21 research outputs found

    Study on the use of mobile devices in schools: the case of Romania

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    The current dynamics of society is relevant also for the educational systems. The integration of mobile devices in education, as a bridge between inside and outside educational activities, is not fully exploited.  This paper will present a brief study regarding the mobile devices and ICT in Romanian educational system, and an analysis about teachers' skills and disponibility, to move to the next step of mobile-integrated educational system, the gap between the potential of the method BYOD/the schools' mobile devices, the practice of teaching using them, and the needs of students for their skills development, regarding of long life learning

    Open leg fracture tratment particularities in polytraumatisms

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie şi Chirurgie în campanie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “N. Testemiţanu”, Centrul Naţional Ştiinţifico-practic Medicină de Urgenţă, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-tramatologi din Republica Moldova “Politraumatisme – concepţii contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament”, 21 mai 2009, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaGravitatea fracturilor deschise de gambă în cadrul politraumatismelor s-a accentuat progresiv, aşa încât a devenit la ora actuală o importantă problemă de sănătate publică care preocupă deopotrivă chirurgi şi manageri de sănătate cu dezbateri la reuniuni naţionale şi internaţionale.The seriousness of the open leg fractures in the polytrauma progressively increased, so now has become an important problem of the public health which concerns both surgeons and health managers with debates at national and international meetings

    LA TERMINOLOGIE JURIDIQUE COMMUNIQUÉE AUX NON-INITIÉS (Les cas de violence domestique et de discrimination reflétés dans les médias)

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    La compréhension de la terminologie du droit reste toujours une terra incognito pour les profanes, mais il y a quand même des outils qui la font plus accessible: plus claire et plus concise. Les communiqués et les travaux des organisations non-gouvernementales et les articles de presse représentent un tel instrument. Notamment là-bas on peut identifier de différents degrés de spécialisation, fait qui peut générer les changements sémantiques des termes. Les termes pouvant se transformer dans des mots communs, notre but étant d’identifier le rapport terme/mot, observer le niveau de spécialisation des textes et la polysémie des mots, s’il sera le cas.THE LEGAL TERMINOLOGY FOR THE UNINITIATED (The case of domestic violence and discrimination reflected in the media)The comprehension of the legal terminology has always been a terra incognita for the laymen though, there are still tools that make it more accessible i.e., clearer and more concise. Press releases of non-governmental organisations and newspaper articles serve as such tools. Here we can identify various degrees of specialisation which may generate the semantic change of terms. Given that terms may be transformed into common words, we aim at determining the rela­tionship term/word and analysing the level of specialisation of the texts and the phenomenon of polysemy, if need be.</p


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    This work describes an investigation of the process of reactive ion-exchange separation of tartaric acid from model systems with macroreticular resin AmberliteXAD2 impregnated with liquid ion-exchanger Amberlite LA-2 in batch equipment.The condition of Amberlite XAD2 impregnation process was investigated. Freudlichand Langmuir equations were verified and values of enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy were calculated. This article is an extended abstract of a communicationpresented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012


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    The present paper describes the results of reactive extraction of tartaric acid in model systems, which can be used for its separation from secondary wine products. As extractant have been used a normal/isododecyl mixed secondary amine Amberlite LA-2. The following parameters of the separation process have been varied: nature of diluent and modifier; modifier concentration; concentration, temperature and pH of the tartaric acid solution and the stirring time, and the work intervals have been established. It was concluded that in determinated conditions the extent of tartaric acid extraction attains value 85-95%