32 research outputs found

    Observations From Three Suicide Cases Post-Yogyakarta Earthquake, 2006

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    Background: Saturday, May 27th 2006, 05:53AM, a 5.9 Richter's Scale tectonic earthquake shook the Province of Yogyakarta. Mass panic swept the city due to a spreading rumor of an oncoming tsunami wave which is to follow the earthquake. Traffic all over the city was jammed, buildings collapsed, and many were injured and killed by the rubble. Due to the shock of the situation, the trauma resulted in mental distress for many of those directly and indirectly affected.Objective: To report the suicide cases following the earthquake in five districts of Yogyakarta Province.Method: To do in-depth interviews with the families of the suicide victims to describe suicide cases shortly after the Yogyakarta earthquake.Result: There were three consecutive suicide cases shortly after the earthquake (2-6 days). Two cases come from the most affected area, Bantul District and one case comes from the dry area, Gunungkidul District.Conclusions:There were three consecutive suicide cases shortly after the earthquake (1st week), all cases were males. There was no evidence that the earthquake caused the suicide of these cases directly, but the impact of the earthquake may have increased stress and inability to cope that ultimately led to their tragic ends

    Observations from Three Suicide Cases Post-Yogyakarta Earthquake, 2006

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    Background: Saturday, May 27th 2006, 05:53AM, a 5.9 Richter's Scale tectonic earthquake shook the Province of Yogyakarta. Mass panic swept the city due to a spreading rumor of an oncoming tsunami wave which is to follow the earthquake. Traffic all over the city was jammed, buildings collapsed, and many were injured and killed by the rubble. Due to the shock of the situation, the trauma resulted in mental distress for many of those directly and indirectly affected.Objective: To report the suicide cases following the earthquake in five districts of Yogyakarta Province.Method: To do in-depth interviews with the families of the suicide victims to describe suicide cases shortly after the Yogyakarta earthquake.Result: There were three consecutive suicide cases shortly after the earthquake (2-6 days). Two cases come from the most affected area, Bantul District and one case comes from the dry area, Gunungkidul District.Conclusions:There were three consecutive suicide cases shortly after the earthquake (1st week), all cases were males. There was no evidence that the earthquake caused the suicide of these cases directly, but the impact of the earthquake may have increased stress and inability to cope that ultimately led to their tragic ends.Keywords: mental health, trauma, Yogyakarta Earthquake, suicid

    Riwayat Gangguan Jiwa pada Keluarga dengan Kekambuhan Pasien Skizofrenia di RSUP Dr Sardjito YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Schizophrenia is severe mental disorder with the highest proportion and relapse in Sardjito Hospital inpatient section. Report on relapse incident of schizophrenia is 60%-75%. Family histories of mental disorder are reported as risk factors of relapse in schizophrenic patients.Objective: To identify relationship between family histories of mental disorder and relapse in schizophrenic patient in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta.Method: Subjects were schizophrenic patient who were hospitalized in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta between May 2007 - May 2008. The figure of sample was 47 people. Data was collected using structured questionnaire on demography and family histories of mental disorder. This is cross sectional and descriptive analytic study. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis and multivariate analysis stepwise logistic regression.Result: Data collection showed that mean of subject's age is 34 years. Number of males and females is equal and most of the subject is unemployee and unmarried. Majority of subject came from low socioeconomic. Educational background of subject is mostly high school. Out of 47 samples relapse rate is 55,3%. As much as 24 samples (51,1%) have family histories of mental disorder. There were 68,1% patients showed uncompliance in medication. This study showed 3 variables which have relationship with relapse in schizophrenic patient; those were age (p=0,036), family histories of mental disorder (p=0,029) and drug compliance (p=0,007).Conclusion: There is relationship betweeen family history of mental disorder and relapse in schizophrenic patient in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. Multivariate analysis showed that drug compliance is the most significant influencing relapse in schizophrenic patients


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    Carla R. MarchiraBagian Jiwa, Fakultas Kedokteran,Universitas Gadjah Mada, YogyakartaABSTRACTDeveloping countries often encounter difficulties integratingmental health into community health care, and Indonesia is noexception. With an estimated population of 240 million, but withvery limited human resources in health care, especially mentalhealth care, Indonesia struggles to maintain an effective mentalhealth program. This review describes the changing processin Indonesian governmental policies concerning mentalhealth, the current status and challenges of mental health incommunity health care, and suggestions toward minimizingthe problems. Suggestions include training health workers,waging a national campaign against stigma, and develop themental health program accomodated with the need assessmentof the area.Keywords: integration, mental health, community health car

    Hubungan antara Ekspresi Emosi Keluarga Pasien dengan Kekambuhan Penderita Skizofrenia di RS Dr. Sardjito YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Schizophrenia is considered as severe mental disorder which causes big burden in one's life. After being hospitalized, schizophrenic patients will live with their family while do regular visitation to the hospital to get medical treatment under doctor's supervision. Schizophrenic patient's care often becomes a burden for the family, either financially, physically, and emotionally. Studies showed that many families have high expressed emotion due to high relapse rate on schizophrenic patient. Sex difference also affects course and schizophrenic prognosis. There are still limited data about these issues available in the field of mental health.Objective: To observe correlation between families expressed emotion and relapse rate of schizophrenia patients at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. We observed drug compliance and activity daily living of schizophrenia patients as well.Method: This study used cross sectional design. Subjects were schizophrenic patients who were being treated at Dr Sardjito Hospital and their families. The sample size was 31. Instruments used in this study were: Expressed emotion instrument by Soekarto (2001), Compliance Scale by Widiyanto (2002), and ADL instrument. Data were analyzed with Chi-Square and Pearson Correlation test. We performed linear regression test to determine the contribution of expressed emotion towards patient's relapse rate.Result : Data collection showed that 61.3% schizophrenic patient's families had high expressed emotion, meanwhile 74.2% schizophrenic patients were relapse. Chi-Square test showed significant correlation between patient family's expressed emotion and schizophrenic patients relapse rate(X2=8,22; p<0,05). Pearson Correlation test also showed positive correlation between patient family's expressed emotion and schizophrenic patients' relapse rate (C=0,59). We found the r2=24,2%.Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between patient's family expressed emotion with patient's relapse rate. High expressed emotion of the family has contribution on increasing schizophrenic patients' relapse rate.Keywords : expressed emotion, relapse, schizophrenia, drug compliance, AD

    Riwayat Gangguan Jiwa pada Keluarga dengan Kekambuhan Pasien Skizofrenia di RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Background: Schizophrenia is severe mental disorder with the highest proportion and relapse in Sardjito Hospital inpatient section. Report on relapse incident of schizophrenia is 60%-75%. Family histories of mental disorder are reported as risk factors of relapse in schizophrenic patients.Objective: To identify relationship between family histories of mental disorder and relapse in schizophrenic patient in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta.Method: Subjects were  schizophrenic patient who were hospitalized in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta between May 2007 - May 2008. The figure of sample was 47 people. Data was collected using structured questionnaire on demography and  family histories of mental disorder. This is cross sectional and descriptive analytic study. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis and multivariate analysis stepwise logistic regression.Result:  Data collection showed that mean of subject’s age is 34 years. Number of males and females is equal and most of the subject is unemployee and unmarried. Majority of subject came from low socioeconomic. Educational background of subject is mostly high school. Out of 47 samples relapse rate is 55,3%. As much as 24 samples (51,1%) have family histories of mental disorder. There were 68,1% patients showed uncompliance in medication. This study showed 3 variables which have relationship with relapse in schizophrenic patient; those were age (p=0,036), family histories of mental disorder (p=0,029) and drug compliance (p=0,007).Conclusion:  There is relationship betweeen family history of mental disorder and relapse in schizophrenic patient in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. Multivariate analysis showed that drug compliance is the most significant influencing relapse in schizophrenic patients.Keywords: family histories of mental disorder, drug compliance, schizophrenia, relaps

    Hubungan Kemampuan Kontrol Diri dengan Kecenderungan Depresi pada Mahasiswa Program B PSIK Fk UGM

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    Background: The failure of the individual in adjusting to the demands of the problem or will make their lives are in stressful situations and disturbing emotions that will cause the individual response to these pressures. Individual response to a stressful situation depends on their control of the situation. This is usually called the locus of control. There are two types of locus of control in humans, namely internal locus of control and external locus of control. Individuals who possess an internal self-control, then the stress levels experienced lower so that the tendency to be a little depressed. The individual who has control of the external self, the stress levels experienced higher so that the tendency to experience depression will also be greater.Objectives: To determine the relationship between the ability of self control (locus of control) with a tendency to depression in student program B PSIK FK UGM.Methods: This study uses the method of non-experimental research with crosss sectional research design, using quantitative methods and descriptive correlation. To find relationships between variables using Pearson Product Moment correlation. Respondent of this study was students of program B PSIK FK UGM 2009/2010 school year.Results: Out of 78 respondents indicated that locus of control most widely owned by students program B PSIK FK UGM is internal locus of control that is 80.8%. In addition the research also found no depression was 82.1%, mild depression was 12.8%, and depression was 5.1%. The relationship between the ability of locus of control with a tendency to depression in student program B PSIK FK UGM was showed with value of r = 0.702 (p=0.001).Conclusion: There was signif icant relationship between the ability of locus of control with tendency to depression in student program B PSIK FK UGM

    Hubungan antara Ekspresi Emosi Keluarga Pasien dengan Kekambuhan Penderita Skizofrenia di RS Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Background:   Schizophrenia  is considered  as severe mental disorder which  causes  big  burden  in one’s  life. After being hospitalized, schizophrenic patients will  live with  their  family while do  regular visitation  to  the hospital to get medical  treatment  under doctor’s  supervision. Schizophrenic  patient’s care  often  becomes  a burden  for the  family,  either  financially,  physically, and  emotionally. Studies  showed  that many  families  have high  expressed emotion due  to  high  relapse  rate on schizophrenic  patient. Sex difference also affects  course and schizophrenic prognosis. There are  still  limited  data about  these  issues  available  in  the  field  of mental  health.Objective: To  observe  correlation  between  families  expressed  emotion  and  relapse  rate  of  schizophrenia patients at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. We  observed drug  compliance and  activity daily  living of  schizophrenia patients as well.Method: This  study  used  cross  sectional  design. Subjects  were  schizophrenic  patients who were  being treated at Dr Sardjito Hospital  and  their  families. The sample size was 31.  Instruments  used  in  this  study were: Expressed emotion  instrument by Soekarto  (2001), Compliance Scale by  Widiyanto  (2002), and ADL  instrument. Data were  analyzed with Chi-Square  and Pearson Correlation  test. We  performed  linear  regression  test  to determine  the contribution  of expressed  emotion  towards  patient’s  relapse  rate.Result  : Data  collection  showed  that  61.3%  schizophrenic  patient’s  families  had  high  expressed  emotion, meanwhile  74.2%  schizophrenic  patients were  relapse. Chi-Square  test  showed  significant correlation  between patient  family’s expressed emotion and schizophrenic patients  relapse  rate(X2=8,22; p<0,05). Pearson Correlation test  also  showed positive  correlation between  patient  family’s  expressed  emotion  and schizophrenic  patients’ relapse  rate  (C=0,59). We  found  the  r2=24,2%.Conclusion: There  is  a  significant  correlation  between  patient’s  family  expressed  emotion with  patient’s relapse  rate. High  expressed  emotion  of  the  family  has  contribution  on  increasing  schizophrenic  patients’ relapse  rate.Keywords  :  expressed  emotion,  relapse, schizophrenia,  drug  compliance, AD

    Making Meaning of Religious Values in Preventing a Fatal Suicide Act of a Bisexual Youth with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Qualitative Study

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    Male adolescents of sexual minority groups often present mental health problems and suicidal behaviors. This qualitative study was conducted to explore how a bisexual youth with borderline personality disorder and multiple suicide attempts coped with his intention to die. Analysis was done using the Grounded Theory approach resulted in several themes. First, the pathway to suicidal behaviors; depicting the conflict between parents and the history of mother’s suicide attempts made him felt disconnected with the family. Second, the feeling of not deserving loved although having the need to be loved and to love. Third, the ambivalence of his sexual orientations as he had strong desire to be with a man yet felt happy dating a girl. Fourth, the interpretation of religious values for preventing fatal suicidal act. He perceived that his suicide attempts failed because God wants him to stay alive. The discussion addresses the aspect of religiosity that obstructs suicidal behaviors in bisexual youth