26 research outputs found

    Breakdown of Anderson localization of interacting quantum bright solitons in a disorder potential

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    The center of mass of a bright soliton in a Bose-Einstein condensate may reveal Anderson localization in the presence of a weak disorder potential. We analyze the effects of interactions between two bright solitons on the Anderson localization phenomenon. Perturbation calculus shows that even very weak interactions modify localization properties of the system eigenstates. For stronger interactions, i.e. when the solitons are close to each other, the localization is totally broken. It implies that in order to experimentally observe the Anderson localization effects, a single bright soliton has to be prepared and excitation of soliton trains must be avoided.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Controlling disorder with periodically modulated interactions

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    We investigate a celebrated problem of one dimensional tight binding model in the presence of disorder leading to Anderson localization from a novel perspective. A binary disorder is assumed to be created by immobile heavy particles for the motion of the lighter, mobile species in the limit of no interaction between mobile particles. Fast periodic modulations of interspecies interactions allow us to produce an effective model with small diagonal and large off-diagonal disorder unexplored in cold atoms experiments. We present an expression for an approximate Anderson localization length and verify the existence of the well known extended resonant mode and analyze the influence of nonzero next-nearest neighbor hopping terms. We point out that periodic modulation of interaction allow disorder to work as a tunable band-pass filter for momenta.Comment: version close to published vesio

    Synthetic Random Flux Model in a periodically-driven optical lattice

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    We propose a realization of a synthetic Random Flux Model in a two-dimensional optical lattice. Starting from Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian for two atom species we show how to use fast-periodic modulation of the system parameters to construct random gauge field. We investigate the transport properties of such a system and describe the impact of time-reversal symmetry breaking and correlations in disorder on Anderson localization length.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Role of correlations and off-diagonal terms in binary disordered one dimensional systems

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    We investigate one dimensional tight binding model in the presence of a correlated binary disorder. The disorder is due to the interaction of particles with heavy immobile other species. Off-diagonal disorder is created by means of a fast periodic modulation of interspecies interaction. The method based on transfer matrix techniques allows us to calculate the energies of extended modes in the correlated binary disorder. We focus on NN-mer correlations and regain known results for the case of purely diagonal disorder. For off-diagonal disorder we find resonant energies. We discuss ambiguous properties of those states and compare analytical results with numerical calculations. Separately we describe a special case of the dual random dimer model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Qubit-environment entanglement outside of pure decoherence: hyperfine interaction

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    In spin-based architectures of quantum devices, the hyperfine interaction between the electron spin qubit and the nuclear spin environment remains one of the main sources of decoherence. This paper provides a short review of the current advances in the theoretical description of the qubit decoherence dynamics. Next, we study the qubit-environment entanglement using negativity as its measure. For an initial maximally mixed state of the environment, we study negativity dynamics as a function of environment size, changing the numbers of environmental nuclei and the total spin of the nuclei. Furthermore, we study the effect of the magnetic field on qubit-environment disentangling time scales

    Phonon-assisted coherent transport of excitations in Rydberg-dressed atom arrays

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    Polarons, which arise from the self-trapping interaction between electrons and lattice distortions in a solid, have been known and extensively investigated for nearly a century. Nevertheless, the study of polarons continues to be an active and evolving field, with ongoing advancements in both fundamental understanding and practical applications. Here, we present a microscopic model that exhibits a diverse range of dynamic behavior, arising from the intricate interplay between two excitation-phonon coupling terms. The derivation of the model is based on an experimentally feasible Rydberg-dressed system with dipole-dipole interactions, making it a promising candidate for realization in a Rydberg atoms quantum simulator. Remarkably, our analysis reveals a growing asymmetry in Bloch oscillations, leading to a macroscopic transport of non-spreading excitations under a constant force. Moreover, we compare the behavior of excitations, when coupled to either acoustic or optical phonons, and demonstrate the robustness of our findings against on-site random potential. Overall, this work contributes to the understanding of polaron dynamics with their potential applications in coherent quantum transport and offers valuable insights for research on Rydberg-based quantum systems

    Matter-wave analog of an optical random laser

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    The accumulation of atoms in the lowest energy level of a trap and the subsequent out-coupling of these atoms is a realization of a matter-wave analog of a conventional optical laser. Optical random lasers require materials that provide optical gain but, contrary to conventional lasers, the modes are determined by multiple scattering and not a cavity. We show that a Bose-Einstein condensate can be loaded in a spatially correlated disorder potential prepared in such a way that the Anderson localization phenomenon operates as a band-pass filter. A multiple scattering process selects atoms with certain momenta and determines laser modes which represents a matter-wave analog of an optical random laser.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A; minor changes, the present title substituted for "Atom Random Laser

    Identifying Chern numbers of superconductors from local measurements

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    Fascination in topological materials originates from their remarkable response properties and exotic quasiparticles which can be utilized in quantum technologies. In particular, large-scale efforts are currently focused on realizing topological superconductors and their Majorana excitations. However, determining the topological nature of superconductors with current experimental probes is an outstanding challenge. This shortcoming has become increasingly pressing due to rapidly developing designer platforms which are theorized to display very rich topology and are better accessed by local probes rather than transport experiments. We introduce a robust machine-learning protocol for classifying the topological states of two-dimensional (2D) chiral superconductors and insulators from local density of states (LDOS) data. Since the LDOS can be measured with standard experimental techniques, our protocol overcomes the almost three decades standing problem of identifying the topology of 2D superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure