4 research outputs found

    A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Globins in Fungi

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    BACKGROUND: ALL GLOBINS BELONG TO ONE OF THREE FAMILIES: the F (flavohemoglobin) and S (sensor) families that exhibit the canonical 3/3 α-helical fold, and the T (truncated 3/3 fold) globins characterized by a shortened 2/2 α-helical fold. All eukaryote 3/3 hemoglobins are related to the bacterial single domain F globins. It is known that Fungi contain flavohemoglobins and single domain S globins. Our aims are to provide a census of fungal globins and to examine their relationships to bacterial globins. RESULTS: Examination of 165 genomes revealed that globins are present in >90% of Ascomycota and ∼60% of Basidiomycota genomes. The S globins occur in Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota in addition to the phyla that have FHbs. Unexpectedly, group 1 T globins were found in one Blastocladiomycota and one Chytridiomycota genome. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out on the fungal globins, alone and aligned with representative bacterial globins. The Saccharomycetes and Sordariomycetes with two FHbs form two widely divergent clusters separated by the remaining fungal sequences. One of the Saccharomycete groups represents a new subfamily of FHbs, comprising a previously unknown N-terminal and a FHb missing the C-terminal moiety of its reductase domain. The two Saccharomycete groups also form two clusters in the presence of bacterial FHbs; the surrounding bacterial sequences are dominated by Proteobacteria and Bacilli (Firmicutes). The remaining fungal FHbs cluster with Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The Sgbs cluster separately from their bacterial counterparts, except for the intercalation of two Planctomycetes and a Proteobacterium between the Fungi incertae sedis and the Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. CONCLUSION: Our results are compatible with a model of globin evolution put forward earlier, which proposed that eukaryote F, S and T globins originated via horizontal gene transfer of their bacterial counterparts to the eukaryote ancestor, resulting from the endosymbiotic events responsible for the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts

    Faire renaître et faire revivre São Luis : une ville brésilienne en mutation

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    Cet article nous invite à réfléchir à la ville Patrimoine de l’Humanité en tant qu’enjeu de développement urbain au travers de l’exemple de la ville de São Luis (Maranhão) au Brésil. Nous abordons dans un premier temps le processus de patrimonialisation, motivé par l’inclusion dans la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, puis, dans un second temps, le processus de mercantilisation de la fête inhérent à la ville Patrimoine de l’humanité. La valeur patrimoniale du centre historique de São Luis légitime la pratique de nouvelles politiques urbaines dont nous allons détailler les différentes étapes : plans de restauration, de réhabilitation et de valorisation, stratégies de développement urbain telles que l’invitation à la consommation des loisirs et de la culture au cœur du centre historique ou création de structures pour une meilleure gestion du tourisme.This article focuses on the World Heritage city and the urban development issues that are related to it through one example : the city of Sao Luis (Maranhao), in Brazil. We will first reflect on the patrimonialization process, launched by the inclusion of the city into the World Heritage Unesco program, and then on the commodification process of celebrations, which is inherent to World Heritage cities. The patrimonial value of Sao Luis historical center legitimates new urban policies, which we will analyze thoroughl : renovation, rehabilitation and promotion programs, urban development strategies such as the promotion of leisure and culture consumption in the heart of the historical center and the creation of new structures to improve the management of tourism.Com o exemplo da cidade de São Luis (Maranhão) no Brasil, esse articulo nos convida pensar sobre a cidade Património da Humanidade e os diversos aspectos do desenvolvimento urbano. Em primeiro, abordamos o processo de patrimonialisação, motivado pela inclusão dentro a lista do património mundial da UNESCO, e, num secundo tempo, o processo de mercantilisação da festa inerente à cidade património da humanidade. A valor patrimonial do centro histórico de São Luis vai legitimar a pratica de novas políticas urbanas cujas vamos detalhar as diferentes etapas : planos de restaurações, de reabilitações e de valorizações, de estratégias de desenvolvimento urbano tal como a convite o consumo das lazeres e da cultura no centro histórico, a criação de estruturas para uma gestão melhora do turismo, etc