19 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Peer Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Materi Puasa Wajib dan Puasa Sunah : Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Kelas VIII-G (Delapan) SMPN 31 Bandung

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    Masalah yang sangat menonjol yang di hadapi dalam pelajaran PAI yang bermula dari fenomena yang muncul di lapangan yaitu hasil belajar siswa yang masih rendah. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil belajar siswa dan hasil ulangan siswa masih banyak yang berada di bawah KKM 76 hampir 70%. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa adalah metode yang sesuai. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode yang baru dan interaktif, agar pemahaman siswa pada materi pelajaran menjadi optimal sehingga hasil belajar mereka pun dapat meningkat sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Hasil belajar kognitif siswa sebelum diterapkan metode Peer Teaching pada mata pelajaran PAI siswa kelas VIII-G; (2) Proses pembelajaran siswa kelas VIII-G dengan menggunakan metode Peer Teaching pada mata pelajaran PAI siswa kelas VIII-G; (3) Hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas VIII-G pada mata pelajaran PAI setelah diterapkan metode Peer Teaching. Metode peer teaching dinilai dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya dalam pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Kelebihan dari metode ini adalah (1) Meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa; (2) Meningkatkan kualitas dan proses pembelajaran; (3) Meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 1 pertemuan dengan tahapan-tahapan (1) Perencanaan; (2) Tindakan; (3) Observasi; (4) Refleksi. Tahapan-tahapan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkat hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI materi Puasa Wajib dan Puasa Sunah. Setelah melakukan penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa (1) hasil belajar kognitif siswa sebelum diterapkannya metode Peer Teaching masih banyak siswa yang mendapatkan nilai di bawah rata-rata KKM, (2) Proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Peer Teaching setiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, dengan kegiatan intinya adalah siswa di bantu oleh temannya sendiri ketika belajar di kelas dan (3) Hasil belajar kognitif siswa setelah diterapkan metode Peer Teaching yaitu setiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan, terlihat pada siklus I dengan rata-rata 72.37 termasuk kategori baik, ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 36.84% dengan jumlah 14 siswa tuntas belajar, siklus II nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 80 termasuk kategori sangat baik, sehingga nilai rata-rata dari siklus I ke siklus II meningkat sebesar 7.63%, ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 86.84% dengan jumlah 33 siswa tuntas belajar sehingga ketuntasan belajar klasikal dari siklus I dan II meningkat sebesar 50%, dan siklus III terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata yang signifikan menjadi 96.05 termasuk kategori sangat baik, sehingga nilai rata-rata dari siklus II ke siklus III meningkat sebesar 16.05% semua siswa masuk pada kategori tuntas sehingga persentasi kelulusan 100%. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan menggunakan metode peer teaching dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa


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    The occurrence of cutaneous metastasis from colorectal cancer is rare, with a reported frequency of less than 4 to 5 percent. Typically signifies widespread disease and a poor prognosis. Metastases from adenocarcinoma of the colon-rectum usually occur within two years of resection of the primary tumour, and the average survival of a patient with cutaneous metastasis has been reported as ranging from 3 to 18 months. The case reported here concerns a patient who developed a skin metastasis without evidence of visceral involvement after treatment of rectal carcinoma. It is advisable to implement cutaneous biopsy in patients with a history of carcinoma; this may establish the diagnosis of metastatic disease and change the methods of therapeutic intervention and prognosis

    I Gambara e Brescia nell'Italia del tardo Rinascimento. Diplomazia, mecenatismo, cultura e consumi.

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    Tra il secondo Cinquecento e il primo Seicento, Brescia, città della Terraferma veneziana, priva di un ambiente di corte, è protagonista di importanti trasformazioni che coinvolgono sia la forma urbana sia le relazioni tra i lignaggi delle famiglie aristocratiche, che sperimentano nuove strategie di rappresentazione della posizione sociale raggiunta. Le ricerche presentate nel volume - individuando soprattutto nella diplomazia, nel mecenatismo e nei diversi approcci alla cultura e al consumo, gli ambiti di azione e affermazione di alcuni esponenti, ancora poco noti, del ramo patrizio veneto della famiglia Gambara - propongono una riflessione su come il ruolo di intermediari, da essi esercitato sulla scena politica, economica e sociale, abbia contribuito a veicolare nel tardo Rinascimento, attraverso una rete di relazione che coinvolge i maggiori centri urbani della penisola, la dimensione culturale internazionale nel contesto locale di Brescia. I temi, esplorati attraverso un approccio metodologico interdisciplinare e facendo uso di fonti inedite, approfondiscono, insieme al contesto culturale di riferimento, le ricadute dell'intreccio di relazioni politiche e diplomatiche tessute dagli esponenti di questo lignaggio sul loro stile di vita e sul loro comportamento di consumo, incline al collezionismo e all'adesione ai canoni di buon governo della casa che la trattatistica sull'economica ha parallelamente contribuito a codificare e diffondere

    Prevalence and predictors of malignancies in a polycentric cohort of HIV patients from Italy

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    Introduction: HIV infected patients have a higher risk of developing cancer than the general population. Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, primary CNS lymphoma and invasive cervical cancers are considered as AIDS defining [1]. An increased incidence in recent years has been reported also for other malignancies after the introduction of cART [2,3]. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective multicentric evaluation of all HIV infected patients with both AIDS and non-AIDS defining neoplasms at six Infectious Disease Units spread throughout Italy since 1991 through 2013. Cases were compared with equal number of controls without neoplasia followed at the same institutions, matched for length of HIV infection. Results: Since 1991, 339 consecutive cases of malignancy were collected from the six convening centres, including approximately an equal proportion of AIDS (51.2%) and non-AIDS defining tumours. Mean prevalence of tumours among centres was 8.3% (r. 6.1%–9.6%). Mean age at tumour diagnosis was significantly lower than in controls (42.6±11.0 vs 46.8±10.6 years, respectively, p<0.0001). As to risk factors for HIV infection, approximately 1/4 (26.1%) of patients were drug abusers, in equal proportion as in controls. A remarkable higher proportion of cancer patients had CD4 T-cell counts <200 c/mmc at time of diagnosis (45.2% vs 13.3%, p<0.0001). Seventy percent of tumours occurred in males; 52.8% of tumour patients were diagnosed with AIDS before and 19.0% at the time of tumour diagnosis. Ninety (28.1%) tumour patients were dead at the time of data collection, a much higher proportion than among cases (12.9%, p<0.0001). Deaths among non-AIDS (20.8%) and AIDS defining tumour patients (35.0%) were significantly different (p=0.005). Predictors of AIDS defining tumours at the time of data collection were: male sex (57.9% vs 40.6%, p=0.004), CD4 T-cell counts <200 c/mmc (63.6% vs 44.1%, p<0.0001), whereas being cART treated at the time of tumour diagnosis was protective (38.0% vs 68.0%, p<0.0001). In the final multivariate model of logistic regression, male sex (OR=2.0, p=0.03) and not being cART treated (OR=2.5, p=0.001) held as independent predictors. Conclusions: Our retrospection revealed a considerably high proportion of non-AIDS defining tumours, apparently at rise in recent years. We registered high prevalence of tumours in each centre. Absence of cART seemed related with AIDS defining tumours: once more prevention of late presentation appeared the way to avoid worse prognosis in this setting

    Prevalence and predictors of malignancies in a polycentric cohort of HIV patients from Italy

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    Introduction: HIV infected patients have a higher risk of developing cancer than the general population. Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, primary CNS lymphoma and invasive cervical cancers are considered as AIDS defining [1]. An increased incidence in recent years has been reported also for other malignancies after the introduction of cART [2,3]. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective multicentric evaluation of all HIV infected patients with both AIDS and non-AIDS defining neoplasms at six Infectious Disease Units spread throughout Italy since 1991 through 2013. Cases were compared with equal number of controls without neoplasia followed at the same institutions, matched for length of HIV infection. Results: Since 1991, 339 consecutive cases of malignancy were collected from the six convening centres, including approximately an equal proportion of AIDS (51.2%) and non-AIDS defining tumours. Mean prevalence of tumours among centres was 8.3% (r. 6.1%–9.6%). Mean age at tumour diagnosis was significantly lower than in controls (42.6±11.0 vs 46.8±10.6 years, respectively, p<0.0001). As to risk factors for HIV infection, approximately 1/4 (26.1%) of patients were drug abusers, in equal proportion as in controls. A remarkable higher proportion of cancer patients had CD4 T-cell counts <200 c/mmc at time of diagnosis (45.2% vs 13.3%, p<0.0001). Seventy percent of tumours occurred in males; 52.8% of tumour patients were diagnosed with AIDS before and 19.0% at the time of tumour diagnosis. Ninety (28.1%) tumour patients were dead at the time of data collection, a much higher proportion than among cases (12.9%, p<0.0001). Deaths among non-AIDS (20.8%) and AIDS defining tumour patients (35.0%) were significantly different (p=0.005). Predictors of AIDS defining tumours at the time of data collection were: male sex (57.9% vs 40.6%, p=0.004), CD4 T-cell counts <200 c/mmc (63.6% vs 44.1%, p<0.0001), whereas being cART treated at the time of tumour diagnosis was protective (38.0% vs 68.0%, p<0.0001). In the final multivariate model of logistic regression, male sex (OR=2.0, p=0.03) and not being cART treated (OR=2.5, p=0.001) held as independent predictors. Conclusions: Our retrospection revealed a considerably high proportion of non-AIDS defining tumours, apparently at rise in recent years. We registered high prevalence of tumours in each centre. Absence of cART seemed related with AIDS defining tumours: once more prevention of late presentation appeared the way to avoid worse prognosis in this setting