10,600 research outputs found

    Automatic lightning location system

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    Hyperbolic triangulation method was used for locating lightning storm path and position from VHF lightning charge emissions. Possible applications in electric power companies, forest fire lookout centers, airports, and pipeline companies are indicated

    Integral equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons generalizing the Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation

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    We give here the derivation of a Gross-Pitaevskii--type equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons. Instead of the original Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation, we obtain an integral equation that implies less restrictive assumptions than are made in the very recent study of Pieri and Strinati [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 030401]. In particular, the Thomas-Fermi approximation and the restriction to small spatial variations of the order parameter invoked in their study are avoided.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (accepted

    Microscopic Model of Cuprate Superconductivity

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    We present a model for cuprate superconductivity based on the identification of an experimentally detected "local superconductor" as a charge 2 fermion pairing in a circular, stationary density wave. This wave acts like a highly correlated local "boson" satisfying a modified Cooper problem with additional correlation stabilization relative to the separate right- and left-handed density waves composing it. This local "boson" could be formed in a two-bound roton-like manner; it has Fermion statistics. Delocalized superconductive pairing (superconductivity) is achieved by a Feshbach resonance of two unpaired holes (electrons) resonating with a virtual energy level of the bound pair state of the local "boson" as described by the Boson-Fermion-Gossamer (BFG) model. The spin-charge order interaction offers an explanation for the overall shape of the superconducting dome as well a microscopic basis for the cuprate superconducting transition temperatures. An explanation of the correlation of superconducting transition temperature with experimental inelastic neutron and electron Raman scattering is proposed, based on the energy of the virtual bound pair. These and other modifications discussed suggest a microscopic explanation for the entire cuprate superconductivity dome shape.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, presented at the 50th Sanibel Symposiu

    Superconducting transition temperatures of the elements related to elastic constants

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    For a given crystal structure, say body-centred-cubic, the many-body Hamiltonian in which nuclear and electron motions are to be treated from the outset on the same footing, has parameters, for the elements, which can be classified as (i) atomic mass M, (ii) atomic number Z, characterizing the external potential in which electrons move, and (iii) bcc lattice spacing, or equivalently one can utilize atomic volume, Omega. Since the thermodynamic quantities can be determined from H, we conclude that Tc, the superconducting transition temperature, when it is non-zero, may be formally expressed as Tc = Tc^(M) (Z, Omega). One piece of evidence in support is that, in an atomic number vs atomic volume graph, the superconducting elements lie in a well defined region. Two other relevant points are that (a) Tc is related by BCS theory, though not simply, to the Debye temperature, which in turn is calculable from the elastic constants C_{11}, C_{12}, and C_{44}, the atomic weight and the atomic volume, and (b) Tc for five bcc transition metals is linear in the Cauchy deviation C* = (C_{12} - C_{44})/(C_{12} + C_{44}). Finally, via elastic constants, mass density and atomic volume, a correlation between C* and the Debye temperature is established for the five bcc transition elements.Comment: EPJB, accepte

    Particle density and non-local kinetic energy density functional for two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors

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    We evaluate analytically some ground state properties of two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors with isotropy and for an arbitrary number of closed shells. We first derive a differential form of the virial theorem and an expression for the kinetic energy density in terms of the fermion particle density and its low-order derivatives. These results allow an explicit differential equation to be obtained for the particle density. The equation is third-order, linear and homogeneous. We also obtain a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities, and an expression of the non-local kinetic energy density functional.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Scaling of the superconducting transition temperature in underdoped high-Tc cuprates with a pseudogap energy: Does this support the anyon model of their superfluidity?

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    In earlier work, we have been concerned with the scaling properties of some classes of superconductors, specifically with heavy Fermion materials and with five bcc transition metals of BCS character. Both of these classes of superconductors were three-dimensional but here we are concerned solely with quasi-two-dimensional high-Tc cuprates in the underdoped region of their phase diagram. A characteristic feature of this part of the phase diagram is the existence of a pseudogap (pg). We therefore build our approach around the assumption that kB Tc / E_pg is the basic dimensionless ratio on which to focus, where the energy E_pg introduced above is a measure of the pseudogap. Since anyon fractional statistics apply to two-dimensional assemblies, we expect the fractional statistics parameter allowing `interpolation' between Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistical distribution functions as limiting cases to play a significant role in determining kB Tc / E_pg and experimental data are analyzed with this in mind.Comment: Phys. Chem. Liquids, to be publishe

    Topology, connectivity and electronic structure of C and B cages and the corresponding nanotubes

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    After a brief discussion of the structural trends which appear with increasing number of atoms in B cages, a one-to one correspondence between the connectivity of B cages and C cage structures will be proposed. The electronic level spectra of both systems from Hartree-Fock calculations is given and discussed. The relation of curvature introduced into an originally planar graphitic fragment to pentagonal 'defects' such as are present in buckminsterfullerene is also briefly treated. A study of the structure and electronic properties of B nanotubes will then be introduced. We start by presenting a solution of the free-electron network approach for a 'model boron' planar lattice with local coordination number 6. In particular the dispersion relation E(k) for the pi-electron bands, together with the corresponding electronic Density Of States (DOS), will be exhibited. This is then used within the zone folding scheme to obtain information about the electronic DOS of different nanotubes obtained by folding this model boron sheet. To obtain the self-consistent potential in which the valence electrons move in a nanotube, 'the March model' in its original form was invoked and results are reported for a carbon nanotube. Finally, heterostructures, such as BN cages and fluorinated buckminsterfullerene, will be briefly treated, the new feature here being electronegativity difference.Comment: 22 pages (revtex4) 12 figure
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