97 research outputs found

    Hydrogen peroxide is a neuronal alarmin that triggers specific RNAs, local translation of Annexin A2, and cytoskeletal remodeling in Schwann cells

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    Schwann cells are key players in neuro-regeneration: They sense "alarm" signals released by degenerating nerve terminals and differentiate toward a proregenerative phenotype, with phagocytosis of nerve debris and nerve guidance. At the murine neuromuscular junction, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a key signal of Schwann cells' activation in response to a variety of nerve injuries. Here we report that Schwann cells exposed to low doses of H2O2 rewire the expression of several RNAs at both transcriptional and translational levels. Among the genes positively regulated at both levels, we identified an enriched cluster involved in cytoskeleton remodeling and cell migration, with the Annexin (Anxa) proteins being the most represented family. We show that both Annexin A2 (Anxa2) transcript and protein accumulate at the tips of long pseudopods that Schwann cells extend upon H2O2 exposure. Interestingly, Schwann cells reply to this signal and to nerve injury by locally translating Anxa2 in pseudopods, and undergo an extensive cytoskeleton remodeling. Our results show that, similarly to neurons, Schwann cells take advantage of local protein synthesis to change shape and move toward damaged axonal terminals to facilitate axonal regeneration

    Enhancing surface liming rate on a no-till cropping system in an oxisol of Southern Brazilian.

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    The aim of the experiment is to evaluate the physical and chemical effects caused on the properties of red latosol containing high levels of organic matter in the aftermath of 40 months after surface liming and the effects on yield components of no-till maize. The experiment was conducted in an area of 1000 m 2 split into 40 plots of 25 m 2 , and the experimental design adopted was randomized complete blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five rates of lime: 0, 2.5, 5, 12.5 and 30 ton.ha-1 (1 SMP pH 5.5). After 40 months of experiment installation, soil samples were taken in a total of four sub samples per plot, that were properly homogenized at different depths (0 to 5, 5 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm) and evaluated on chemical parameters (pH, H+Al, Ca, Mg, Al saturation and bases); on physical parameters (resistance to penetration and soil water infiltration) and on maize crop parameters (yield, height of insertion of first cob and plant?s height). It was observed that equal and above 1 SMP to pH 5.5 ameliorated soil pH in the layers up to 20 cm after 40 months of application, interfering in the levels of Al+H, Ca, Mg, saturation of bases and saturation of aluminum. However, significant effects on soil pH were observed in a depth up to 10 cm. The application of different surface liming rates did not interfere on penetration resistance or soil water infiltration capacity. The effects on soil chemical properties with the rate of 1 SMP to pH 5.5 resulted in higher maize grain yield. Key words: Chemical correction, soil physics, maize, acidity

    Ammonium thiosulfate as blossom thinner in 'Maxi Gala' apple trees.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of using ammonium thiosulfate as a chemical blossom thinner in 'Maxi Gala' apple (Malus domestica) trees and its effects on fruit quality. The experiment was carried out in an experimental orchard in the Southern Brazil, in a randomized complete block design, with five replicates. Ammonium thiosulfate was sprayed on the apple trees at the full bloom stage, at 0, 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5%. Evaluations were performed for the effects on crop load, fruit set, yield efficiency, and fruit quality parameters such as weight, shape, total soluble solids, seed number, flesh firmness, color, and russeting occurrence. Ammonium thiosulfate at 2.5% is effective to reduce crop load and to improve fruit quality. The thinning effect of ammonium thiosulfate is not dependent on the weather conditions during the crop season. The rate of 3.5% of ammonium thiosulfate causes overthinning and does not result in the improvement of fruit quality. Index terms: Malus domestica, ATS, blossom stage, flower thinning. Tiossulfato de amônio como raleante de floração em macieiras 'Maxi Gala' O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade de uso de tiossulfato de amônio, como raleante químico de floração, em macieiras 'Maxi Gala' (Malus domestica), e os seus efeitos sobre a qualidade dos frutos. O experimento foi realizado em pomar experimental no sul do Brasil, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. O tiossulfato de amônio foi aplicado às macieiras em plena floração, a 0, 1,5, 2,5 e 3,5%. Foram feitas avaliações quanto aos efeitos sobre carga de frutos, frutificação efetiva, eficiência produtiva e parâmetros de qualidade de frutos como massa, formato, sólidos solúveis totais, número de sementes, firmeza de polpa, coloração e ocorrência de “russeting”. O tiossulfato de amônio a 2,5% é efetivo na redução da carga de frutos e no aumento da qualidade dos frutos. O efeito raleante do tiossulfato de amônio não é dependente das condições climáticas durante o período de raleio. A dose de 3,5% de tiossulfato de amônio causa raleio excessivo e não resulta em melhoria na qualidade dos frutos. Termos para indexação: Malus domestica, ATS, plena floração, raleio de flores.Título em português: Tiossulfato de amônio como raleante de floração em macieiras 'Maxi Gala'

    Lateral branch induction at nursery with growth regulators in ?maxi gala? apple trees grafted on four rootstocks.

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    Apple production in Southern Brazil has been increasing along the past decade, and part of this was due to the introduction of more adapted dwarfing rootstocks and consequently increased tree density in the orchards. Looking for obtaining early beariness, the use of branched nursery trees is one of the most important steps. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of plant the growth regulators Benzyladenine (BA), Benzyladenine + Gibberellic acid4+7, Thidiazuron, and Cyclanilide + Ethephon on the induction of lateral branches of ?Maxi Gala? apple trees at nursery, grafted on the rootstocks G.202, G.213, M.9, and Marubakaido with M.9 interstem. The growth regulators Benzyladenine (BA), and Benzyladenine + Gibberellic acid4+7 are the most effective on improving tree?s architecture and on increasing the number of spurs, for all scion-rootstock combinations tested. Plant growth regulators at elevated doses strongly interrupt apical dominance and stimulate an elevated number of lateral branches with narrower crotch angles

    Emprego do modelo da taxa de crescimento de frutos em programa de raleio de macieira "Fuji Suprema".

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    Apresenta a descrição de experimento de raleio químico com benziladenina e um tratamento controle realizados para validar o modelo matemático da taxa de crescimento dos frutos com a cultivar 'Fuji Suprema'. O resultado indica que o modelo de taxa de crescimento de frutos foi efetivo na previsão do número de frutos por planta e permitiu uma avaliação antecipada da eficiência do raleio químico, sendo que o tratamento com duas aplicações foi o mais indicado para o raleio de macieiras 'Fuji Suprema'.bitstream/item/215653/1/CircTec152.pd

    Robot-assisted vs. sensory integration training in treating gait and balance dysfunctions in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.

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    Background: Extensive research on both healthy subjects and patients with central nervous damage has elucidated a crucial role of postural adjustment reactions and central sensory integration processes in generating and "shaping" locomotor function, respectively. Whether robotic-assisted gait devices might improve these functions in Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients is not fully investigated in literature. Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of end-effector robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) and sensory integration balance training (SIBT) in improving walking and balance performance in patients with MS. Methods: Twenty-two patients with MS (EDSS: 1.5-6.5) were randomly assigned to two groups. The RAGT group (n = 12) underwent end-effector system training. The SIBT group (n = 10) underwent specific balance exercises. Each patient received twelve 50-min treatment sessions (2 days/week). A blinded rater evaluated patients before and after treatment as well as 1 month post treatment. Primary outcomes were walking speed and Berg Balance Scale. Secondary outcomes were the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, Sensory Organization Balance Test, Stabilometric Assessment, Fatigue Severity Scale, cadence, step length, single and double support time, Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54. Results: Between groups comparisons showed no significant differences on primary and secondary outcome measures over time. Within group comparisons showed significant improvements in both groups on the Berg Balance Scale (P = 0.001). Changes approaching significance were found on gait speed (P = 0.07) only in the RAGT group. Significant changes in balance task-related domains during standing and walking conditions were found in the SIBT group. Conclusion: Balance disorders in patients with MS may be ameliorated by RAGT and by SIBT

    Desempenho produtivo de cultivares de marmeleiro em Vacaria, RS.

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    O marmeleiro é uma fruteira de clima temperado, a qual tem seus frutos apreciados pela aparência, aroma e aptidão para indústria na forma de doces e geleias.Agropecuária catarinense, v. 31, n. 2, mai./ago. 20178

    Incidência de ferrugem em genótipos de amoreira-preta sob cobertura plástica.

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    Resumo: A cultura da amoreira-preta tem se tornado ao longo dos últimos anos importante para aumentar a renda de famílias de pequenas propriedades rurais. Porém, para atender a demanda de mercados consumidores, novas cultivares adaptadas devem ser introduzidas para produzir com qualidade. Entretanto, algumas novas variedades/seleções, apesar de produzirem frutos de elevada qualidade e de serem altamente produtivas, são suscetíveis à ferrugem, com tendência acentuada pelas características edafoclimáticas típicas da região de cultivo, como a Região dos Campos de Cima da Serra. O uso de coberturas plásticas pode ser um atenuante da incidência de doenças. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, sendo que as seleções de amoreira-preta Black 112, Black 178, Black 198 e as cultivares Cherokee e Brazos foram conduzidas com e sem cobertura plástica, buscando avaliar a incidência de ferrugem sobre as folhas. Para as condições nas quais foi desenvolvido o experimento pode-se concluir que as seleções Black 178, Black 198 e a cultivar Brazos apresentaram grau de resistência à ferrugem, mesmo em área sem cobertura plástica. A seleção Black 112 e a cultivar Cherokee mostraram-se suscetíveis à ferrugem. O uso de cobertura plástica foi eficiente em reduzir a incidência de ferrugem nas folhas de amoreira-preta. Palavras?chave: Rubus sp; túnel alto;doença