9 research outputs found

    Eletrencefalograma quatitativo em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infĂąncia com pontas centrotemporais: anĂĄlise de freqĂŒĂȘncias Quantitative electroencephalography in children with bening childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: analysis of band power

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    Abordaram-se parĂąmetros quantitativos do eletrencefalograma em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infĂąncia com pontas centrotemporais (EBICT). Foram estudadas 27 crianças com diagnĂłsticos de EBICT. Foi realizado o eletrecenfalograma durante vigĂ­lia, em repouso, e selecionadas cerca de 20 janelas com 2,56 s. Foram calculados os valores de potĂȘncia absoluta e relativa nas faixas delta, teta, alfa e beta. Os resultados foram comparados aos de 27 crianças sadias pareadas quanto a idade e escolaridade materna. A potĂȘncia absoluta foi significativamente maior no grupo EBICT nas nas bandas delta e teta para a quase totalidade dos eletrodos e para alguns eletrodos nas faixas alfa e beta. A potĂȘncia relativa teta foi tambĂ©m maior no grupo EBICT na maioria dos eletrodos. Esses achados sugerem que na EBICT, embora a atividade epileptiforme seja focal. Ocorrem modificaçÔes funcionais difusas que incluem alteraçÔes do perfil da distribuição das faixas de frequĂȘncia, com maior potĂȘncia relativa teta.Quantitative EEG aspects are studied in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotempral spikes (BCET). A total of 27 children, from 7 to 11 years neurologically and intellectually normal was studied and compared to a control group of normal children. They were submitted to anamnesis, neurological examination, Raven test, digital electroencephalogram and quantitative eletroencephalogram analysis. There was a higher delta, theta, alpha and beta absolute power in most of the electrodes and of alpha and beta for some electrodes in the BCET group. Relative theta power was also higher for the BECT group in most of the electrodes. These findings suggest that in BECT there are diffuse differences form age-matched normal children including a difference in relative spectrum of electrical cerebral activity and that this may be related to a functional immaturity

    Quantitative EEG in children with learning disabilities: analysis of band power Eletrencefalograma quantitativo em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem: anĂĄlise de freqĂŒĂȘncias

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    In order to better understand the mechanisms of learning disabilities it is important to evaluate the electroencephalogram parameters and their relation to the results of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. Thirty-six children with complaints of learning disability were studied. Electroencephalograms were carried out while awake and resting, and the values for absolute and relative powers calculated. The results were compared with those of 36 healthy children paired with respect to age, gender and maternal scholastic level. In the group with learning disabilities, the absolute (in the delta, theta and alpha 1 bands) and relative (theta) power values were higher and the relative power alpha 2 value significantly lower at the majority of the electrodes in relation to the control group. There was a high positive correlation in the children with learning disabilities between the relative power alpha 2 and the verbal, performance and total IQ values. These quantitative electroencephalogram findings in children with learning disabilities have a clear relation with psychological measurements and could be due to brain immaturity.Para compreender melhor os mecanismos das dificuldades de aprendizagem Ă© importante avaliar a relação entre parĂąmetros do eletrencefalograma e resultados da Escala Weschler de InteligĂȘncia. Foram estudadas 36 crianças com queixas de dificuldades de aprendizagem. Foi realizado o eletrencefalograma durante vigĂ­lia, em repouso e calculados os valores de potĂȘncia absoluta e relativa. Os resultados foram comparados aos de 36 crianças sadias pareadas quanto a idade, gĂȘnero e escolaridade materna. As potĂȘncias absoluta (das faixas delta, teta e alfa 1) e relativa (teta) foram maiores e a potĂȘncia relativa alfa 2 foi significativamente menor, na maioria dos eletrodos, no grupo com dificuldade de aprendizagem em relação ao grupo controle. Nas crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem houve correlação elevada e positiva entre a potĂȘncia relativa alfa 2 e o QI. Os achados do eletrencefalograma quantitativo das crianças com dificuldade aprendizagem tĂȘm nĂ­tida relação com medidas psicolĂłgicas e podem ser decorrentes de imaturidade cerebral

    The C-terminal domains SnRK2 box and ABA box have a role in sugarcane SnRK2S auto-activation and activity

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    Resistance to drought stress is fundamental to plant survival and development. Abscisic acid (ABA) is one of the major hormones involved in different types of abiotic and biotic stress responses. ABA intracellular signaling has been extensively explored in Arabidopsis thaliana and occurs via a phosphorylation cascade mediated by three related protein kinases, denominated SnRK2s (SNF1-related protein kinases). However, the role of ABA signaling and the biochemistry of SnRK2 in crop plants remains underexplored. Considering the importance of the ABA hormone in abiotic stress tolerance, here we investigated the regulatory mechanism of sugarcane SnRK2s-known as stress/ABA-activated protein kinases (SAPKs). The crystal structure of ScSAPK10 revealed the characteristic SnRK2 family architecture, in which the regulatory SnRK2 box interacts with the kinase domain alpha C helix. To study sugarcane SnRK2 regulation, we produced a series of mutants for the protein regulatory domains SnRK2 box and ABA box. Mutations in ScSAPK8 SnRK2 box aimed at perturbing its interaction with the protein kinase domain reduced protein kinase activity in vitro. On the other hand, mutations to ScSAPK ABA box did not impact protein kinase activity but did alter the protein autophosphorylation pattern. Taken together, our results demonstrate that both SnRK2 and ABA boxes might play a role in sugarcane SnRK2 function10CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP465651/2014-3; 141368/2018-733003017024P2; 88887.158494/2017-002013/50724-5; 2013/155765; 2014/50897This work was supported by the Brazilian agencies FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) (2013/50724-5, 2013/155765 and 2014/50897) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) (465651/2014-3). The SGC is a registered charity (number 1097737) that receives funds from AbbVie, Bayer Pharma AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Eshelman Institute for Innovation, Genome Canada, Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU/EFPIA) [ULTRA-DD grant no. 115766], Janssen, Merck KGaA Darmstadt Germany, MSD, Novartis Pharma AG, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation, Pfizer, Takeda, and Wellcome [106169/ZZ14/Z]. Germanna Righetto received fellowships from CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçomento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) (33003017024P2) and CNPq (141368/2018-7). CC received a CAPES INCT fellowship (88887.158494/2017-00

    Desempenho escolar em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infùncia com pontas centrotemporais School performance in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes

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    Aspectos psicossociais em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infĂąncia com pontas centrotemporais (EBICT) sĂŁo objeto de controvĂ©rsias. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o desempenho escolar em crianças com EBICT. Vinte crianças foram submetidas ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) e comparadas a crianças sadias pareadas por idade e escolaridade. Foram estudadas as relaçÔes entre o TDE e a lateralidade do foco e o nĂșmero de descargas ao eletrencefalograma. As crianças com EBICT tiveram, de modo significativo, mais freqĂŒentemente do que as sadias, desempenho inferior no subteste de leitura e no escore total. As crianças com desempenho inferior em leitura apresentaram maior nĂșmero de descargas do que aquelas com desempenho mĂ©dio e superior. NĂŁo houve diferenças no TDE segundo a lateralidade do foco. O nĂșmero de descargas, ao interferir com a função cerebral, pode ser um fator a explicar o desempenho mais baixo na leitura.<br>Neuropsychological implications of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes-rolandic spikes (BECTS) have not been adequately investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the results in a school performance test of patients with BECTS and normal age-matched controls. A total of 20 children with BECTS and 20 normal controls were submitted to anamnesis, clinical evaluation, Raven test, school performance test (SPT), digital electroencephalogram and quantitative electroencephalogram analysis. Comparing with normal controls, children with BECTS showed significantly lower SPT results, especially in reading test. There was an association between the higher number of rolandic spikes and inferior performance in SPT reading test. These findings suggest that discharges may be a factor in the genesis of lower performance in reading test in children with BECTS

    Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in stable cardiovascular disease

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated whether rivaroxaban alone or in combination with aspirin would be more effective than aspirin alone for secondary cardiovascular prevention. METHODS: In this double-blind trial, we randomly assigned 27,395 participants with stable atherosclerotic vascular disease to receive rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin (100 mg once daily), rivaroxaban (5 mg twice daily), or aspirin (100 mg once daily). The primary outcome was a composite of cardiovascular death, stroke, or myocardial infarction. The study was stopped for superiority of the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group after a mean follow-up of 23 months. RESULTS: The primary outcome occurred in fewer patients in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group than in the aspirin-alone group (379 patients [4.1%] vs. 496 patients [5.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66 to 0.86; P<0.001; z=−4.126), but major bleeding events occurred in more patients in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group (288 patients [3.1%] vs. 170 patients [1.9%]; hazard ratio, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.40 to 2.05; P<0.001). There was no significant difference in intracranial or fatal bleeding between these two groups. There were 313 deaths (3.4%) in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group as compared with 378 (4.1%) in the aspirin-alone group (hazard ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.96; P=0.01; threshold P value for significance, 0.0025). The primary outcome did not occur in significantly fewer patients in the rivaroxaban-alone group than in the aspirin-alone group, but major bleeding events occurred in more patients in the rivaroxaban-alone group. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with stable atherosclerotic vascular disease, those assigned to rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin had better cardiovascular outcomes and more major bleeding events than those assigned to aspirin alone. Rivaroxaban (5 mg twice daily) alone did not result in better cardiovascular outcomes than aspirin alone and resulted in more major bleeding events