13 research outputs found


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging wooden ball, aromatized with vanilla fluid hanging wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the aromatized wooden ball


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging wooden ball, aromatized with vanilla fluid hanging wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the aromatized wooden ball.Przeprowadzono obserwacje zachowania warchlaków utrzymywanych po odsadzeniu w kojcach wyposażonych w podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę, aromatyzowaną aromatem waniliowym podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę oraz bez elementów dodatkowych. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wzbogacenie środowiska chowu w postaci aromatyzowanej drewnianej piłki spowodowało statystycznie istotne (P<0,05) obniżenie poziomu agresji w porównaniu do grupy bez elementów dodatkowych, jednak obecność nie aromatyzowanej drewnianej piłki również spowodowała skrócenie czasu spędzanego na walkach i obniżenie ich częstotliwości występowania, jakkolwiek nie zostało to potwierdzone statystycznie

    Departure from farming in Polish metropolitan areas – assessment of the scale and spatial differentiation

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    Purpose – The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the location of farms, the quality of natural conditions and fragmentation of agricultural holdings on the rate of landowners’ departure from agricultural activity, including cattle and pig farming. Research method – The study covered six provinces: Dolnośląskie, Małopolskie, Lubelskie, Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie. The considerations carried out were conducted in the system of districts for the years 2004-2016. Results – The largest decrease in the number of direct payment beneficiaries in the years 2004-2016 was recorded in the districts located on the outskirts of metropolitan areas. It was observed that in territorial units which obtained a higher evaluation of the quality of agricultural production space the regression in terms of the number of farms involved in animal production was significantly smaller, and the decrease in the number of single area payment beneficiaries was also smaller. In districts with relatively good natural conditions, faster departue from cattle and pig rearing was facilitated by the fragmentation of the area structure of farms. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – So far,the lack of detailed analyses of changes taking place in agriculture in Polish metropolitan areas has been noted, while this issue has been an important field of interest for researchers in the world for several decades. Therefore itmeans that work should be considered innovative. The results of the undertaken considerations constitute a significant contribution to explaining the reasons for the deagrarianisation of rural areas.Tomasz WOJEWODZIC: [email protected] SROKA: [email protected] Krzysztof KOPYRA: [email protected] WOJEWODZIC, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówWojciech SROKA, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówMarcin Krzysztof KOPYRA, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówCiaian P., Kancs D., 2012, The capitalization of area payments into farmland rents: micro evidence from the new EU member states, “Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics”, vol. 60(4), pp. 517-540, DOI: j.1744-7976.2012.01256.x.Czyżewski B., 2009, The Land Rent Category in Mainstream Economics and Its Contemporary Applications, “Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development”, vol. 1(11), pp. 27-37.Czyżewski B., 2013, Renty ekonomiczne w gospodarce żywnościowej w Polsce, PWE, Warszawa.Czyżewski B., Brelik A., 2014, Political rents in the European Union’s agriculture, “Management”, vol.18, no. 2, pp. 191-203, DOI: 10.2478/manment-2014-0051.Dargiewicz A., 2018, Administracyjne, środowiskowe i organizacyjne bariery (uwarunkowania) rozwoju chowu trzody chlewnej w Polsce na tle analogicznych wymogów w Niemczech, Danii, Holandii i Hiszpanii, Maszynopis IERiGŻ-PIB, Warszawa.Kilian S., Salhofer K., 2008, Single payments of the CAP. Where do the rents go?, “Agricultural Economics Review”, vol. 9, pp. 96-106, DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ. 178238.Kleinhanss W., 2015, Competitiveness of the major types of agricultural holdings in Germany, “Agricultural Economics”, vol. 342(1), pp. 25-411, DOI: 10.5604/00441600. 1147622.Krueger A.O., 1974, The political economy of the rent-seeking society, “The American Economic Review”, vol. 64 (3), pp. 291-303.Marcysiak T., Prus P., 2017, Life strategies of rural inhabitants of unfixed economic function, “Agrarian Perspectives XXVI. Competitiveness of European Agriculture and Food Sectors, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference, 13-15 September 2017 Prague, Czech Republic”, pp. 212-218.Marks-Bielska R., 2010, Rynek ziemi rolniczej w Polsce – uwarunkowania i tendencje rozwoju, UWM w Olsztynie, Olsztyn.Molnár A., Vandenbroucke P., 2010, Structural and land use change of farms in the periurban area of Budapest – case study of Veresegyház subregion, “Studies in Agricultural Economics”, no. 112, pp. 83-96.Musiał W., Wojewodzic T., 2014, Innowacyjność w zakresie gospodarowania ziemią rolniczą w regionach rozdrobnionych agrarnie, „Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu”, nr 361, s. 162-168, DOI: 10.15611/pn.2014.361.16.Satola L., Wojewodzic T., Sroka W., 2018, Barriers to exit encountered by small farms in light of the theory of new institutional economics, “Agricultural Economics”, vol. 64(6), pp. 277-290, DOI: 10.17221/233/2016-AGRICECON.Sinclair R., 1967, Von Thunen and Urban Sprawl, “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”, vol. 57(1), pp. 72-87.Sroka W., 2018, Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes in selected Polish metropolitan areas, “Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia”, nr 17(2), s. 97-107, DOI: 10.22630/ASPE.2018.17.2.25.Tullock G., 1988, Efficient rent-seeking revisited. The political economy of rent-seeking, Springer, Boston.Wojewodzic T., 2017, Procesy dywestycji i dezagraryzacji w rolnictwie na obszarach o rozdrobnionej strukturze agrarnej, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rolniczego im. H. Kołłątaja w Krakowie”, nr 535, z. 412, ss. 287.Ziętara W., Mirkowska Z., 2018, Konkurencyjność polskich gospodarstw trzodowych a tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej, „Przedsiębiorstwo i gospodarstwo rolne wobec zmian klimatu i polityki rolnej”, nr 76(4).Ziętara W., 2019, Production of live pigs in Poland conditions and prospects, “Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economist”, vol. XXI, no. 1, pp. 101-110, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.0859.www 1, www.arimr.gov.pl/pomoc-krajowa/srednia-powierzchnia-gospodarstwa.html [date of entry: 17.01.2019].www 2, www.bdl.stat.gov.pl/BDL/dane/podgrup/temat [date of entry: 18.01.2019].1(99)17418


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging fl exible, destructible object for biting, hanging non-destructible wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the object for biting


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging fl exible, destructible object for biting, hanging non-destructible wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the object for biting.Przeprowadzono obserwacje zachowania warchlaków utrzymywanych po odsadzeniu w kojcach wyposażonych w podwieszane elastyczne, odkształcające się gryzaki, podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę oraz bez elementów dodatkowych. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wzbogacenie środowiska chowu zarówno w postaci gryzaków jak i podwieszanej drewnianej piłki spowodowało obniżenie poziomu agresji, jednak najbardziej interesujące dla warchlaków okazały się gryzaki

    Polish animal conservative breeds as an opportunity to develop agritourism offer

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    Ważną rolę w agroturystyce pełnią zwierzęta gospodarskie, które stanowią jeden z elementów rdzenia produktu agroturystycznego. Pośród wielu gatunków i ras zwierząt w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych występują też stare rasy zachowawcze, które objęte są programem ochrony zasobów genetycznych. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie udziału zwierząt gospodarskich ras zachowawczych w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych „Góralskiego Stowarzyszenia Agroturystycznego”. Badaniami objęto wszystkie gospodarstwa agroturystyczne należące do „Góralskiego Stowarzyszenia Agroturystycznego” zlokalizowane w wybranych gminach województwa małopolskiego. Pośród nich 52% gospodarstw agroturystycznych deklarowało utrzymanie zwierząt gospodarskich ras zachowawczych. Badania wykazały, że spośród zwierząt gospodarskich ras zachowawczych utrzymywanych w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych „Góralskiego Stowarzyszenia Agroturystycznego” największy udział stada stanowiły owce (47%). Porównywalny był udział procentowy bydła i kóz stanowiąc odpowiednio 20 % i 21% oraz wyraźnie niski był udział koni (7%) oraz świń (zaledwie 5%). Argumentami przemawiającymi za wyborem tych ras zwierząt jest nie tylko ich doskonałe przystosowanie do lokalnych warunków klimatycznych i paszowych, ale też duża ich zdrowotność i długowieczność.Livestock plays an important role in agritourism, which is one of the core elements of an agritourism product. Among many breeds of animals on agritourism farms there are also old regional breeds that are covered by the genetic resources conservation program. The purpose of the work is to present the share of farm animals of conservative breeds on agroturism farms of the “Highlander Agrotourism Association”. The research covered all agritourism farms belonging to the “Highlander Agrotourism Association” of farms located in selected voivodship of Małopolska. Among them 52% of agritourism farms declared keeping farm animals of conservative breeds. Studies have shown that sheep accounted for the largest share o conservation breed animals on the agroturism farm of this association. Based on the answered obtained from questionnaires of the survey carried out at agritourism farms, it was found that the largest percentage of large farmed animals were 47%. The percentage share of cattle and goats was comparable, constituting 20% and 21% respectively. The percentage share of cattle and goats was comparable, constituting 20% and 21%, respectively, and the share of horses (7%) and pigs was only 5%. The arguments for choosing these animals breeds are not only their excellent adaptation to local climate and feed conditions but also their high health and longevity


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging fl exible, destructible object for biting, hanging non-destructible wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the object for biting.Przeprowadzono obserwacje zachowania warchlaków utrzymywanych po odsadzeniu w kojcach wyposażonych w podwieszane elastyczne, odkształcające się gryzaki, podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę oraz bez elementów dodatkowych. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wzbogacenie środowiska chowu zarówno w postaci gryzaków jak i podwieszanej drewnianej piłki spowodowało obniżenie poziomu agresji, jednak najbardziej interesujące dla warchlaków okazały się gryzaki

    Physiological mechanisms of ovarian follicular growth in pigs — A review

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    Follicular growth after antrum formation is determined by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Only two ways are possible for recruited follicles, continuing development or atresia. In gilts, intensive ovarian follicular growth begins between 60 and 100 days of age, and fluctuations of the ovarian morphological status last about 20 days; however, at that time there are no really large follicles. Final follicular development is under luteinising hormone (LH) control; this is why the attainment of puberty is related to an increase in serum oestradiol to a level that causes a preovulatory surge of this gonadotropin. The pool of follicles at the beginning of the oestrous cycle is about 30–40, most of which are small ( 7 mm) follicles because of the suppressing effect of progesterone. The number of small follicles declines after luteolysis. From the pool of medium follicles, large follicles are selected under the influence of LH, but about 70% of the medium-sized follicles become atretic. Because of the long-lasting selection process there is a significant heterogeneity in the diameter of large follicles in oestrus. However, the number of follicles correlates with the number of corpora lutea after ovulation. Individual follicular development and the relationship between follicles are still poorly known. The use of ultrasonography may give a closer insight into these phenomena

    Forecasting of Hypoallergenic Wheat Productivity Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Remote Sensing Approach&mdash;Case Study

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    Remote sensing methods based on UAV and hand-held devices as well have been used to assess the response to nitrogen and sulfur fertilization of hypoallergenic genotypes of winter wheat. The field experiment was conducted using the split-split-plot design with three repetitions. The first factor was the two genotypes of winter wheat specified as V1 (without allergic protein) and V2 (with allergic protein), and the second factor was three doses of sulfur fertilization: 0, 20 and 40 kg S per ha. The third factor consisted of six doses of nitrogen fertilization: 0, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 kg N&middot;ha&minus;1. Monitoring the values of the indicators depending on the level of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization allowed the results to be used in yield forecasting, assessment of plant condition, LAI value, nutritional status in the cultivation of wheat. The maximum yield should be expected at doses of 94 and 101 kg N ha&minus;1 for genotypes V1 and V2, respectively, giving yields of 5.39 and 4.71 Mg ha&minus;1. On the basis of the tested vegetation indices, the highest doses of N should be applied using the normalized difference RedEdge (NDRE), and the lowest ones based on the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and, in the latter case, a reduction in yield of more than 200 kg ha&minus;1 in the V2 genotype should be taken into account

    Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Soybean Cultivation Fertilized with Biochar from Various Utility Plants

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    Organic matter is an indispensable element of soil. Its quantity and quality affect its properties, e.g., structure, buffering, sorption capacity, air&ndash;water relations, and thermal properties. The purpose of the research was to assess greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in soybean cultivation, fertilized with biochar from various crops. Two experimental factors were included: the dose of biochar and the type of biochar used as per raw material used in its production. The adopted functional unit was 1 ton of soybeans. To reach the adopted goal, a strict field experiment was carried out. The total amount of GHG emitted by the cultivation was calculated according to the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards. The system boundaries included: GHG emissions from fertilizers and seeds used, GHG emissions related to biochar production, emissions related to fossil fuel combustion, and emissions related to the decomposition of crop residues and soil organic matter and the decomposition of biochar. The results of the research indicate a significant potential of biochar to reduce GHG emissions in agricultural production. From the environmental and production perspective, the addition of biochar at 60 Mg ha&minus;1 is the most advantageous. A further increase in the addition of biochar was related to a decrease in plant yield and an increase in GHG emissions per functional unit of the product. The use of biochar in soybean cultivation resulted in a 25% reduction in GHG emissions compared to the object without the biochar addition. The amount of GHG emissions for soybeans ranged from 846.9 to 1260.1 kg of CO2/Mg. The use of biochar from forest biomass resulted in a higher yield, 12% on average, compared to sunflower husk biochar. The introduction of biochar to soils can be an effective improvement in the economic and environmental efficiency of plant production, as it increases the use of nutrients by the plant and intensifies carbon sequestration in soils