39 research outputs found

    Wpływ prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości na czynność bioelektyczną mięśni prostowników nadgarstka = The influence of mid-frequency TENS currents on bioelectrical activity of the wrist extensor muscles

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    Srokowski Grzegorz, Piekorz Zuzanna, Siedlaczek Marcin, Kowalik Tomasz, Paduch Daria, Srokowska Anna, Zukow Walery. Wpływ prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości na czynność bioelektyczną mięśni prostowników nadgarstka = The influence of mid-frequency TENS currents on bioelectrical activity of the wrist extensor muscles. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(9):768-791. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.44371http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%289%29%3A768-791https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/688573Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 25.08.2015. Revised 25.09.2015. Accepted: 30.09.2015. Wpływ prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości na czynność bioelektyczną mięśni prostowników nadgarstkaThe influence of mid-frequency TENS currents on bioelectrical activity of the wrist extensor muscles Grzegorz Srokowski1, Zuzanna Piekorz1, Marcin Siedlaczek1, Tomasz Kowalik2, Daria Paduch1, Anna Srokowska2, Walery Zukow3 1.       Katedra Fizjoterapii Zakład Kinezyterapii i Masażu Leczniczego, UMK w Toruniu CM im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, ul. Techników 3, 85- 000 Bydgoszcz2.       Katedra i Zakład Podstaw Kultury Fizycznej, UMK w Toruniu CM im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, ul. Świętojańska 20, 85- 077 Bydgoszcz3.       Wydział Kultury Fizycznej, Zdrowia i Turystyki, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Korespondencja:Grzegorz Srokowski, Katedra Fizjoterapii Zakład Kinezyterapii i Masażu Leczniczego, UMK w Toruniu CM im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, ul. Techników 3 85 - 810 Bydgoszcz, [email protected] Anna Srokowska, Katedra i Zakład Podstaw Kultury Fizycznej, UMK w Toruniu CM im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, ul. Świętojańska 20, 85 - 077 Bydgoszcz, [email protected]  StreszczenieWstęp: W świecie dynamicznego rozwoju techniki i nauki, z których człowiek czerpie wiele korzyści, łatwo jest spotkać na drodze przeszkody, które są zagrożeniem dla naszego zdrowia oraz prawidłowego funkcjonowania.Cel pracy: Istotnym problemem badawczym jest wpływ poszczególnych zabiegów fizykalnych na konkretną grupę mięśniową. Dzięki badaniom za pomocą EMG możemy skutecznie ocenić skutki terapii po zastosowaniu prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości. Celem pracy była analiza  z wykorzystaniem EMG, wpływu prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości na czynność bioelektryczną mięśni prostowników nadgarstka. Wyniki badań własnych: Szczegółowe wyniki przeprowadzonych badań przedstawiono w tabelach i zilustrowano wykresami.Materiał i metoda: W badaniach uczestniczyło 19 osób, które nie zgłosiły większych dolegliwości ze strony badanej grupy mięśniowej. W grupie badawczej uczestniczy zarówno kobiety jak i mężczyźni. Głównym narzędziem badawczym, które pozwoliło na analizę badań był pomiar za pomocą EMG,  gdzie została oceniona czynność bioelektryczna (rónica potencjałów) mięśni w spoczynku, podczas skurczu koncentrycznego w ruchu zgięcia grzbietowego nadgarstka oraz wykonanie próby maksymalnego skurczu dowolnego MVC. Analiza zapisu EMG mięśnia prostownika promieniowego nadgarstka oraz prostownika łokciowego nadgarstka wykazała spadek częstotliwości wyładowań bioelektrycznych mięśnia pod wpływem działania prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości.Wnioski1. Analiza zapisu EMG mięśnia prostownika promieniowego nadgarstka oraz prostownika łokciowego nadgarstka wykazała spadek częstotliwości wyładowań bioelektrycznych mięśnia pod wpływem działania prądów TENS średniej częstotliwości. Badanie to pozwala na obiektywne udokumentowani aktywności mięśni zaangażowanych w ruch podczas czynności funkcjonalnych.2. Kinezjologiczne EMG pozwala na szybką i skuteczną możliwość weryfikacji działania prądów TENS podczas postępowania rehabilitacyjnego, jest skuteczną metodą terapeutyczną. Słowa klucze: elektrostymulacja, TENS, EMG.  AbstractIntroduction: In the world with dynamic progress in technology and science where human is taking a lot benefits. Its easy to meet on our way obstacles which are dangerous for our health and proper functioning of the body.The aim of the study: Main problem of research is influence invidual physical treatments on specific group of muscles. Because of surveys where we are using EMG we can successfully judge effects of therapy after we used currents TENS with midium frequency. Purpose of my thesis was analysis influence of currents TENS with midium frequency on bioelectric function of muscles rectifiers wrist.Material and methods: In reasearch took part 19 people, which didn't say anything about disorder with tested group of musles. In this group took part women and mans. The main instrument which allowed for analysis researches was survey with help EMG where we valued bioelectric function (potentials difference) not active muscles during concentrix contraction astir tergal flexion of wrist and make test of maximum any contraction - MVC. Analysis of record sEMG muscle rectifier radial of wrist and muscle rectifier cubital of wrist showed decrease in frequency bioelectric dischargers of muscle because of work currents TENS with midium frequency.Results of the study: The detailed results of the study are presented in tables and illustrated on the graphsConclusions:1. Analysis of the ECG radial wrist extensor muscle and ulnaris showed a decrease in firing rate of bioelectric muscle under the influence of currents of medium frequency TENS. This study allows for an objective document activity involved in muscle movement during functional activities.2. Kinesiology EMG allows for quick and effective action possible to verify TENS currents during the rehabilitation procedure, it is an effective therapeutic method. Key words: electrostimulation, TENS, EMG

    Architecture of the nuclear pore complex coat

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) constitutes the sole gateway for bidirectional nucleocytoplasmic transport. Despite half a century of structural characterization, the architecture of the NPC remains unknown. Here, we present the crystal structure of a reconstituted ~400 kDa coat nucleoporin complex (CNC) from S. cerevisiae at a 7.4-Å resolution. The crystal structure revealed a curved Y-shaped architecture and the molecular details of the coat nucleoporin interactions forming the central “triskelion” of the Y. A structural comparison of the yeast CNC with an electron microscopy reconstruction of its human counterpart suggested the evolutionary conservation of the elucidated architecture. Moreover, 32 copies of the CNC crystal structure docked readily into a cryoelectron tomographic reconstruction of the fully-assembled human NPC, thereby accounting for ~16 MDa of its mass

    Effect of diosmin and diosmetin on the level of pro-inflammatory factors in the endothelium artificially induced with inflammatory stimuli

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    Introduction: Diosmin and its aglycone diosmetin are phlebotropic drugs used in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Diosmin increases the elasticity and tension of blood vessel walls, exhibits an antiedematous effect, and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. As it is commonly known that the endothelium layer plays a significant role in the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system, this paper investigates the effect of diosmin and diosmetin on modulating the levels of pro-inflammatory factors in an endothelial cell culture (HUVEC) stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phorbol (PMA). Material and methods: A normal human umbilical vein/vascular endothelium cell line HUV-EC-C (HUVEC) was stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Cell viability was assessed using NR and MTT assays. The levels of human IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, COX-2, and PGE2 were measured using ELISA kits. Results: Depending on the agent used to initiate inflammation, different levels of factors associated with this state were obtained. Diosmetin significantly decreased the levels of pro-inflammatory IL-1β and IL-6 as well as COX-2 in PMA-treated cells. Meanwhile, diosmin did not affect the interleukins but it lowered COX-2 and increased PGE-2. Upon the LPS stimulation of HUVEC cells, diosmetin increased the levels of PGE2, IL-1β, COX-2, and nitric oxide (NO), while diosmin increased NO and IL-6. Conclusion: Diosmin and diosmetin have different impacts on the levels of pro-inflammatory factors depending on the inflammation inducer. Diosmetin more effectively modulated inflammation than diosmin, suggesting that the attachment of the sugar moiety to the aglycone attenuates its activity

    Recognition of an α-helical hairpin in P22 large terminase by a synthetic antibody fragment.

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    The genome-packaging motor of tailed bacteriophages and herpesviruses is a multisubunit protein complex formed by several copies of a large (TerL) and a small (TerS) terminase subunit. The motor assembles transiently at the portal protein vertex of an empty precursor capsid to power the energy-dependent packaging of viral DNA. Both the ATPase and nuclease activities associated with genome packaging reside in TerL. Structural studies of TerL from bacteriophage P22 have been hindered by the conformational flexibility of this enzyme and its susceptibility to proteolysis. Here, an unbiased, synthetic phage-display Fab library was screened and a panel of high-affinity Fabs against P22 TerL were identified. This led to the discovery of a recombinant antibody fragment, Fab4, that binds a 33-amino-acid α-helical hairpin at the N-terminus of TerL with an equilibrium dissociation constant Kd of 71.5 nM. A 1.51 Å resolution crystal structure of Fab4 bound to the TerL epitope (TLE) together with a 1.15 Å resolution crystal structure of the unliganded Fab4, which is the highest resolution ever achieved for a Fab, elucidate the principles governing the recognition of this novel helical epitope. TLE adopts two different conformations in the asymmetric unit and buries as much as 1250 Å2 of solvent-accessible surface in Fab4. TLE recognition is primarily mediated by conformational changes in the third complementarity-determining region of the Fab4 heavy chain (CDR H3) that take place upon epitope binding. It is demonstrated that TLE can be introduced genetically at the N-terminus of a target protein, where it retains high-affinity binding to Fab4

    Architecture of the fungal nuclear pore inner ring complex

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) constitutes the sole gateway for bidirectional nucleocytoplasmic transport. We present the reconstitution and interdisciplinary analyses of the ~425-kDa inner ring complex (IRC), which forms the central transport channel and diffusion barrier of the NPC, revealing its interaction network and equimolar stoichiometry. The Nsp1•Nup49•Nup57 channel nucleoporin hetero-trimer (CNT) attaches to the IRC solely through the adaptor nucleoporin Nic96. The CNT•Nic96 structure reveals that Nic96 functions as an assembly sensor that recognizes the three dimensional architecture of the CNT, thereby mediating the incorporation of a defined CNT state into the NPC. We propose that the IRC adopts a relatively rigid scaffold that recruits the CNT to primarily form the diffusion barrier of the NPC, rather than enabling channel dilation

    Structure of small G proteins and their regulators.

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    In recent years small G proteins have become an intensively studied group of regulatory GTP hydrolases involved in cell signaling. More than 100 small G proteins have been identified in eucaryotes from protozoan to human. The small G protein superfamily includes Ras, Rho Rab, Rac, Sar1/Arf and Ran homologs, which take part in numerous and diverse cellular processes, such as gene expression, cytoskeleton reorganization, microtubule organization, and vesicular and nuclear transport. These proteins share a common structural core, described as the G domain, and significant sequence similarity. In this paper we review the available data on G domain structure, together with a detailed analysis of the mechanism of action. We also present small G protein regulators: GTPase activating proteins that bind to a catalytic G domain and increase its low intrinsic hydrolase activity, GTPase dissociation inhibitors that stabilize the GDP-bound, inactive state of G proteins, and guanine nucleotide exchange factors that accelerate nucleotide exchange in response to cellular signals. Additionally, in this paper we describe some aspects of small G protein interactions with downstream effectors

    Degenerate specificity of PDZ domains from RhoA-specific nucleotide exchange factors PDZRhoGEF and LARG

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    PDZ domains are ubiquitous protein-protein interaction modules which bind short, usually carboxyterminal fragments of receptors, other integral or membrane-associated proteins, and occasionally cytosolic proteins. Their role in organizing multiprotein complexes at the cellular membrane is crucial for many signaling pathways, but the rules defining their binding specificity are still poorly understood and do not readily explain the observed diversity of their known binding partners. Two homologous RhoA-specific, multidomain nucleotide exchange factors PDZRhoGEF and LARG contain PDZ domains which show a particularly broad recognition profile, as suggested by the identification of five diverse biological targets. To investigate the molecular roots of this phenomenon, we constructed a phage display library of random carboxyterminal hexapeptides. Peptide variants corresponding to the sequences identified in library selection were synthesized and their affinities for both PDZ domains were measured and compared with those of peptides derived from sequences of natural partners. Based on the analysis of the binding sequences identified for PDZRhoGEF, we propose a sequence for an 'optimal' binding partner. Our results support the hypothesis that PDZ-peptide interactions may be best understood when one considers the sum of entropic and dynamic effects for each peptide as a whole entity, rather than preferences for specific residues at a given position

    Influence of Carrier Structure and Physicochemical Factors on Immobilisation of Fungal Laccase in Terms of Bisphenol A Removal

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    Laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus was immobilised on porous Purolite® carriers and amino-functionalised ultrafiltration membranes. The results indicated a correlation between the carrier structure and the activity of laccase immobilised thereon. The highest activity was obtained for carriers characterised by a small particle size and a larger pore diameter (the porous carriers with an additional spacer (C2 and C6) and octadecyl methacrylate beads with immobilised laccase activity of 5.34 U/g, 2.12 U/g and 7.43 U/g, respectively. The conditions of immobilisation and storage of immobilised laccase were modified to improve laccase activity in terms of bisphenol A transformation. The highest laccase immobilisation activity was obtained on small bead carriers with a large diameter of pores incubated in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7 and for immobilisation time of 3 h at 22 °C. The immobilised LAC was stable for four weeks maintaining 80–90% of its initial activity in the case of the best C2, C6, and C18 carriers. The immobilised laccase transformed 10 mg/L of BPA in 45% efficiency and decreased its toxicity 3-fold in the Microtox tests. The effectiveness of BPA transformation, and the legitimacy of conducting this process due to the reduction of the toxicity of the resulting reaction products have been demonstrated. Reusability of immobilised LAC has been proven during BPA removal in 10 subsequent batches

    Substance P Derivatives as Versatile Tools for Specific Delivery of Various Types of Biomolecular Cargo

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    The use of proteins or nucleic acids as therapeutic agents has been severely hampered by their intrinsic inability to cross the cell membrane. Moreover, common techniques for driving the delivery of macromolecules lack the ability to distinguish between healthy and diseased tissue, precluding their clinical use. Recently, receptor-mediated delivery (RMD) has emerged as a technology with the potential to circumvent the obstacles associated with the delivery of drug targets by utilizing the natural endocytosis of a ligand upon binding to its receptor. Here, we describe the synthesis of variants of substance P (SP), an eleven amino acid neuropeptide ligand of the neurokinin type 1 receptor (NK1R), for the delivery of various types of cargo. The variants of SP were synthesized with an N-terminal maleimide moiety that allows conjugation to surface thiols, resulting in a nonreducible thioether. Cargos lacking an available thiol are conjugated to SP using commercially available cross-linkers. In addition to the delivery of proteins, we expand the use of SP to include nuclear delivery of DNA fragments that are actively expressed in the target cells. We also show that SP can be used to deliver whole bacteriophage particles as well as polystyrene beads up to 1 μm in diameter. The results show the ability of SP to deliver cargo of various sizes and chemical properties that retain their function within the cell. Furthermore, the overexpression of the NK1R in many tumors provides the potential for developing targeted delivery reagents that are specific toward diseased tissue