29 research outputs found

    Association of Human Leukocyte Antigens Class II Variants with Susceptibility to Hidradenitis Suppurativa in a Caucasian Spanish Population

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory cutaneous disease of the hair follicle typically presenting recurrent, painful, and inflamed lesions on the inverse areas of the body. Although its pathogenesis remains unknown, the immune system appears to play a potential role. To date, two previous studies have not found any association between the Human Leukocyte Antigen system (HLA) and HS. In this study we analyzed the HLA-A, -B, -C; and DRB1, -DQA1, and ?DQB1 allele distribution in 106 HS patients and 262 healthy controls from a Caucasian population in Cantabria (northern Spain). HLA-A*29 and B*50 were significantly more common in HS patients and A*30 and B*37 in controls, but these associations disappeared after statistical correction. DRB1*07, DQA1*02, and DQB1*02 were significantly more common in controls (p 0.026, p 0.0012, and p 0.0005, respectively) and the HLA allele DQB1*03:01 was significantly more common in HS patients (p 0.00007) after the Bonferroni correction. The DRB1*07~DQA1*02~DQB1*02 haplotype was significantly more common in controls (p < 0.0005). This is the first study showing an association between HLA-class II and HS. Our results suggest that HLA-II alleles (DRB1*07, DQA1*02, DQB1*02, and DQB1*03:01) and the DRB1*07~DQA1*02~DQB1*02 haplotype could influence resistance or susceptibility to HS

    Diversity of HLA Class I and Class II blocks and conserved extended haplotypes in Lacandon Mayans.

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    Here we studied HLA blocks and haplotypes in a group of 218 Lacandon Maya Native American using a high-resolution next generation sequencing (NGS) method. We assessed the genetic diversity of HLA class I and class II in this population, and determined the most probable ancestry of Lacandon Maya HLA class I and class II haplotypes. Importantly, this Native American group showed a high degree of both HLA homozygosity and linkage disequilibrium across the HLA region and also lower class II HLA allelic diversity than most previously reported populations (including other Native American groups). Distinctive alleles present in the Lacandon population include HLA-A*24:14 and HLA-B*40:08. Furthermore, in Lacandons we observed a high frequency of haplotypes containing the allele HLA-DRB1*04:11, a relatively frequent allele in comparison with other neighboring indigenous groups. The specific demographic history of the Lacandon population including inbreeding, as well as pathogen selection, may have elevated the frequencies of a small number of HLA class II alleles and DNA blocks. To assess the possible role of different selective pressures in determining Native American HLA diversity, we evaluated the relationship between genetic diversity at HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DRB1 and pathogen richness for a global dataset and for Native American populations alone. In keeping with previous studies of such relationships we included distance from Africa as a covariate. After correction for multiple comparisons we did not find any significant relationship between pathogen diversity and HLA genetic diversity (as measured by polymorphism information content) in either our global dataset or the Native American subset of the dataset. We found the expected negative relationship between genetic diversity and distance from Africa in the global dataset, but no relationship between HLA genetic diversity and distance from Africa when Native American populations were considered alone

    Complement-Binding Donor-Specific Anti-HLA Antibodies and Risk of Primary Graft Failure in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    AbstractDetection of donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) has been associated with graft rejection in all forms of transplantation. The mechanism by which DSA increase the risk of graft failure remains unclear. We hypothesized that complement-binding DSA are associated with engraftment failure in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and analyzed 122 haploidentical transplant recipients tested prospectively for DSA. Retrospective analysis to detect C1q binding DSA (C1q+DSA) was performed on 22 allosensitized recipients. Twenty-two of 122 patients (18%) had DSA, 19 of which were women (86%). Seven patients with DSA (32%) rejected the graft. Median DSA level at transplant for patients who failed to engraft was 10,055 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) versus 2065 MFI for those who engrafted (P = .007). Nine patients with DSA were C1q positive in the initial samples with median DSA levels of 15,279 MFI (range, 1554 to 28,615), compared with 7 C1q-negative patients with median DSA levels of 2471 MFI (range, 665 to 12,254) (P = .016). Of 9 patients who were C1q positive in the initial samples, 5 patients remained C1q positive at time of transplant (all with high DSA levels [median, 15,279; range, 6487 to 22,944]) and experienced engraftment failure, whereas 4 patients became C1q negative pretransplant and all engrafted the donor cells (P = .008). In conclusion, patients with high DSA levels (>5000 MFI) and complement-binding DSA antibodies (C1q positive) appear to be at much higher risk of primary graft failure. The presence of C1q+DSA should be assessed in allosensitized patients before HSCT. Reduction of C1q+DSA levels might prevent engraftment failure in HSCT

    Better allele-level matching improves transplant-related mortality after double cord blood transplantation

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    Cord blood transplant requires less stringent human leukocyte antigen matching than unrelated donors. In 133 patients with hematologic malignancies who engrafted after double cord blood transplantation with a dominant unit, we studied the effect of high resolution testing at 4 loci (-A, -B, -C, -DRB1) for its impact on 2-year transplant-related mortality. Ten percent of the dominant cord blood units were matched at 7–8/8 alleles using HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1; 25% were matched at 6/8, 40% at 5/8, and 25% at 4/8 or less allele. High resolution typing at 4 loci showed that there was no 2-year transplant-related mortality in 7–8/8 matched patients. Patients with 5–6/8 matched dominant cord blood units had 2-year transplant-related mortality of 39% while patients with 4/8 or less matched units had 60%. Multivariate regression analyses confirmed the independent effect of high resolution typing on the outcome when adjusted for age, diagnosis, CD34+ cell dose infused, graft manipulation and cord to cord matching. The worst prognostic group included patients aged over 32 years with 4/8 or less matched cord blood units compared with patients who were either younger than 32 years old independent of allele-level matching, or aged over 32 years but with 5–6/8 matched cord blood units (Hazard Ratio 2.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.3–3.7;

    Challenges for the standardized reporting of NGS HLA genotyping: Surveying gaps between clinical and research laboratories

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    Next generation sequencing (NGS) is being applied for HLA typing in research and clinical settings. NGS HLA typing has made it feasible to sequence exons, introns and untranslated regions simultaneously, with significantly reduced labor and reagent cost per sample, rapid turnaround time, and improved HLA genotype accuracy. NGS technologies bring challenges for cost-effective computation, data processing and exchange of NGS-based HLA data. To address these challenges, guidelines and specifications such as Genotype List (GL) String, Minimum Information for Reporting Immunogenomic NGS Genotyping (MIRING), and Histoimmunogenetics Markup Language (HML) were proposed to streamline and standardize reporting of HLA genotypes. As part of the 17th International HLA and Immunogenetics Workshop (IHIW), we implemented standards and systems for HLA genotype reporting that included GL String, MIRING and HML, and found that misunderstanding or misinterpretations of these standards led to inconsistencies in the reporting of NGS HLA genotyping results. This may be due in part to a historical lack of centralized data reporting standards in the histocompatibility and immunogenetics community. We have worked with software and database developers, clinicians and scientists to address these issues in a collaborative fashion as part of the Data Standard Hackathons (DaSH) for NGS. Here we report several categories of challenges to the consistent exchange of NGS HLA genotyping data we have observed. We hope to address these challenges in future DaSH for NGS efforts