97 research outputs found

    Critical Success Factors in Strategic Brand Management in Luxury Fashion Markets: The Case of Isaia

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    This chapter examines the critical role of branding in sustaining the competitive advantage of firms in the luxury fashion markets. This can include brand communication, the flagship store, channel relationships, the customization and the event marketing. The chapter sets out an analytical framework that can be used to identify the main critical success factors in the fashion luxury market. Adopting the case study method, we validate this framework by studying a pilot firm, Isaia, which is a traditional Italian firm operating in the fashion luxury industry (clothing for men). Isaia is an interesting case study of the branding strategies of a niche fashion firm in the face of global competition. Through the original framework, we have identified the company’s main critical success factors that—in the exploratory stage of our research—support the work purposes. In particular, the main findings from the case study demonstrate that Isaia’s competitive advantage is found on customized products (luxury traditions), events (dinner parties, in‐store entertainment, etc.) and retail strategy (flagship showrooms in Milan and Moscow)

    Residents’ views on cruise tourism in Naples Profiles and insights from a Mediterranean home-port destination

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    Abstract: This study aims at profiling a quota sample of 600 residents in Naples, a home port in the Campania Region (Southern Italy), based on their perceptions and attitudes toward the development of cruise tourism, and their willingness to support different tourism types. To achieve this aim, a factor-cluster analysis was applied and five clusters were identified, namely ‘indifferent’, ‘moderate lovers’, ‘moderate critics’, and ‘cautious’. Significant differences emerged between the identified groups based on their prior experience with cruise vacation and their relatives’ economic reliance on cruise activity. On the contrary, no significant differences exist based on gender, age, employment status, economic reliance on cruise tourism, education level, length of residence, geographical proximity to cruise port area. Furthermore, no significant differences between clusters were found based on residents’ attitude towards cruise tourism and their support to its further development. Hence, theoretical contributions and managerial implications are addressed, including recommendations for future research

    Deep Learning Forecasting for Supporting Terminal Operators in Port Business Development

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    Accurate forecasts of containerised freight volumes are unquestionably important for port terminal operators to organise port operations and develop business plans. They are also relevant for port authorities, regulators, and governmental agencies dealing with transportation. In a time when deep learning is in the limelight, owing to a consistent strip of success stories, it is natural to apply it to the tasks of forecasting container throughput. Given the number of options, practitioners can benefit from the lessons learned in applying deep learning models to the problem. Coherently, in this work, we devise a number of multivariate predictive models based on deep learning, analysing and assessing their performance to identify the architecture and set of hyperparameters that prove to be better suited to the task, also comparing the quality of the forecasts with seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models. Furthermore, an innovative representation of seasonality is given by means of an embedding layer that produces a mapping in a latent space, with the parameters of such mapping being tuned using the quality of the predictions. Finally, we present some managerial implications, also putting into evidence the research limitations and future opportunities

    Damage assessment of different FDM-processed materials adopting Infrared Thermography

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    The use of components obtained through the additive manufacturing (AM) technique has become increasingly widespread in recent years, playing a central role in industrial production, and in particular in some fields such as automotive, biomedical, aerospace and electronics. Among all AM techniques, FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) represents the most used printing technique to produce polymeric and composite components, thanks to the flexible printing process, the low cost and the diversity of the materials adopted. The aim of the present work concerns the comparison between the mechanical properties of three plastic materials printed with the FDM technique (polylactic acid PLA, polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified PETG and Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ABS) using an Original Prusa i3 MK3S, by varying the raster angle between 0°, 45° and 90° degrees. Infrared Thermography has been adopted to monitor the temperature evolution during static tensile tests and to assess stress level that can initiate damage within the material. Failure analysis was performed to correlate the mechanical behaviour with the microstructural characteristics of the materials

    Il ruolo della marca nella gestione delle destinazioni turistiche

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    Nell’odierna competizione tra i territori, la marca della destinazione turistica (destination brand) ù considerata – in special modo in contesti internazionali evoluti – uno dei principali strumenti di marketing a disposizione dei responsabili della governance di una definita area geografica ai fini dello sviluppo economico dell’offerta turistica territoriale. Coerentemente, nell’approccio di ricerca adottato nel testo, la marca si configura quale risorsa strategica idonea a definire l’identità di una destinazione e comunicare ai segmenti di consumatori in target la proposta di valore (destination value proposition), così come identificata dagli attori del sistema turistico locale (tourist stakeholders system). Al fine di strutturare e dimostrare tale ipotesi di ricerca, nel lavoro si presenta un modello originale di analisi dei processi di branding caratterizzanti la gestione di una destinazione turistica (Destination Branding Model – DBM). Tale modello ù stato testato mediante una ricerca empirica sviluppata nell’area dei Campi Flegrei, destinazione che si estende nella zona nord-occidentale della provincia e della città di Napoli

    "Le determinanti del valore della marca in una prospettiva customer-based”, Presentazione e discussione poster inerente Tesi finale di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Aziendali, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale.

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    Le dinamiche competitive degli ultimi anni hanno visto l'affermarsi delle relazioni impresa-clienti come uno dei fattori di maggior valore strategico in grado di influenzare, in modo significativo, la performance di marketing finalizzate al conseguimento del vantaggio competitivo delle imprese (tra gli al., Cantone, 1996; Wayland e Cole, 1997; Valdani e Busacca, 2000; Costabile, 2001). In un numero crescente di aree di business il cliente (finale, intermedio e/o intermediario), infatti, assume un ruolo centrale nei processi di (co)produzione e riconfigurazione dei sistemi d'offerta e, di conseguenza, di creazione di valore economico per le imprese.Nei contesti ipercompetitivi caratterizzati da un'ampia varietĂ  e variabilitĂ  della domanda, l'utilizzo della marca - quale strumento identificativo, di garanzia e di comunicazione (Busacca, 2000) - facilita la percezione del valore del sistema d'offerta (value proposition) da parte dei clienti e la creazione di un rapporto duraturo tra questi e l'impresa. La marca, infatti, avendo un forte potere identificativo e di differenziazione dei sistemi d'offerta, riduce il fabbisogno di informazioni necessarie al consumatore nelle scelte di acquisto dell'offerta.Essa si configura, dunque, come un ideale costrutto relazionale (Ambler, 1995; Fournier, 1998) che consente alle imprese di creare valore di marca (brand equity) nella prospettiva dei consumatori (customer-based), utile non solo nelle fasi di prima scelta, acquisto e consumo del sistema d'offerta, ma anche nell'ottica del riacquisto.Pertanto, in tale prospettiva, obiettivo della presente ricerca Ăš quello di:identificare quali siano le principali determinanti del valore relazionale di marca su cui si costruisce e si gestisce il valore di marca per i clienti e mediante le quali detto valore possa essere sviluppato in modo sinergico, coerente e unitario;definire un modello interpretativo del valore relazionale di marca nella prospettiva del consumatore (Customer-based Brand Equity Framework) che identifichi le principali aree generatrici del valore di marca nella percezione dei consumatori;validare tale modello interpretativo del valore di marca (Customer-based Brand Equity Framework) percepito dai consumatori, mediante una ricerca empirica avente ad oggetto una specifica categoria di prodotto e finalizzata a misurare le determinanti del valore di marca e verificare l'esistenza di relazioni statistiche tra dimensioni d'analisi suddette

    The role of destination branding in the tourism stakeholders system. The Campi Flegrei case

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze the place branding strategies finalized to growth the competitive of the tourist destinations. Therefore, the following main issues are developed: 1. the role of branding management in tourism industry, analyzing the place branding literature review on marketing theory and the main destination brand models existing in tourism and vacation marketing academic area; 2. configuring a proposal model of destination branding, with the identification of the main brand value driver as key dimensions to define the brand identity and the brand knowledge in the tourists perspective. 3. validating this model of destination branding, verifying - through an empirical research - the descriptive capacity of this framework to explicate the destination branding process in a specific geographical context, the area of Campi Flegrei. Campi Flegrei is a tourist destination located in the west side of Naples city and its province (southern Italy). This is a destination with high intensity of cultural and landscape resources

    Il ruolo della marca nella gestione delle destinazioni turistiche

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    Nell’odierna competizione tra i territori, la marca della destinazione turistica (destination brand) ù considerata – in special modo in contesti internazionali evoluti – uno dei principali strumenti di marketing a disposizione dei responsabili della governance di una definita area geografica ai fini dello sviluppo economico dell’offerta turistica territoriale. Coerentemente, nell’approccio di ricerca adottato nel testo, la marca si configura quale risorsa strategica idonea a definire l’identità di una destinazione e comunicare ai segmenti di consumatori in target la proposta di valore (destination value proposition), così come identificata dagli attori del sistema turistico locale (tourist stakeholders system). Al fine di strutturare e dimostrare tale ipotesi di ricerca, nel lavoro si presenta un modello originale di analisi dei processi di branding caratterizzanti la gestione di una destinazione turistica (Destination Branding Model – DBM). Tale modello ù stato testato mediante una ricerca empirica sviluppata nell’area dei Campi Flegrei, destinazione che si estende nella zona nord-occidentale della provincia e della città di Napoli

    Il ruolo della marca collettiva nella gestione delle relazioni di marketing nei sistemi agglomerativi dĂŹ impresa

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    Competitive dynamics increasingly flow into firm agglomerations embedded on geographical context - industrial district, cluster, milieu innovateur – as structures to achieve a place comparative advantage. The building of collective brand allows local production systems to implement cooperative marketing strategies; this leads to promote network value proposition in the target markets. In a relational perspective, strategic collective branding management is one of the most important marketing processes, expressed as: 1. to identify and to manage business relationships among embedded firms in a specific local production system (internal relational capital); 2. to create, to manage and to develop relationships of each embedded firms with the target markets (external relational capital). In this paper, it’s defined a conceptual model of collective branding processes (Collective Branding Model – CBM), identifying strategic dimensions and potential gaps of brand relational capital to achieve place competitiveness in a specific local production system. CBM was validated through an empirical research on jewellery district "il Tarì" (Marcianise – Province of Caserta, in Campania region)
