52 research outputs found

    Search for ultra high energy cosmic rays from radiogalaxy Virgo A

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    Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are considered to be one of the most appropriate sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs, E1018 eVE \gtrsim 10^{18} \mathrm{~eV}). Radiogalaxy Virgo A (M87) in the centre of a cluster of galaxies Virgo Cluster (VC) can be a prominent source of UHECRs. We investigate the possible contribution of Virgo A and the VC to the flux of events with trans-GZK energies - extremely high energy cosmic rays (EHECRs) - from the recent Auger and Telescope Array (TA) data sets (E>52 EeVE > 52 \mathrm{~EeV} and E>57 EeVE > 57 \mathrm{~EeV}, respectively). We simulate EHECR propagation from Virgo A and the VC taking into account their deflections in galactic (GMF) and extragalactic (EGMF) magnetic fields and show that there is no excess of EHECR arrival directions from images of Virgo A/VC at different EHECR rigidities. By means of event-by-event analysis we recover the extragalactic arrival directions of EHECR events detected by Auger and TA for representative set of nuclei H(p), He, N, Si, Fe, and find evidences of enhanced fluxes of N-Si-Fe EHECRs from the Local Filament and Hot/Cold Spot regions. The Local Filament with its enhanced magnetic field is an expected contributor to the UHECR flux as the closest to the Earth last scattering centre, whereas Hot/Cold Spot region is a part of a larger arc-like spot, possibly created by diffusively spreading jet of UHECRs, accelerated in the relativistic jet of Virgo A during a prominent nuclear outburst about 10 - 12 Myr ago.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    Finite-difference time-domain analysis of ELF radio wave propagation in the spherical Earth–ionosphere waveguide and its validation based on analytical solutions

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    The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) model of electromagnetic wave propagation in the Earth–ionosphere cavity was developed under assumption of an axisymmetric system, solving the reduced Maxwell equations in a 2D spherical coordinate system. The model was validated on different conductivity profiles for the electric and magnetic field components for various locations on Earth along the meridian. The characteristic electric and magnetic altitudes, phase velocity, and attenuation rate were calculated. We compared the results of numerical and analytical calculations and found good agreement between them. The undertaken FDTD modeling enables us to analyze the Schumann resonances and the propagation of individual lightning discharges occurring at various distances from the receiver. The developed model is particularly useful when analyzing ELF measurements.</p

    An Analysis of Soft X-ray Structures at Kiloparsec Distances from the Active Nucleus of Centaurus A Galaxy

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    Here we re-analyze the archival {\it Chandra} data for the central parts of the Centaurus\,A radio galaxy, aiming for a systematic investigation of the X-ray emission associated with the inner radio lobes in the system, and their immediate surroundings. In particular, we focus on four distinct features characterized by the soft excess with respect to the adjacent fields. Those include the two regions located at kpc distances from the nucleus to the West and East, the extended bow-shock structure to the South, and a fragment of a thin arc North from the center. The selected North, West, and South features coincide with the edges of the radio lobes, while the East structure is seemingly displaced from the radio-emitting plasma. Our X-ray spectral analysis reveals (i) a power-law emission component with photon index Γ2\Gamma \sim 2 in the North, East, and South regions, and (ii) a dense (number density 0.3\sim 0.3\,cm3^{-3}) and relatively cold (temperature 0.2\sim 0.2\,keV) gas in the East and West regions. The power-law emission is consistent with the synchrotron continuum generated at the edges of the radio structure, and implies that the efficiency of the electron acceleration at the terminal bow-shock does not vary dramatically over the inner lobes' extension. The presence of gaseous condensations, on the other hand, could possibly be understood in terms of a massive outflow from the central regions of the galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Optical variability modelling of newly identified blazar candidates behind Magellanic Clouds

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    We present results of a variability study in the optical band of 44 newly identified blazar candidates behind the Magellanic Clouds. Our sample contains 27 flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 17 BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs). However, only nine of them are considered as secure blazar candidates, while the classification of the remaining 35 objects is still uncertain. All studied blazar candidates possess infrequently sampled optical light curves (LCs) in I filter provided by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment group. The LCs were analysed with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, the Hurst exponent HH, and the AT\mathcal{A}-\mathcal{T} plane, to look for blazar-like characteristic features and to study the long-term behaviour of the optical fluxes. The power law (PL) indices of the Lomb-Scargle power spectral density (PSD) of the FSRQ blazar candidates mostly lie in the range (1,2). In case of the BL Lacs they are located in the range (1,1.8). The PL PSD is indicative of a self-affine stochastic process characterised by HH, underlying the observed variability. We find that the majority of analysed objects have H0.5H\leq 0.5, indicating short-term memory, whereas four BL Lacs and two FSRQs have H>0.5H>0.5, implying long-term memory. 41 blazar candidates are located in the AT\mathcal{A}-\mathcal{T} plane in the region available to PL plus Poisson noise processes. Interestingly, one FSRQ is located marginally below this region, while two FSRQs lie above the line T=2/3\mathcal{T}=2/3, i.e. they are even more noisy than white noise. The BL Lac candidates are characterised by higher A\mathcal{A} values than FSRQs, i.e. 0.71±0.060.71\pm 0.06 and 0.29±0.050.29\pm 0.05, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted in PoS as the High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII - HEPRO VII proceeding

    Equipment for lifting and lowering operations

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    The equipment of the lifting complex works in the mode of repeated short-term variable loads. The process of raising a column from a well, composed of separate sections (candles), consists of cyclones "n", which contain repeated operations in a strictly defined sequence: capture of the column by an elevator; lifting of the entire column to the length of the candle under the load on the hook, which is equal to the weight of the column wife in the solution and the resistance forces during its movement in the well; installation of the column on the rotor table; relief from the load that stretches the candle raised to the surface; loosening with keys, loosening the candle from the column with a raised candle and installing it inside the drilling rig in a special store or placing it on bridges near the drilling rig; descent of an unloaded hook and elevator for capturing a column suspended on a rotor; capturing and raising the column to the length of the next candle, etc. When descending the column, these operations are performed in the reverse sequence, but with different durations and loads

    Strength Abilities: Assessment and Specific Features of the Development of Elementary School-Aged Karate Boys

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the age-specific features of the manifestation of differences in the strength fitness of younger grade boys who attend a karate class at the sports and health stage. Materials and methods. The study participants were 57 children who were tested to determine their level of strength abilities. They were divided into four age groups: 7-year-old boys (n=14), 8-year-old boys (n=15), 9-year-old boys (n=15), and 10-year-old boys (n=13). The children and their parents were informed about all the features of the study and gave their consent to participate in the experiment. The children’s technical level corresponded to the student grades of 10th or 9th Kyu (Orange Belt). The solution of the set tasks involved the use of the following research methods: review and analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, timing of educational tasks, testing of strength abilities, pedagogical ascertaining experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Statistically significant age-specific differences were observed between the groups of boys aged 7 and 8 in the results of the following tests: push-ups (р=0.0001), 30 second sit-ups (р=0.001), pull-ups and chin-ups (р=0.008), flexed-arm hang (р=0.003), left hand dynamometry (р=0.023), standing long jump (р=0.0001); between the groups of boys aged 8 and 9 in the results of the following tests: 30 second sit-ups (р=0.046), pull-ups and chin-ups (р=0.004), flexed-arm hang (р=0.002); between the groups of boys aged 9 and 10 in the results of the following tests: standing long jump (р=0.014). Conclusions. It was established that the boys have differences in various structural elements that characterize strength indicators. And these differences are in line with the age indicators and technical level of the karatekas

    Peculiarities of Professional Deformation of Instructor-Officers of Higher Educational Institutions

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    The probability of professional deformation is the highest among representatives of socio-economic professions, which include the activities of instructor-officers of higher educational institutions with specific training environments. Professional deformation contributes to negative changes in the psychological traits of the individual. Over time, this phenomenon becomes an important obstacle in the further service and pedagogical activities of instructor-officers. The article aims to investigate the peculiarities of manifestation and levels of professional deformation in instructor-officers depending on the experience of their pedagogical activities. The research involved 136 instructor-officers aged 25-55 years with different experience in their pedagogical activities. It is determined that deformational changes in the personality occur under the constant influence of the conditions and experience of the mastered training profession and penetrate various areas of service and off-duty realization of instructor-officers. Professional deformation involves cognitive distortions and disorientation of the individual in the prospects of his or her life-sustaining activities; it leads to the development of specific (perhaps even deviant) manifestations. It can be manifested at the initial, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is proved that with the experience of pedagogical activities, deformational changes of instructor-officers only intensify, moving from the initial to intermediate and even advanced levels. The results of the research indicate the need to determine the level of deformational changes in instructor-officers of higher educational institutions with specific training environments in the early stages of their service to timely and comprehensively carry out measures for psycho-prophylaxis and psycho-correction, preventing further development of their professional deformation