11,131 research outputs found

    Influence of Super-Horizon Scales on Cosmological Observables Generated during Inflation

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    Using the techniques of out-of-equilibrium field theory, we study the influence on the properties of cosmological perturbations generated during inflation on observable scales coming from fluctuations corresponding today to scales much bigger than the present Hubble radius. We write the effective action for the coarse-grained inflaton perturbations integrating out the sub-horizon modes, which manifest themselves as a colored noise and lead to memory effects. Using the simple model of a scalar field with cubic self-interactions evolving in a fixed de Sitter background, we evaluate the two- and three-point correlation function on observable scales. Our basic procedure shows that perturbations do preserve some memory of the super-horizon-scale dynamics, in the form of scale-dependent imprints in the statistical moments. In particular, we find a blue tilt of the power-spectrum on large scales, in agreement with the recent results of the WMAP collaboration which show a suppression of the lower multipoles in the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies, and a substantial enhancement of the intrinsic non-Gaussianity on large scalesComment: 19 pages, 5 figures. One reference adde

    Integrated Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Systems through Multiple Paradigms

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    Complex systems typically have many different parts and facets, with different characteristics. In a multi-paradigm approach to modeling, formalisms with different natures are used in combination to describe complementary parts and aspects of the system. This can have a beneficial impact on the modeling activity, as different paradigms an be better suited to describe different aspects of the system. While each paradigm provides a different view on the many facets of the system, it is of paramount importance that a coherent comprehensive model emerges from the combination of the various partial descriptions. In this paper we present a technique to model different aspects of the same system with different formalisms, while keeping the various models tightly integrated with one another. In addition, our approach leverages the flexibility provided by a bounded satisfiability checker to encode the verification problem of the integrated model in the propositional satisfiability (SAT) problem; this allows users to carry out formal verification activities both on the whole model and on parts thereof. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through the example of a monitoring system.Comment: 27 page

    e-EVN monitoring of M87

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    M87 is a privileged laboratory for a detailed study of the properties of jets, owing to its proximity (D=16.7 Mpc, 1 mas = 0.080 pc), its massive black hole (~6.0 x 10^9M) and its conspicuous emission at radio wavelengths and above. We started on November 2009 a monitoring program with the e-EVN at 5 GHz, in correspondence of the season of Very High Energy (VHE) observations. Indeed, two episodes of VHE activity have been reported in February and April 2010. We present here the main results of these multi-epoch observations: the inner jet and HST-1 are both detected and resolved in our datasets. We study the apparent velocity of HST-1, which seems to be increasing since 2005, and the flux density variability in the inner jet. All in all, the radio counterpart to this year’s VHE event seems to be different from the ones in 2005 and 2008, opening new scenario for the radio-high energy connection

    Legal Origins and Evolution of Local Ethics Reform in New Orleans

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    The Office of Inspector General came first, and like many another reform in city government, it was born as a campaign commitment. When I met with state senator Marc H. Morial in September 1993 to discuss the issues component of his campaign for mayor, ideas poured out of him for an hour and a half, and I took copious notes. “We need an Inspector General,” he said, “and we need Charter Revision”—the two ideas linked from this first campaign convening. When he was elected mayor six months later and inaugurated in May 1994, charter reform became an early and important item of business in his new administration. This article focuses in Part 1 on the 1994–1995 charter revision process that was the initial vehicle for local ethics reform. Part 2 examines the stuttering, stop-and-go history of implementation after the successful charter revision process—a period during which enactment of formal legal instruments was followed by halting implementation steps, accompanied throughout by the need for further legal instruments to reform and restructure ethics entities. Part 3 draws some considered conclusions, taking a long perspective on the evolution of local ethics reforms

    Teaching, Training, and Technology in Legislative Drafting

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    (Beitrag 5. Europäisches Symposium zur Verständlichkeit von Rechtsvorschriften des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz) Legislative drafters play an important role in upholding the rule of law by crafting legislative instruments that promote procedural regularity—a cornerstone of governmental legitimacy. We must, therefore, be concerned about best practices in preparing legislative drafters. This article draws upon more than 30 years of experience at The Public Law Center (Tulane University, New Orleans) in teaching law students and training legislative drafters. It identifies the components of a common curriculum and discusses differences in providers, methods, and materials for students and drafters. The article examines controversies in drafting between the academy and the practice; compares drafting texts that are widely used among students and drafters; and considers how drafting manuals serve both practical and pedagogical purposes in legislative drafting. A survey of technology acknowledges the role of Zoom during the pandemic, recommends several useful websites, and speculates about the future of artificial intelligence in legislative drafting. A penultimate section explains why statutory construction is “off my list” of helpful subjects in legislative drafting, and the conclusion reaffirms drafting as a vital support in rule-of-law systems

    Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces

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    Control interfaces and interactions based on touch-less gesture tracking devices have become a prevalent research topic in both industry and academia. Touch-less devices offer a unique interaction immediateness that makes them ideal for applications where direct contact with a physical controller is not desirable. On the other hand, these controllers inherently lack active or passive haptic feedback to inform users about the results of their interaction. Mid-air haptic interfaces, such as those using focused ultrasound waves, can close the feedback loop and provide new tools for the design of touch-less, un-instrumented control interactions. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the growing mid-air haptic research community to identify and discuss future challenges in control interfaces and their application in AR/VR, automotive, music, robotics and teleoperation
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