640 research outputs found

    Human immunodeficiency virus type 2: pathogenesis and antiretroviral therapy

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    An exponential inequality for suprema of empirical processes with heavy tails on the left

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    In this Note, we provide exponential inequalities for suprema of empirical processes with heavy tails on the left. Our approach is based on a martingale decomposition, associated with comparison inequalities over a cone of convex functions originally introduced by Pinelis. Furthermore, the constants in our inequalities are explicit

    Ultimate strength of adjustable telescopic steel props according to standard EN 1065

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    The European standard EN 1065 - to which most current European production appears not to have been upgraded - addresses the design and the manufacturing of adjustable telescopic steel props, an interest bearing economic sector. The present work aims at showing an efficient strategy for the assessment of the ultimate strength of steel props according to EN 1065 in order to identify the ideal cost-performance ratio in the real life production

    Towards the de\ufb01nition of a new river water line for North-Eastern Italy

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    In the last decades there has been active research on the relation between the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and climate variations at the regional scale. Particularly, the analysis of meteoric water lines is an important tool to understand climate processes at the local/regional scale. In this view, considering the strict relation between the isotopic composition of river water and the one of precipitation, surface running waters (i.e. rivers, streams, creeks) and their catchments can be considered as \u201cnatural pluviometers\u201d. In this study the analysis of the isotopic composition of surface waters was carried out in order to develop a new meteoric water line of North-East Italy. The dataset includes samples collected between 2012 and 2016 from i) small catchments, typically < 30 Km2 (Ressi Creek, Bridge Creek and Vauz Creek, Noce Bianco stream, Posina river), where it is easier to relate the stream water isotopic composition to distinct meteoric end-members (e.g., rainfall,snowmeltandglaciermelt);andii)largebasins(Adige:12,100Km2 andPo:71,000Km2)whichintegrate multiple components giving information at the regional scale. Preliminary results show that distinct river water lines are characterized by different slopes and intercepts. The slopes vary between 5.46 and 8.02, whereas the intercepts vary between -9.15 and 11.82. In particular river meteoricwaterlinesde\ufb01nedforRessiCreek(\u3b4Dh\uaf7.48 \u3b418O+10.27,n=831;R2 =0.88)andNoceBiancostream (\u3b4Dh\uaf7.66 \u3b418O+7.27, n=484; R2 = 0.95) con\ufb01rm the similarity with the meteoric line developed for northern Italy. On the contrary, the isotopic composition of streams in small (< 10 Km2) snow-dominated catchments (Bridge Creek and Vauz Creek) deviate from the North Italy meteoric line due to the important contribution of snowmelt that is typically characterized by a different isotopic signature compared to the precipitation input. River water lines for large basins (Po and Adige) are characterized by slopes and intercepts in the range of the Global Meteoric Water Line. Finally, it is important to emphasize that the current dataset, progressively updated, represents a snapshot of a short monitoring period and that future investigations are useful to highlight seasonal variations and on-going environmental changes

    Study of Human-Animal Interactions in Siberian Pastoral Systems via GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

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    International audienceIn this article we propose an exploratory study of human-animal relations via GIS (Geographic Information Systems) among two different nomadic pastoral populations — the Buryats of the Aga district (Transbaikalia) and the Evens of Central Kamchatka. In this research, we used GPS receivers, which allowed us to produce a geographic location of the data and to represent on maps the herders’ and animals’ movements with respect to fixed reference points (pastures, encampments, etc.), allowing a new approach in the study of human-animal interactions.Данная статья посвящена изучению отношений между человеком и животными с помощью ГИС (географическая информационная система) у двух кочевых народов — Агинских бурят Забайкальского края, и эвенов Быстринского района Камчатского края. В исследовании был использован GPS-приёмник, который дал возможность произвести географическую локализацию данных, изобразить на карте передвижения скотоводов и животных в отношении к неподвижным точкам (пастибще, стоянка и пр. …), а так же взаимодействия человека с животными

    Experimental Results on Staggered Lapped Bars in FRC

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    The paper presents experimental results on lap splices in fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). Four point bending tests were carried out on several full-scale beams with all or part of the longitudinal reinforcement lap spliced at mid-span. The beams were reinforced with either 16 mm or 20 mm diameter rebars and included various lap splices configurations varying the percentage of lapped bars. The behaviour of lapped bars in FRC with a volume content of steel hooked fibres equal to 0.5% was investigated. The results show that the post-peak behaviour of FRC can enhance the strength of staggered lapped splices as well as it can reduce their brittleness, thus allowing a reduction of lap length when only a portion of bars at a section are lapped. The results show also the benefits on the durability of concrete members due to the capability of the fibres to markedly reduce the splitting cracks along the splice at service loadings

    Design and assessment of adjustable telescopic props with innovative shape

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    The design of optimal props (in terms of weight) that conform to the European standard EN 1065 is not a straightforward task. For some classes of props, when the collapse mechanism is the failure of the prop base, large tubes thicknesses or large tubes diameters are required to keep the failure mechanism under control, although the substantial strength of the tubes remains unexploited. This observation motivates the seek for innovative shapes. The present work aims at showing a new proposal of efficient design of props in agreement with the standard EN 1065. Theoretical and numerical analysis are carried out in order to identify the effective gain of weight of this new design configuration

    Assessing Adult Attitudes Toward End-of-life Issues And Advanced Directives After Implementing An Educational Intervention In A

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    Purpose: There is a lack of discussion regarding end-of-life care planning which results in low advanced directive execution (AD) rates. This can lead to decision making by family, friends, and the health care team on behalf of patients whose end-of-life care wishes are unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention in the work setting to increase end-of-life discussions and the execution of advanced directives. Methods: A descriptive design was used in an occupational workplace setting at a local bottling company after appropriate IRB approval was obtained. An educational intervention based on the Five Wishes document was presented in an occupational health setting covering all shifts and employment categories. A pre-program questionnaire measured a lack of knowledge and understanding of end-of-life planning and advanced directives. A post-program questionnaire measured the increase in knowledge and understanding of end-of-life planning and advanced directives. A focus group was conducted with audio recording to describe personal experiences. The quantitative analysis used statistical procedures to describe and synthesize data and content analysis was conducted on the focus group data. Results: A sample of 78 participants was used to gather the quantitative data. Of the total participants, an overwhelming majority were male with ethnic backgrounds evenly represented. Most of the participants either were married and either were drivers, salespeople, or warehouse workers. More participants indicated no religious affiliation than any other affiliation, and the majority of participants indicated that they had a high school diploma. When questioned about their 1) knowledge of advanced directives, 2) whether or not they would consider executing an advanced directive, 3) whether or not they were likely to discuss end-of-life care with other, 4) whether they would be comfortable having someone make end-of-life decisions on their behalf, and 5) whether or not they believed that advanced directives were important, the majority of participants indicated that they strongly agreed or agreed. However, none of the participants had executed an advanced directive. Only 10.3% of participants had ever discussed AD\u27s with a healthcare provider. When the same participants were asked the same questions after the education portion of the study, data analysis of the pre- and post-program questionnaire mean scores, revealed a significant increase in scores on questions 1,2 and 3 (p \u3e .05), and no significant increase on question 4 and 5 (p \u3e .05). The implication of these findings suggest that an education intervention program in a workplace setting significantly increases end-of-life discussions and advanced directive execution rates. The Jones model of end-of-life education intervention and interpretation of the study are presented. Limitations of the study, as well as implications for nursing professionals and health care providers that will improve patient outcomes are presented. Discussion/Implication: The study shows that workplace education regarding Advanced Directives can lead to increase end-of-life discussions and increase advanced directive execution rates. Therefore, this education program at a worksite merits further research and may serve as a model program for other worksite settings

    Carole Ferret, Une civilisation du cheval

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    Cet ouvrage imposant de Carole Ferret, tiré de sa thèse de doctorat en ethnologie, est une véritable mine pour qui s’intéresse aux chevaux dans cette région du monde. L’erreur serait de croire qu’il ne s’adresse qu’à un public amateur d’équidés. En effet, l’auteur procède à une anthropologie de la relation à un animal, le cheval, qui envahit toutes les sphères du social et du culturel, aboutissant à une conception équine du monde. Ces civilisations des steppes, ou « civilisations du cheval »,..