Il ruolo della marca collettiva nella gestione delle relazioni di marketing nei sistemi agglomerativi dì impresa


Competitive dynamics increasingly flow into firm agglomerations embedded on geographical context - industrial district, cluster, milieu innovateur – as structures to achieve a place comparative advantage. The building of collective brand allows local production systems to implement cooperative marketing strategies; this leads to promote network value proposition in the target markets. In a relational perspective, strategic collective branding management is one of the most important marketing processes, expressed as: 1. to identify and to manage business relationships among embedded firms in a specific local production system (internal relational capital); 2. to create, to manage and to develop relationships of each embedded firms with the target markets (external relational capital). In this paper, it’s defined a conceptual model of collective branding processes (Collective Branding Model – CBM), identifying strategic dimensions and potential gaps of brand relational capital to achieve place competitiveness in a specific local production system. CBM was validated through an empirical research on jewellery district "il Tarì" (Marcianise – Province of Caserta, in Campania region)

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