35 research outputs found

    Level of Student’s Knowledge of Prevention HPV Depending on University Profile

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    Admission: HPV is the most common sexually transmitted. They can lead to the formation of benign skin lesions, as well as to the development of malignant tumors. HPV infection affects both men and women, among others, by starting early initiation of sexual intercourse without mechanical protection, multiple pregnancies and births, smoking, oral sex type. Among women, persistent infection with oncogenic type of HPV can lead to dysplasia, and then to the development of cervical cancer. A key factor in preventing the occurrence of HPV infection and subsequent consequences, is the knowledge and application of the principles of prevention. Purpose of research: Assessment the level of students knowledge of Lublin universities about the prevention of HPV infections depending on the profile of the university. Material and Methods: The study included 108 students of Lublin universities with a medical profile - Medical University (UM - 64%) and the humanities - Marie Curie University (UMCS - 36%). Technique was used and architectural survey questionnaire. Results: Larger belief that condom fully protects against HPV erroneously presented UMCS students (11%) than UM (3%). Early sexual initiation as a factor indicating HPV infection significantly more students of a medical profile (87%) than in the humanities (18%). Students UMCS (33%) rarely combine with HPV infection by skin to skin contact, in combination with the UM students (68%), which also provides a pathway of invasion. Conclusions: 1.Knowledge of young adults about the prevention of HPV and the health consequences of this infection is incomplete. 2.Students in profile non-medical universities have very large deficits knowledge. 3. It is necessary to promote better knowledge on the prevention of HPV infection among young adults. 4. Promote a sense of responsibility for their own health and others, indicating the need to undergo periodic testing, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

    Frequency and type of emergency medical teams intervention of in oncological patients from selected areas the Lublin region

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    A steady increase in the incidence of most malignancies has been observed in the structure of Polish society. The National Medical Emergency Service has undergone a number of changes over the last two decades. The fundamental purpose of this system is to provide medical assistance in life-threatening emergencies to every human being. Material and method: The database for the Emergency Medical Team (EMT) interventions from randomly selected areas of the Lublin region was analysed. The data related to all emergency intervention provided by EMTs in the years 2008-2012 and 2004 in the areas of Łęczna, Kraśnik, Lublin, Świdnik. Aim: The aim of the article was to determine the incidence of EMT (Emergency Medical Team) interventions in cancer patients in the population of selected areas of the Lublin region. Keywords: Emergency Medical Team, oncology patient, Lublin region, medical emergency servic

    Acceptance of suffering and death due to cancer in the religions of the world

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    Cancer undoubtedly occurs in human life as unwanted. Finding yourself in a situation of cancer, it generates a series of thoughts, events that result in the need to confront the new reality. The sense of threat to life makes a person changes the mode of operation and a hierarchy of important things for him. Polish proverb "when in fear, God is near" aptly interprets human behavior in a difficult situation. Often, in such a situation a person is looking for support in religion, religion often begins to have a new meaning for the patient, while being the source of the sense of safety. Thanks to it, religion can shape the patient's level of hope. As the result the patient can better cope with the difficulties to give peace and balance of spirit, certainly needed to overcome the disease and persist in it. The aim of the study was the location of the phenomenon of death and suffering of cancer in the context of cancer. Conclusions: 1.Majority of religions of the world see suffering as an important part of the way of life, which can provide a relief for those suffering from cancer. 2.Most of the major religions of the world present the vision of the immortal soul, which gives hope to the dying people, that life does not end, but it will last, but in a different form. 3.Atheism, as well as low levels of religiosity may increase the fear of death and impede acceptance of suffering. 4. Developing knowledge by medical staff about the religion should be their good practice, allowing them to better understand and support patients

    Assessment of quality of life of patients after resection of gallbladder with laparoscopic and traditional method

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    Admission Cholelithiasis is one of the most common conditions in the abdominal cavity. The highest incidence is observed in highly developed or developing countries. Bile duct diseases often require surgical treatment, which is a great physical and mental burden for the patient. The perspective of the surgical procedure and the accompanying circumstances is a sense of insecurity and fear for the patient and his family. The fact of the prevalence of cholelithiasis and the effects of the disease may have an impact on the quality of life of people after gallbladder surgery. Objective of the work The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of patients after resection of the gall bladder using laparascopy and traditional methods. Research methods As a research method, the diagnostic survey method was used, a standardized WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used, in which the analysis of the collected material referred to the somatic, psychological, social and environmental sphere. Results The obtained research results allowed to state that socio-demographic variables differentiated the patients' opinions on the subjective assessment of the quality of life and health. The place of residence does not have a significant impact on the quality of life. Key words: quality of life, gall bladder resectio

    Thecarer’s burden of an elderly person according functional capacity of an elderly person

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    Introduction: The Polish society is aging, which means that the number of people over 60 is increasing. Due to the consequences of old age, these people often require care, which to a varying degree is the cause of the carer's burden. Aim: Assessmentthe carer’s burden of an elderly person according functional capacity of an elderly person. Material and methods: A group of 120 carers of the aged from 20 to 87 years old, living in south-eastern Poland in the villages (40%) and in the city (60%) were examined.The Cope questionnaire assessing the carer's burden and the ADL and I-ADL scale was used to collect the data to assess the functional capacity of the pupils. The author's questionnaire was also used. Results: Most carers of the elderly are women (82.5%) who are usually members of the senior family.A significant number of caregivers (94%) observed a negative impact of care on the life situation. Conclusions: Providing care to an elderly person is a source of stress for the caregiver. The degree of relationship affects the perception of the positive value of care by caregivers.The higher I-ADL score obtained by the mentor has a negative impact on the carer's functioning. Carers gain little satisfaction from taking care, but they feel supported in their role

    Taste disorders in the elderly

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    Sykuła Magdalena, Stelmach Aleksandra, Szacoń Monika, Kuśmierz Katarzyna, Sutuła Małgorzata, Rząca Marcin, Kachaniuk Hanna. Taste disorders in the elderly. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(12):501-516. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1123528 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/5136 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/842243 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 10.11.2017. Revised: 15.11.2017. Accepted: 21.12.2017. Taste disorders in the elderly Magdalena Sykuła, Aleksandra Stelmach, Monika Szacoń, Katarzyna Kuśmierz, Małgorzata Sutuła, Marcin Rząca, Hanna Kachaniuk Introduction: Disorders of the sense of taste mainly affect the elderly. There are many factors that contribute to their development, including various types of chronic diseases, polypharmacy, and the use of stimulants. Taste impairments lead to improper nutritional behaviour in the elderly, which may cause deterioration of their health and reduce their quality of life. Goal: The aim of the study was to estimate taste deficits in the elderly. Method: The participants were 24 persons aged 70–86. Sample size was limited by the number of available professional taste test kits (for identification of the four basic gustatory qualities: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter). The respondents were assisted by a researcher to fill in a survey about their health status, eating habits, and subjective assessment of their taste function. Results: Most of the elderly persons assessed their taste function as being good, and the rating increased with the age of the participants. However, the organoleptic test showed that taste identification became less accurate with age. The participants had the greatest trouble recognizing the salty (58%) and sour (79%) tastes and had much less difficulty identifying the sweet (96%) and bitter (92%) tastes. The subjects' perception of taste became less and less intense with age. Conclusions: The seniors were the least likely to accurately recognize the salty taste. With age, the accuracy of identification of sweet, sour, bitter and salty gustatory qualities became lower. The positive subjective assessment of the taste function in the elderly did not go hand in hand with their actual taste perception, which declined with age. The use of stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco, pharmacological treatment of chronic diseases, and use dental prostheses reduced the perceived intensity of taste. The taste disorders observed among the elderly can lead to dietary mistakes and thus negatively affect their health. Key words: dysgeusia, seniors, eating habits, health risk

    The influence of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments on the health behaviours of students

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    Introduction. Nutritional habits are among the elements of lifestyle which have an impact on health. Studies show that nutritional habits developed at a young age form a basis for  future behaviour, so developing beneficial health behaviours by the youngest age groups is so crucial. Proper health behaviours have an impact on development and the state of health not only during childhood but also in the adult life, preventing negative effects on health. Objective. To identify the influence of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments on the health behaviours of students. Material and methods. 477 lower-secondary and secondary school students from the Lubelskie and Mazowieckie provinces participated in the survey. The diagnostic survey method was used, together with the self-developed questionnaire technique. Results. Almost 1/3 of the students (32%) regularly bought at their school shop or a shop located near their school. 14% of the students were not aware that the regulation on the sales of food products in school shops was in force. After the regulation was passed the number of students buying sweet buns, sweets and salty snacks dropped; however, the problem has not been completely eliminated. The analysis of the self-designed study results demonstrates that the number of healthy products recommended for the age group increased only slightly. Nearly half of the students (49%) did not notice changes in the product range available in school shops. Only 26% were satisfied with the introduced changes. Conclusions.1. Not all of the surveyed students are aware of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments and the related product range changes.2. The regulation has resulted in some changes in the everyday nutrition of lower-secondary and secondary schools.3. The product range in school shops still contributes to improper nutritional habits among school students

    Health behaviors in a group of women treated surgically for breast cancer and selected clinical and socio-economic parameters

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    Introduction Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, accounting for nearly 1.7 million cases and over 0.5 million deaths worldwide. The basic solution is surgical treatment. The execution or closing of the variometer ends with the element of unpicking. Objective The ability to fight cancer is ongoing. Analyzed declared costs in the economic variety. Materials and methods The study was provided by a patient from Lublin in 2016. The concept of a diagnostic survey was used. Old planm and questionnaire. IZZ) by Z. Juczyński. Results In order to obtain the correct result, the following criteria should be applied: IZZycie 90.41 points, which corresponds to the standard 7-10 stena and is interpreted as a high result. Conclusions Patients admitted to the Lublin Oncology Center for treatment of breast cancer. In the studies, the most sensitive were psychological attitude and the lowest eating habits. In the time of interest, eating habits were not such statistical information. Key words: breast cancer, health behavior

    Disorders of the upper limb on the operated side of the breast in women surgically treated for breast cancer

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    Admission: Breast cancer is a cancer whose incidence is steadily increasing in the developed countries as well as in Poland. Treatment includes surgical treatment, which is the primary method of treatment, but give complications. The goal of the work It is to present the disorders occurring limb on the operated side of the breast in women surgically treated for breast cancer Material and methods: The study involved 151 women surgically treated for breast cancer (T1-4 N0-3 M0) in the Oncology Center of the Lublin Region St. John of Dukla in Lublin in 2013-2015. Results Disorders manifesting various symptoms arising as a consequence of surgery limb occurred in more than half of all patients (60%). Secondary lymphedema after 6 months occurred in 29 women (19.2%). The limb on the operated breast tingling was observed in 32% of patients, numbness in 24% of patients, heaviness limbs in 15% of patients, limb sensation spreading in 15% of patients, ache in 30% of patients. Discomfort limb armpit and accompanied by 21% of respondents. Conclusions: 1. The frequency of combining elderly disorders on the side of the operated breast is high. 2. Disorders upper limb on the operated side breast are more common if done axillary lymph nodes dissection. 3. Disorders upper limb on the operated side breast occur more frequently if there is secondary lymphedema. Streszczenie Wstęp: Rak piersi jest nowotworem, którego częstość występowania stale zwiększa się w krajach wysokorozwiniętych a także w Polsce. Leczenie obejmuje między innymi terapię chirurgiczną, która jest podstawową metodą leczenia, ale daje powikłania. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zaburzeń występujących obrębie kończyny po stronie operowanej piersi u kobiet leczonych chirurgicznie z powodu raka piersi Materiał i metody: W badaniu udział wzięło 151 kobiet leczonych chirurgicznie z powodu raka piersi (T1-4 N0-3 M0) w Centrum Onkologii Ziemi Lubelskiej św. Jana z Dukli w Lublinie w latach 2013-2015. Wyniki: Zaburzenia manifestujące się różnymi objawami powstałymi w konsekwencji zabiegu w obrębie kończyny wystąpiły u ponad połowy wszystkich badanych (60%). Wtórny obrzęk limfatyczny po 6 miesiącach wystąpił u 29 kobiet (19,2%). W obrębie kończyny po stronie operowanej piersi mrowienie zostało zaobserwowane u 32% pacjentek, drętwienie u 24% pacjentek, uczucie ciężkości kończyny u 15% badanych, uczucie rozpierania w kończynie u 15% badanych, ból u 30% badanych. Uczucie dyskomfortu w obrębie kończyny i dołu pachowego towarzyszyło 21% badanych. Wnioski: 1. Częstość występowania zaburzeń w obrębie kończyny po stronie operowanej piersi jest duża. 2. Zaburzeń w obrębie kończyny po stronie operowanej piersi występują częściej, jeśli wykonano limfadenektomię dołu pachowego. 3. Zaburzeń w obrębie kończyny po stronie operowanej piersi występują częściej, jeśli występuje wtórny obrzęk limfatyczny

    Assessment of women's knowledge about breast cancer prevention.

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    AdmissionBreast cancer is a very insidious disease. For a long time it may not give any symptoms. That's why it is so important to be prophylactic, to have regular breast exams. Among breast cancer women is one of the most common oncological diseases in Poland and is a serious health, social and economic problem.Purpose of researchThe aim of the work is to assess the level of women on the prevention of breast cancer. It also defines what prevention is and how important it is.Materials and methods50 women between 20 and 50 years of age were included in the study. The research was conducted in October 2016. Respondents were randomly selected. The method used in the study is a diagnostic survey. A research questionnaire was used as a research tool and a research tool to assist in obtaining research information.ConclusionsWomen know the main factors that increase the risk of breast cancer: age, genetic factors, contraception, physical inactivity and childlessness. The survey respondents admitted that they use prophylactic tests because they believe they can prevent the disease by 48%, the person is close or has had breast cancer 26%. Almost half of the respondents said that 48% of the respondents declared that the prevention of breast cancer was a lack of knowledge, because 26% of them lacked the knowledge, 26% had good health and 18 lacked the knowledge. %.DiscussionDiagnosing the disease will reduce the mortality, so prevention activities that play a vital role in breast cancer prevention play a very important role. Dziukowa and Wesołkowska emphasize that early cancer (less than 10 mm) of the tumors detected does not cause metastasis to the lymph nodes, providing many years of survival and even cure in about 90%.