153 research outputs found

    Gastric Mucosa Mucous Layer Thickness in Liver Cirrhosis with Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy Compare to Functional Dyspepsia

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    Background: This study aimed to investigate gastric mucosa mucous layer thickness in portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) compare to normal mucosa in functional dyspepsia and its correlation with several variables such as child class, severity of esophageal varices and gastropathy. Methods: Biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum and corpus from both group of patients with PHG and functional dyspepsia. The specimen was given cryometric for frozen section. Tissue were sliced by sagital section 11 µm, placed in object glass, fixed and stained to evaluate mucous thickness and giemsa stained to observe Helicobacter pylori. Measurement of mucous thickness was done upward muscularis mucosa started from upper epithelial layer from foveale tip until outer mucous layer on 15 points which were marked randomly and calculate the mean value by micrometer (µm). Results: Mean value of antral mucous thickness in PHG was 13.30 ± 6.5 µm, while in the functional dyspepsia it was 25.59 ± 5.66 µm. Statistical analysis for both kinds of mucous thickness was p<0.001. Mean corpus mucous thickness in PHG was 10.6 ± 6.81 µm, while mucous thickness in dyspepsia was 32.54 ± 6.51 µm. Statistical analysis revealed p<0.001. This result showed significant difference of mucous thickness of antrum and corpus statistically between PHG and dyspepsia as control group. Conclusion: The study had proven the presence of decreased gastric mucosa mucous layer thickness in corpus and antrum in PHG. Thus, therapeutic approach to increase mucous thickness must be considered in patients with PHG

    A Randomized Trial Comparing the Effect of Soy Protein Diet Supplement Versus Hospital Standard Supplement on Clinical and Laboratory Parameters in Malnutrition Patients

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    Background: Studies have shown that soy protein diet may improve clinical nutrition status of malnutrition patients. Soybeans itself are unique foods because of their rich nutrient content. The complete nutrient in soybean is important and also offers many health benefits especially in malnutrition patient during hospitalization. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effect of soy protein supplement and hospital standard supplement (animal protein) on anthropometries and laboratory findings in malnutrition patients during hospitalization. Method: Forty-eight patients with malnutrition (confirmed by Body Mass Index < 20 kg/m2) aged 14- 70 years old were recruited from Internal Medicine wards in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. The study design was randomized controlled trial. The subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups were fed supplement diet contained soy protein supplement diet (40 g/d) or hospital standard supplement (40 g/d) for 2 weeks. Body weight was measured in the first day (base line data), 7-dayand 14-day after intervention. Blood and urine was collected at baseline, 7-day and 14-day for measuring transferin, prealbumin and nitrogen balance. The intake of supplement, gastrointestinal symptoms and others adverse event were noted every day. Result: From 48 subjects, there were only 32 patients that completed the study during 2 weeks. In the base line data there were no significant different for intake diet calculation, anthropometrics and laboratory parameters in study group and control group. A total of patients 32 consist of 20 (62,5 %) female and 12 (37,5%) male with a mean age 31,8 + 12,9 years old. Anthropometrics evaluation after 1 week and 2 weeks intervention in soy protein supplement showed significantly increased every week in 2 weeks. In control group, significantly increased showed only after two weeks intervention. But there was no significantly increased of BMI of two groups. Serum transferin concentration increased from 1,489 ± 0,502 at base line to be 1,600 ± 0,502 at week 1 and to bel, 695 ± 0,402 in study group. But this increasing was no significantly between two groups. No significant differences were found between two groups for prealbumin level after 1 week and 2 weeks intervention. Nitrogen balance improved significantly (p<0,05) more with soy protein supplement than hospital standard supplement (animal protein). In this study, there was no side effect in soy protein supplement diet and 1 case with diarrhea and nausea in hospital standard supplement (animal protein) Conclusion: Soy protein supplement diet improved both of nutrition parameter: anthropometrics and laboratory parameter. There were no significantly different in anthrometrics and laboratory parameter berween soy protein supplements tahan hospital standar supplement (animal protein). But nitrogen balance improved significantly in study group than control group. Substitution of soy protein for animal protein has the potential role for the patient with malnutritio

    The Cytosolic Tail of the Golgi Apyrase Ynd1 Mediates E4orf4-Induced Toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The adenovirus E4 open reading frame 4 (E4orf4) protein contributes to regulation of the progression of virus infection. When expressed individually, E4orf4 was shown to induce non-classical transformed cell-specific apoptosis in mammalian cells. At least some of the mechanisms underlying E4orf4-induced toxicity are conserved from yeast to mammals, including the requirement for an interaction of E4orf4 with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). A genetic screen in yeast revealed that the Golgi apyrase Ynd1 associates with E4orf4 and contributes to E4orf4-induced toxicity, independently of Ynd1 apyrase activity. Ynd1 and PP2A were shown to contribute additively to E4orf4-induced toxicity in yeast, and to interact genetically and physically. A mammalian orthologue of Ynd1 was shown to bind E4orf4 in mammalian cells, confirming the evolutionary conservation of this interaction. Here, we use mutation analysis to identify the cytosolic tail of Ynd1 as the protein domain required for mediation of the E4orf4 toxic signal and for the interaction with E4orf4. We also show that E4orf4 associates with cellular membranes in yeast and is localized at their cytoplasmic face. However, E4orf4 is membrane-associated even in the absence of Ynd1, suggesting that additional membrane proteins may mediate E4orf4 localization. Based on our results and on a previous report describing a collection of Ynd1 protein partners, we propose that the Ynd1 cytoplasmic tail acts as a scaffold, interacting with a multi-protein complex, whose targeting by E4orf4 leads to cell death

    Outcomes of MYC-associated lymphomas after R-CHOP with and without consolidative autologous stem cell transplant: subset analysis of randomized trial intergroup SWOG S9704

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    Double hit lymphoma (DHL) and double protein-expressing (MYC and BCL2) lymphomas (DPL) fare poorly with R-CHOP; consolidative autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) may improve outcomes. S9704, a phase III randomized study of CHOP +/−R with or without ASCT allows evaluation of intensive consolidation. Immunohistochemical analysis identified 27 of 198 patients (13.6%) with MYC IHC overexpression and 20 (74%) harboring concurrent BCL2 overexpression. Four had DHL and 16 had DPL only. With median follow-up 127 months, there is a trend favoring outcomes after consolidative ASCT in DPL and MYC protein overexpressing patients, whereas all DHL patients have died irrespective of ASCT

    Feasibility and acceptability of expressive writing with postpartum women: a randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Background: Pregnancy, birth and adjusting to a new baby is a potentially stressful time that can negatively affect women’s mental and physical health. Expressive writing, where people write about a stressful event for at least 15 minutes on three consecutive days, has been associated with improved health in some groups but it is not clear whether it is feasible and acceptable for use with postpartum women. This study therefore examined the feasibility and acceptability of expressive writing for postpartum women as part of a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Methods: The Health After Birth Trial (HABiT) was an RCT evaluating expressive writing for postpartum women which included measures of feasibility and acceptability. At 6 to 12 weeks after birth 854 women were randomised to expressive writing, a control writing task or normal care, and outcome measures of health were measured at baseline, one month later and six months later. Feasibility was measured by recruitment, attrition, and adherence to the intervention. Quantitative and qualitative measures of acceptability of the materials and the task were completed six months after the intervention. Results: Recruitment was low (10.7% of those invited to participate) and the recruited sample was from a restricted sociodemographic range. Attrition was high, increased as the study progressed (35.8% at baseline, 57.5% at one month, and 68.1% at six months) and was higher in the writing groups than in the normal care group. Women complied with instructions to write expressively or not, but adherence to the instruction to write for 15 minutes per day for three days was low (Expressive writing: 29.3%; Control writing: 23.5%). Acceptability measures showed that women who wrote expressively rated the materials/task both more positively and more negatively than those in the control writing group, and qualitative comments revealed that women enjoyed the writing and/or found it helpful even when it was upsetting. Conclusions: The feasibility of offering expressive writing as a universal self-help intervention to all postpartum women 6 to 12 weeks after birth in the HABiT trial was low, but the expressive writing intervention was acceptable to the majority of women who completed it

    Impairment in work and activities of daily life in patients with psoriasis:results of the prospective BioCAPTURE registry

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    Background: Little is known about the extent of impairments in work and activities of daily life (ADL) in patients with psoriasis, and the influence of contextual factors such as disease-related characteristics and treatment. Therefore, this study aimed to assess these impairments in patients with psoriasis who started using biologicals/small molecule inhibitors. Methods: Using data from the prospective BioCAPTURE registry, we collected patient, disease, and treatment parameters, as well as work/ADL impairments at baseline, 6 and 12 months. Changes in impairment parameters and correlations between impairment and patient/disease characteristics were assessed using generalized estimating equations. Results: We included 194 patients in our analysis. After biological initiation, disease activity decreased significantly (PASI 11.2 at baseline versus 3.9 at 12 months, p &lt; 0.001). Work-for-pay in this cohort was lower than in the Dutch general population (53% versus 67%, p = 0.01). In patients who had work-for-pay, presenteeism improved over time (5% at baseline versus 0% at 12 months, p = 0.04). Up to half of the patients reported impairments in ADL, which did not change over time. Associations between impairments and contextual factors varied, but all impairments were associated with worse mental/physical general functioning. Conclusion: Patients with psoriasis using biologicals are less likely to have work-for-pay. Treatment improves the work productivity of employed patients, but we were unable to detect changes in ADL performance.</p

    An Approach Towards a FEP-based Model for Risk Assessment for Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

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    AbstractWe consider an exemplary scenario drafted in the context of the recently started EU-project FracRisk. The setting belongs to six scenarios representing diverse subsurface processes on different scales. A numerical approach considering sources, pathways and targets quantifies the environmental impact associated with this setting. A Global Sensitivity Analysis of properly defined output quantities takes into account uncertain parameters and operational conditions within a FEP-based evaluation of risk and counteractive measures. At this early stage of the project, this showcase of the general modeling workflow addresses migration of frac-fluid through a naturally fractured reservoir (source) to an overlying formation (target)
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