11 research outputs found

    On the Fresh/Hardened Properties of Cement Composites Incorporating Rubber Particles from Recycled Tires

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    This study investigates the ameliorative effects on some properties of cement-based materials which can be obtained by incorporating rubber particles as part of the fine aggregates. The aim is to find out optimal cement composite/mortar mixtures, containing recycled-tyre rubber particles, suitable for specific engineering applications. Different percentages of rubber particles, from 0% to 75%, were used and, for each percentage, the suitable amount of sand was investigated in order to achieve the best fresh/hardened performances. In particular the following characteristics were examined: density, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, weight loss, flexural behaviour, thermal conductivity, rapid freezing and thawing durability, and chloride permeability. The experimental results were compared with the ones of cement composite specimens without rubber aggregates. Test results show that the proposed rubberized mortar mixes are particularly suitable for some industrial and architectural applications, such as under-rail bearings, road constructions, paving slabs, false facades, and stone backing

    A Sterescopic System to Measure Water Waves in Laboratories

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    A new system for estimating the synthetic parameters of sea states during physical investigations has been implemented. The technique proposed herein is based on stereographic analysis of digital images acquired with optical sensors. A series of ad hoc floating markers has been made and properly moored to the bottom of a large wave tank to estimate the synthetic parameters of generated waves. The implemented acquisition system and the proposed algorithm provide automatic recognition of all markers by a pair of optical sensors that synchronously captures their instantaneous location and tracks their movements over time. After transformation from the image to the real-world coordinates, water surface elevation time series have been obtained. Several experimental tests have been carried out to assess the feasibility and reliability of the proposed approach. The estimated wave synthetic parameters have been then compared with those obtained by employing standard resistive probes. The deviation were found to be equal to ~6% for the significant wave height and 1% for peak, mean, and significant wave periods

    Effect of the embedment of carbon doped nanocomposites in a real matrix on the enhanced photocatalytic activity

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    Solar light can be used by semiconductor nanocrystals as a free and largely available source of energy to transform air pollutants into non-volatile less harmful chemicals. The efficiency of this process can be enhanced by doping the semiconductor with carbon-based materials, such as graphene. Nevertheless, such an increased activity has been reported (i) for nanocomposite photocatalysts produced on the research laboratory scale, (ii) analyzing their performance as self-standing photocatalysts and not after incorporation into “real” matrixes (e.g. building materials) and (iii) typically using model target pollutants instead of “real” hazardous ones. Here we describe the large-scale preparation of two series of carbon based photocatalysts starting from commercial materials and we demonstrate their superior photocatalytic activity in degrading important air pollutants as nitrogen oxides, compared to undoped photocatalysts. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by NOx abatement adopting the continuous flow procedure and the apparatus reported in the Italian standard UNI 11,247. Best performing materials were incorporated into two different inorganic matrixes (cement and lime). In both cases, the superior photocatalytic performances were maintained. An improvement up to 42±7% of the photocatalytic activity was measured in the case of a cement sample for a carbon-doped photocatalyst with respect to bare TiO2 . The materials were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, high resolution powder X-ray diffraction (HR-PXRD), high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM) energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and micro-Raman

    Lipoprotein(a) Genotype Influences the Clinical Diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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    : Background Evidence suggests that LPA risk genotypes are a possible contributor to the clinical diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). This study aimed at determining the prevalence of LPA risk variants in adult individuals with FH enrolled in the Italian LIPIGEN (Lipid Transport Disorders Italian Genetic Network) study, with (FH/M+) or without (FH/M-) a causative genetic variant. Methods and Results An lp(a) [lipoprotein(a)] genetic score was calculated by summing the number risk-increasing alleles inherited at rs3798220 and rs10455872 variants. Overall, in the 4.6% of 1695 patients with clinically diagnosed FH, the phenotype was not explained by a monogenic or polygenic cause but by genotype associated with high lp(a) levels. Among 765 subjects with FH/M- and 930 subjects with FH/M+, 133 (17.4%) and 95 (10.2%) were characterized by 1 copy of either rs10455872 or rs3798220 or 2 copies of either rs10455872 or rs3798220 (lp(a) score ≥1). Subjects with FH/M- also had lower mean levels of pretreatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol than individuals with FH/M+ (t test for difference in means between FH/M- and FH/M+ groups <0.0001); however, subjects with FH/M- and lp(a) score ≥1 had higher mean (SD) pretreatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (223.47 [50.40] mg/dL) compared with subjects with FH/M- and lp(a) score=0 (219.38 [54.54] mg/dL for), although not statistically significant. The adjustment of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels based on lp(a) concentration reduced from 68% to 42% the proportion of subjects with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level ≥190 mg/dL (or from 68% to 50%, considering a more conservative formula). Conclusions Our study supports the importance of measuring lp(a) to perform the diagnosis of FH appropriately and to exclude that the observed phenotype is driven by elevated levels of lp(a) before performing the genetic test for FH

    Refinement of the diagnostic approach for the identification of children and adolescents affected by familial hypercholesterolemia: Evidence from the LIPIGEN study

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    Background and aims: We aimed to describe the limitations of familiar hypercholesterolemia (FH) diagnosis in childhood based on the presence of the typical features of FH, such as physical sings of cholesterol accumulation and personal or family history of premature cardiovascular disease or hypercholesterolemia, comparing their prevalence in the adult and paediatric FH population, and to illustrate how additional information can lead to a more effective diagnosis of FH at a younger age.Methods: From the Italian LIPIGEN cohort, we selected 1188 (>= 18 years) and 708 (<18 years) genetically-confirmed heterozygous FH, with no missing personal FH features. The prevalence of personal and familial FH features was compared between the two groups. For a sub-group of the paediatric cohort (N = 374), data about premature coronary heart disease (CHD) in second-degree family members were also included in the evaluation.Results: The lower prevalence of typical FH features in children/adolescents vs adults was confirmed: the prevalence of tendon xanthoma was 2.1% vs 13.1%, and arcus cornealis was present in 1.6% vs 11.2% of the cohorts, respectively. No children presented clinical history of premature CHD or cerebral/peripheral vascular disease compared to 8.8% and 5.6% of adults, respectively. The prevalence of premature CHD in first-degree relatives was significantly higher in adults compared to children/adolescents (38.9% vs 19.7%). In the sub-cohort analysis, a premature CHD event in parents was reported in 63 out of 374 subjects (16.8%), but the percentage increased to 54.0% extending the evaluation also to second-degree relatives.Conclusions: In children, the typical FH features are clearly less informative than in adults. A more thorough data collection, adding information about second-degree relatives, could improve the diagnosis of FH at younger age

    Prove di taglio su calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre metalliche da riciclo di pneumatici

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    L’impiego di materiali derivanti da PFU ha trovato negli anni numerose applicazioni che consentono una progressiva riduzione della produzione di rifiuti attraverso il riutilizzo come materia prima secondaria all’interno di diversi sistemi produttivi. Peraltro, la legislazione vigente prevede la possibilità di perseguire finalità di tutela ambientale ottimizzando, anche tramite attività di ricerca e sviluppo il recupero dei pneumatici fuori uso. In questo contesto si inserisce il presente lavoro sperimentale che riguarda la caratterizzazione meccanica di calcestruzzo rinforzato con fibre da riciclo provenienti dai PFU; lo stesso è parte di un’indagine scientifica più ampia finalizzata allo sviluppo di soluzioni che introducano tale tipologia di fibre da riciclo in filiere produttive connesse all’ingegneria civile. In particolare, l’obiettivo del presente lavoro è la valutazione della resistenza a taglio dei calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre di acciaio riciclate da PFU, confrontando i risultati con calcestruzzi realizzati con fibre commerciali

    Study of the mechanical behavior of Concrete Structural elements varying the Portland Cement-CSA Ratio Used

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    Calcium sulphoaluminate (CSA) cement became progressively more used in recent years, considering both the mechanical per-formance and the environmental aspects linked to the CO2 manufacturing emissions lower than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). In this study, the mechanical behavior of steel-reinforced concrete beams made using various binders, such as pure CSA or blends with OPC was investigated experimentally, in terms of flexural resistance, crack pattern (number, length and crack width). For this purpose, a mechanical characterization of the various concrete mixtures at early and later ages was performed. Moreover, an ad-hoc experimental set-up was designed in order to study the durability of structural beams for different concrete types, under specif-ic environmental and service conditions. The results showed a satisfactory behavior of the CSA mixtures when compared with the OPC reference mixture in terms of early age resistance, mechanical performance and crack evolution during the time