dominance perceptions (study 2). Analyses showed that Arab women preferred feminized versions of both women’s and men’s faces over masculinized versions (study 1, N = 272) and that masculinizing face shape had a positive effect on Arab women’s perceptions of the dominance of men, but not women (study 2, N = 270). These image manipulations did not have a significant effect on perceptions of trustworthiness, however (study 3, N = 434). Collectively, these results suggest that Arab women prefer relatively feminine face shapes in potential mates that they perceive as being low dominance. We discuss some directions for future research on the ultimate function of Arab women’s preferences for sexual dimorphism in face

    Magnetic rotation in the nucleus <sup>141</sup>Eu

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    A dynamic method for measuring thermal parameters of materials

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    Przedstawiono układ do pomiaru współczynnika przenikania ciepła materiałów o różnych właściwościach ciepłochronnych. Metoda pomiarowa jest oparta na zjawisku wymiany ciepła w stanie nieustalonym uporządkowanym. Do analizy wyników wykorzystano model matematyczny, który przedstawia eksponencjalną zależność gradientu temperatury na grubości próbki od czasu. Przeprowadzona analiza błędów i niepewności miała na celu ustalenie możliwości zwiększenia dokładności pomiarów w konkretnych warunkach badań.A heat transmission coefficient measuring system for materials of various heat-insulating properties is presented. The measuring method is based on the steady ordered state. A mathematical model presenting an exponential relationship between the temperature gradient through the specimen thickness and time was used. An analysis of errors and uncertainties were aimed at possibility to improve measuring accuracy under specified test conditions

    Production of fission product 99Mo using high-enriched uranium plates in Polish nuclear research reactor MARIA: Technology and neutronic analysis

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    The main objective of 235U irradiation is to obtain the 99mTc isotope, which is widely used in the domain of medical diagnostics. The decisive factor determining its availability, despite its short lifetime, is a reaction of radioactive decay of 99Mo into 99mTc. One of the possible sources of molybdenum can be achieved in course of the 235U fission reaction. The paper presents activities and the calculation results obtained upon the feasibility study on irradiation of 235U targets for production of 99Mo in the MARIA research reactor. Neutronic calculations and analyses were performed to estimate the fission products activity for uranium plates irradiated in the reactor. Results of dummy targets irradiation as well as irradiation uranium plates have been presented. The new technology obtaining 99Mo is based on irradiation of high-enriched uranium plates in standard reactor fuel channel and calculation of the current fission power generation. Measurements of temperatures and the coolant flow in the molybdenum installation carried out in reactor SAREMA system give online information about the current fission power generated in uranium targets. The corrective factors were taken into account as the heat generation from gamma radiation from neighbouring fuel elements as well as heat exchange between channels and the reactor pool. The factors were determined by calibration measurements conducted with aluminium mock-up of uranium plates. Calculations of fuel channel by means of REBUS code with fine mesh structure and libraries calculated by means of WIMS-ANL code were performed

    Production of Fission Product 99Mo using High-Enriched Uranium Plates in Polish Nuclear Research Reactor MARIA: Technology and Neutronic Analysis

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    The main objective of 235U irradiation is to obtain the 99mTc isotope, which is widely used in the domain of medical diagnostics. The decisive factor determining its availability, despite its short lifetime, is a reaction of radioactive decay of 99Mo into 99mTc. One of the possible sources of molybdenum can be achieved in course of the 235U fission reaction. The paper presents activities and the calculation results obtained upon the feasibility study on irradiation of 235U targets for production of 99Mo in the MARIA research reactor. Neutronic calculations and analyses were performed to estimate the fission products activity for uranium plates irradiated in the reactor. Results of dummy targets irradiation as well as irradiation uranium plates have been presented. The new technology obtaining 99Mo is based on irradiation of high-enriched uranium plates in standard reactor fuel channel and calculation of the current fission power generation. Measurements of temperatures and the coolant flow in the molybdenum installation carried out in reactor SAREMA system give online information about the current fission power generated in uranium targets. The corrective factors were taken into account as the heat generation from gamma radiation from neighbouring fuel elements as well as heat exchange between channels and the reactor pool. The factors were determined by calibration measurements conducted with aluminium mock-up of uranium plates. Calculations of fuel channel by means of REBUS code with fine mesh structure and libraries calculated by means of WIMS-ANL code were performed

    Herbicidal ionic liquids with 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) propionate anion

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    W niniejszej pracy opisano metodologię syntezy nowych herbicydowych cieczy jonowych (HILs) z kationem alkilo[2- (2-hydroksyetoksy)etylo]dimetyloamoniowym oraz anionem 2-(2,4-dichlorofenoksy)propionianowym. Dla otrzymanych związków przebadano wpływ długości łańcucha alkilowego w kationie na szereg właściwości fizykochemicznych takich jak gęstość, lepkość, współczynnik refrakcji czy rozpuszczalność. Ponadto, w badaniach szklarniowych na chwastach komosy białej (Chenopodium album L.) oraz chabra bławatka (Centaurea cyanus L.) określono ich aktywność chwastobójczą. Syntezowane ciecze jonowe wykazywały porównywalną lub wyższą aktywnością biologiczną w porównaniu z herbicydem referencyjnym. Zauważono, że długość podstawnika alkilowego w kationie ma wpływ na redukcję świeżej masy roślin. Najwyższą efektywnością charakteryzowały się sole zawierające podstawnik dodecylowy oraz tetradecylowy.Here we present a synthesis methodology of novel herbicidal ionic liquids (HILs) with alkyl[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]dimethylammonium cation and 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-propionate anion. The effect of the alkyl chain length in the cation on the physicochemical properties such as viscosity, density, refractive index as well as solubility was determined. Additionally, the herbicidal efficacy was tested in greenhouse experiments by using common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) and cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.) as test plants. The studied HILs exhibited a similar or higher efficacy compared to the reference herbicide. It should be noted that the alkyl chain length in the cation influence on fresh reduction of plants. The salts with dodecyl and tetradecyl substituents were the most effective

    Computations of fuel management in MARIA reactor with highly poisoned beryllium matrix

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    The high-flux research reactor MARIA has been operated in Poland since 1975. Its core consists of loop type fuel channels placed in a beryllium block matrix. Irradiation of beryllium by neutrons results in a build-up of 6Li, and 3He isotopes with large thermal neutron absorption cross-sections. In addition, tritium is formed and decays into 3He which complicates the transmutation chains. Thus, the fuel management of the reactor depends on the beryllium poisoning. The isotopic transmutations in beryllium have to be computed in parallel to the fuel depletion. In this paper a comparison of the measured and computed results is given during: reactor operation in the period up to January 2004, modernization break in the reactor operation from January 2004 to February 2005 and reactor operation from February 2005. The measured and computed effects comprise: reactivity effects due to the fuel burn-up and beryllium poisoning by 6Li, and 3He

    Factors conditioning lipid oxidation in poultry meat

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    Celem pracy jest przegląd najnowszych wyników badań dotyczących wpływu różnych czynników na przebieg oksydacji lipidów w mięsie drobiowym. Ze względu na znaczny udział nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych jest ono szczególnie podatne na procesy utleniania tłuszczów. Oksydacja lipidów prowadzi do pogorszenia jakości produktu lub nawet jego zepsucia. Procesy jełczenia oksydacyjnego w mięsie mogą być wzmagane poprzez nieodpowiednie postępowanie i niewłaściwe przechowywanie, jak też skutecznie kontrolowane i ograniczane przez dodatek związków o charakterze przeciwutleniającym oraz dzięki zastosowaniu odpowiednich technologii pakowania.The aim of this study is to review the latest researches on the impact of various factors on the course of lipid oxidation in poultry meat. Due to the large content of unsaturated fatty acids, poultry meat is exposed to oxidation, which causes deterioration of its quality. The processes of oxidative rancidity in meat may be exacerbated by inappropriate the proceedings and improper storage, as well as effectively controlled and limited by the addition of an antioxidant compounds and the use of appropriate packaging technology