22 research outputs found

    Democratization of a Hierarchical Religion: the Roman Catholic Church in the Time of a Credibility Crisis Caused by Sexual Abuse Misconduct

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    This paper reflects, from a sociological perspective, on the nature of authority in the Church and on the modes of governance and character of the internal self-organisation of the institution of Roman Catholicism. Historically there are no restrictions to democratisation of the Catholic church. On the other hand, at the time of a credibility crisis the necessity for accountability strengthens the trend towards wider forms of democracy. The efficiency and integrity of Catholicism demand transparency of structures and accountability of leaders, who have frequently , especially in Ireland, failed in their supervision by mishandling and covering up abuse case

    Absolute measurement of the ^{1}S_{0} − ^{3}P_{0} clock transition in neutral ^{88}Sr over the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optic link

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    We report a stability below 7×10177\times 10{}^{-17} of two independent optical lattice clocks operating with bosonic 88{}^{88}Sr isotope. The value (429228066418008.3(1.9)syst{}_{syst}(0.9)stat{}_{stat}~Hz) of the absolute frequency of the 1S0{}^{1}S_{0} - 3P0{}^{3}P_{0} transition was measured with an optical frequency comb referenced to the local representation of the UTC by the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optical link. The result was verified by series of measurements on two independent optical lattice clocks and agrees with recommendation of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

    Institutional Religiosity as a Factor in the Adaptation of Polish Immigrants in Ireland

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    A high level of adherence with Catholicism is one of the cultural similarities between the cohort of Polish immigrants living in Ireland and the rest of the Republic of Ireland’s population. Sharing the same religious beliefs seems to be a social bridge that accelerates mutual acceptance and adjustment at the time of massive migration. Therefore, the article aims to evaluate the integrative function of institutional religiousness. The fi ndings show that both the Polish immigrants and the natives tend to separate from one another instead of integrating, though. With regard to the bonding function of institutional religiousness, a high level of intercultural competence among religious leaders is required. It is evident, however, that neither the Irish Catholic church nor the chaplaincy for Polish immigrants have such skilful and integrative leaders

    Ubóstwo w dobie globalizacji w perspektywie nauczania społecznego Benedykta XVI oraz nauk społecznych

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    Głównym tematem artykułu jest analiza nauczania społecznego Benedykta XVI,  wyrażonego w encyklice „Caritas in veritate”, na temat ubóstwa. Papieskie nauczanie ujęte jest w formie refleksji antropologicznej i teologicznej. Jednocześnie w encyklice zostaje zastosowana interdyscyplinarna perspektywa charakterystyczna dla katolickiej nauki społecznej. Dzięki takiemu podejściu metodologicznemu chrześcijańska refleksja dotycząca problematyki ubóstwa, nierówności, wykluczenia i przemian globalnych może zostać zestawiona z wynikami badań społecznych. Papież wskazuje na rosnące w dobie globalizacji nierówności ekonomiczne, ale potwierdza także pozytywny wpływ współpracy gospodarczej. Artykuł identyfikuje również teorie rozwoju społecznego, które Benedykt XVI stosuje w swej diagnozie społecznej. Dzięki zestawieniu papieskiej refleksji społecznej oraz badań z zakresu ekonomii, socjologii i politologii autor artykułu dokonuje analizy swoistego interdyscyplinarnego sprzężenia pomiędzy katolicką nauką społeczną a innymi naukami społecznymi.The main task of the paper is to analyse pope Benedict XVI’s social teaching on poverty as introduced in the encyclical letter ‘Caritas in veritate’. While the methodological language of the papal teaching is anthropological and theological in character, the document uses its own interdisciplinary approach that is characteristic of Catholic Social Teaching. Consequently such a Christian reflection on social issues like poverty, inequality, marginalisation and globalisation can be compared with other social findings. In the global context the pope identifies growing economic inequalities but also the advantages of cooperation within the global economy. The analysis also discerns the theories of social development that are convergent with the papal social diagnosis. Finally, comparing the pope’s social teaching with some studies in economy, sociology and political sciences, the author of the paper examines the possibility to construct an interdisciplinary link between Catholic Social Teaching and other social sciences.Das Hauptthema des Artikels ist die Analyse der Soziallehre Benedikt XVI. Über das Thema Armut, enthalten in der Enzyklika „Caritas in veritate”. Die päpstliche Verkündigung hat die Form einer theologischen und zugleich anthropologischen Reflexion. Gleichzeitig wurde in der Enzyklika die für die katholiche Soziallehre charakteristische interdisziplinäre Perspektive eingeführt. Dank eines solchen methodologischen Ausgangspunkts kann die christliche Reflexion über die Armut, die Ungleichheit, die Ausgrenzung sowie über globale Umwälzungen mit den Ergebnissen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen verglichen werden. Der Papst verweist auf die in der Zeit der Globalisierung wachsende ökonomische Ungleichheiten, betont aber gleichzeitig den positiven Einfluss der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. Der Artikel identifiziert auch Theorien des sozialen Fortschritts, welche Benedikt XVI in seiner sozialen Diagnose verwendet. Dank der Zusammenstellung der päpstlichen sozialen Reflexion sowie der Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich der Ökonomie, Soziologie und Politologie analysiert der Autor die einzigartige interdisziplinäre Wechselwirkung zwischen der katholischen Soziallehre und anderen Sozialwissenschaften

    Socjologiczne i etyczne refleksje na temat polskiego sporu o sumienie

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    Question about the condition of social ethics, public morality and politics leads us to the notion of conscience and freedom of conscience. Traditionally, the term conscience has its origin in philosophy of morality and in religion. However, contemporary sociological research in Poland demonstrates that many social actors, predominately institutional Catholic representatives or politicians, within the public debate play a battle over morality. The article, in light of the empirical data and theoretical approach, undertakes the analyses on public morality and religion, bioethics, law, and politics to discuss the quest of ethical rigourism and political moralism. Nonetheless, in the context of the public debate over the freedom of conscience and its socio-political implications the author argues that religious and political debate over public morality is often an object of ideological manipulation


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    The main task of the paper is to analyse the socio-familial aspects of the newest migration flows from Poland to Ireland that have been taking place since 2004. In order to examine this migratory phenomenon I apply a three-level analysis: on the macro-level I study statistical demographic data obtained from the Irish population censuses; on the mezzo-level I use a longitudinal (3-year) survey carried out within a selected immigrant subpopulation; on the micro-level I analyse 30 unstructured interviews with Polish immigrants. The results show that Polish emigration to Ireland is, first of all, driven by economic factors. Nonetheless, the socio-familial conditions and marital strategies also play a significant role in the processes of shaping one’s migratory experiences. The paper concludes that many Polish emigrants, including those who constituted the first flow of immigration to Ireland, are well-settled at the destination. The socio-familial circumstances become a critical factor in choosing their migration strategy