265 research outputs found


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    Several therapeutic approaches are indicated in treatment of hepatobiliary disease. The clinical, clinical-pathology and histological findings to consider when deciding on a treatment regime are discussed in this article. The goals of the therapy are the control of parenchymal and biliary injury, the control of inflammation and fibrosis and the control of extrahepatic alterations (i.e. coagulation disorders, portal hypertension, encephalopathy). The mechanisms of action and indications for the use of cytoprotective agents, anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic drugs were explained. A paucity of information exists regarding the therapy in small animals with hepatobiliary disease. Extrapolation from human studies provides some information about potential treatment options, but further studies are warranted in this area to elucidate the best management of dogs and cats with liver disease

    Synthesis and characterization of non-bridging mono- and bis-σ-η1-alkynyl derivatives of the phosphido-bridged hexaplatinum core [Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)4]2+

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    Several mono- or bis-alkynyl derivatives of general formula Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)4X(CC–R), Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)4(CC–R)2 or Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)4(CC–R)(CC–R′) were obtained under Sonogashira type conditions. The new clusters have been characterized with microanalysis and using IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. The crystal and molecular structures of Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)4(CC–R)2 (R = H, C6H4-4-n-C5H11) are presented and electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies of some representative compounds are also reported

    The effect of robenacoxib on the concentration of C-reactive protein in synovial fluid from dogs with osteoarthritis

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    Background: Robenacoxib is a novel and highly selective inhibitor of COX-2 in dogs and cats and because of its acidic nature is regarded as being tissue-selective. Thirty four dogs with stifle osteoarthritis secondary to failure of the cranial cruciate ligament were recruited into this study. Lameness, radiographic features, synovial cytology and C-reactive protein concentrations in serum and synovial fluid were assessed before and 28 days after commencing a course of Robenacoxib at a dose of 1 mg/kg SID.<p></p> Results: There was a significant reduction in the lameness score (P <0.01) and an increase in the radiographic score (P < 0.05) between pre- and post-treatment assessments. There was no difference between pre- (median 1.49 mg/l; Q1-Q3 0.56-4.24 mg/L) and post – (1.10 mg/L; 0.31-1.78 mg/L) treatment serum C-reactive protein levels although synovial fluid levels were significantly reduced (pre- : 0.44 mg/L; 0.23-1.62 mg/L; post- : 0.17 mg/L; 0.05-0.49 mg/L) (P < 0.05). There was no correlation between C-reactive protein concentrations in serum and matched synovial fluid samples.<p></p> Conclusions: Robenacoxib proved effective in reducing lameness in dogs with failure of the cranial cruciate ligament and osteoarthritis of the stifle joint. The drug also reduced levels of C-reactive protein in the synovial fluid taken from the affected stifle joint. Robenacoxib appears to reduce articular inflammation as assessed by C-reactive protein which supports the concept that Robenacoxib is a tissue-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.<p></p&gt

    Retrospective Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Signs in Hypothyroid Dogs

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    Few observations about gastrointestinal (GI) signs in hypothyroid dogs (hypo-T dogs) are available. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of concurrent GI signs in hypo-T dogs, describe clinicopathological, hepato-intestinal ultrasound findings in hypo-T dogs, investigate changes in GI signs after thyroid replacement therapy (THRT). Medical records of suspected hypo-T dogs from two hospitals were retrospectively reviewed. The inclusion criteria were: (1) having symptoms and clinicopathological abnormalities related to hypothyroidism (i.e., mild anemia, hyperlipemia); (2) not being affected by systemic acute disease; (3) not having received any treatment affecting thyroid axis. Hypothyroidism had to be confirmed using low fT4 or TT4 with high TSH and/or inadequate TSH-stimulation test response; otherwise, dogs were assigned to a euthyroid group. Clinical history, GI signs, hematobiochemical parameters, and abdominal ultrasound findings were recorded. Hypo-T dogs were assigned to the GI group (at least 2 GI signs) and not-GI group (1 or no GI signs). Follow-up information 3-5 weeks after THRT was recorded. In total, 110 medical records were screened: 31 dogs were hypo-T, and 79 were euthyroid. Hypo-T dogs showed a higher prevalence of GI signs (44%), especially constipation and diarrhea (p = 0.03 and p = 0.001), than euthyroid dogs (24%) (p = 0.04). Among hypo-T dogs, no difference in hematological parameters between GI and non-GI groups was found. Hypo-T dogs had a higher prevalence of gallbladder alterations than euthyroid dogs (20/25; 80% and 32/61; 52% p = 0.04). The hypo-T GI group showed a significant improvement in the GI signs after THRT (p < 0.0001). Specific investigation for concurrent GI diseases in hypo-T dogs was lacking; however, improvement in GI signs following THRT supports this association between GI signs and hypothyroidism

    YAP integrates the regulatory Snail/HNF4α circuitry controlling epithelial/hepatocyte differentiation

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    Yes-associated protein (YAP) is a transcriptional co-factor involved in many cell processes, including development, proliferation, stemness, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. It has been described as a sensor of mechanical and biochemical stimuli that enables cells to integrate environmental signals. Although in the liver the correlation between extracellular matrix elasticity (greatly increased in the most of chronic hepatic diseases), differentiation/functional state of parenchymal cells and subcellular localization/activation of YAP has been previously reported, its role as regulator of the hepatocyte differentiation remains to be clarified. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of YAP in the regulation of epithelial/hepatocyte differentiation and to clarify how a transducer of general stimuli can integrate tissue-specific molecular mechanisms determining specific cell outcomes. By means of YAP silencing and overexpression we demonstrated that YAP has a functional role in the repression of epithelial/hepatocyte differentiation by inversely modulating the expression of Snail (master regulator of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and liver stemness) and HNF4α (master regulator of hepatocyte differentiation) at transcriptional level, through the direct occupancy of their promoters. Furthermore, we found that Snail, in turn, is able to positively control YAP expression influencing protein level and subcellular localization and that HNF4α stably represses YAP transcription in differentiated hepatocytes both in cell culture and in adult liver. Overall, our data indicate YAP as a new member of the HNF4/Snail epistatic molecular circuitry previously demonstrated to control liver cell state. In this model, the dynamic balance between three main transcriptional regulators, that are able to control reciprocally their expression/activity, is responsible for the induction/maintenance of different liver cell differentiation states and its modulation could be the aim of therapeutic protocols for several chronic liver diseases


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    Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Babesia spp. Dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis typically show pale mucous membranes, fever, anorexia, depression, water-hammer pulse, and splenomegaly. The complicated form can include acute renal failure, cerebral babesiosis, coagulopathy, icterus and hep- atopathy, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hemo- concentration. This case report describes the presentation, diagnosis, and management of acute systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in a dog affected by Babesia canis. A Border Collie, intact male, 8-years-old, was presented in emergency setting showing weakness, anorexia and ’pigmenturia’ started 2 days before. The dog was used as cattle dog in Piedmont region and recently moved to Tuscany. Dog showed fever (38.

    Assisted feeding through an oesophagostomy tube in patients with chronic kidney disease and uraemic syndrome: impact on body condition score, renal function and survival

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    La dietoterapia rappresenta il primo strumento terapeutico nel paziente in presenza di danno renale acuto e malattia renale cronica. Tuttavia la maggior parte di tali pazienti non è in grado di alimentarsi volontariamente e nel quantitativo adeguato ai propri fabbisogni. Obiettivo del presente studio è di valutare BCS, parametri di funzionalità renale e sopravvivenza in pazienti in crisi uremica sottoposti o meno ad alimentazione assistita. Lo studio è stato condotto su quattordici cani con pregressa CKD e in fase di riacutizzazione o scompenso. Sette pazienti sono stati gestiti mediante impiego di feeding tube (FT), 7 mediante terapia medica tradizionale (GC). Per ciascuno dei due gruppi, BCS, creatinina, urea, e fosforo sierici e sopravvivenza, sono stati valutati a T0 e ad uno (T1) e due mesi (T2). I dati sono stati elaborati statisticamente. Il GC presentava una differenza significativa di BCS (p=0,04), creatinina (p=0,001), urea (p=0,005) e fosforo (p=0,04) a diversi controlli. Il FT presentava una differenza significativa di BCS (p=0,03), valori sierici di creatinina (p=0,006), urea (p=0,0001) e fosforo (p=0,02) ai diversi controlli. Il FT mostrava una sopravvivenza alla crisi uremica maggiore (p=0,01) del GC. Le evidenze del presente studio riportano un significativo miglioramento di BCS, parametri di funzionalità renale e sopravvivenza nei pazienti gestiti con feeding rispetto agli altri. Il feeding tube sembra rappresentare un ausilio terapeutico estremamente utile nella gestione medica del paziente in crisi uremica.Introduction – A renal diet is a fundamental part of the medical management of patients with acute and chronic kidney disease. Unfortunately, most patients are not able to eat a sufficient amount of a renal diet to achieve an adequate calorie intake. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Body Condition Score (BCS), renal function and survival rate in a group of uraemic patients managed with a feeding tube and compare the findings with those in a comparable group managed without a feeding tube. Materials and Methods – Fourteen dogs with acute-on-chronic kidney disease formed the study population. Seven dogs were managed with the use of a feeding tube (FT group) and seven were managed without a feeding tube (control group). BCS, serum creatinine, urea and phosphate concentrations and survival rate were evaluated in both groups at time 0 (T0), after 1 month (T1) and after 2 months (T2). Data were analysed statistically. Results – There were significant differences in BCS (p=0.04), creatinine (p=0.001), urea (p=0,005) phosphate (p=0.04) at the different time points in the control group. The FT group also had significant difference in BCS (p=0.03), creatinine (p=0.006), urea (p=0.0001) and phosphate (p=0.02) at the different time points. The survival rate was higher in the FT group than in the control group (p=0.01). Discussion – The results of the present study show significant improvements in BCS, renal function and survival in patients managed with a feeding tube, compared to those in which a feeding tube was not used. A feeding tube seems to be a very useful therapeutic instrument for the management of patients with uraemic syndrome
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