90 research outputs found

    The articular disc surface in different functional conditions of the human temporomandibular joint

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    Observations on the Enamel of Odontomas

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    The morphological study of odontomas provides an alternative model for observing the formation of dental tissues, since different maturing stages are present simultaneously. Investigations were performed on decalcified samples (using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy) and on undecalcified samples of complex odontoma enamel (using transmission electron microscopy). Simultaneous presence of prismatic enamel at various maturing stages with different structural characteristics was observed. Such enamel was sometimes associated with layers of ameloblastic cells with characteristics of cells in functional activity. In other sites, the enamel did not present a prismatic structure but it appeared as unstructured material clusters with abundant organic component. It was concluded that the theory according to which an ecto-mesenchymal inductive failure occurs in odontomas is not confirmed. The defect seen at the beginning of the differentiated and anomalous tissue maturation may be related to latest events in the development of the enamel organ. In this regard, it was concluded that such events involve the efficiency of the ameloblasts and the possible alterations in the organic matrix

    The fibrillar crimps of the sclera

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    Crimps are a typical feature of tendons and of some ligaments where they are responsible for the non-linear behaviour of the tissue at low strain values. Previous studies (Raspanti et al., 2005) shown that in tendons these visible crimps always correspond to a distinctive buckling and/or left-handed torsion of the collagen fibrils, subsequently named “fibrillar crimp” (Franchi et al, 2007). These planar crimps are exclusive of the collagen fibrils of tendons and ligaments, whose subfibrils run straight and parallel and tend to behave like stiff rods; by contrast, the collagen fibrils of most tissues, which are sometimes defined as “reticular fibrils” of “type III fibrils” and whose subfibrils follow an helical course, are almost infinitely flexible and can withstand even sharp U-turns without buckling. In the present study we investigated the rat sclera, whose ultrastructure is closely related to that of tendons and ligaments (Raspanti et al., 1992). The tissue was observed by light microscopy, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The sclera appears made of flattened fascicles of large and heterogeneous collagen fibrils, running in all directions and often following a wavy course. The individual fascicles are identical in structure and appearance to those of tendon, as are the numerous crimps which can be easily observed along their fibrils. The presence of crimps in the sclera cannot be taken for granted because at variance with tendon, which is subject to intermittent load/recoil cycles, this tissue is held under continuous tension by the intraocular pressure (IOP). A typical intra-ocular pressure of 20-30 mmHg would induce in the rat sclera a tension varying from 50 to 80 kN/m2, and the elastic behaviour of the crimps may have a role in maintaining the shape of the eyeball. The crimps may therefore be fully functional, confirming this tissue as a sort of hemispherical tendon

    The quest for the third dimension: from the Electron Microscope to the 3D printer

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    Conventional light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are meant to image planar sections, i.e. bidimensional specimens, and are therefore constrained into a bidimensional world. In contrast, the scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are able to image surfaces, i.e. three-dimensional subjects. Of these techniques, SPM has the additional advantage of directly obtaining three-dimensional datasets from three-dimensional specimens, although this ability is seldom exploited. The SEM is per se limited to 2D pictures of 3D subjects, but its flexibility and performance make possible to re-obtain the third dimension indirectly. A first, simple, time-proven approach is stereophotography. This makes possible an immediate visual appreciation of depth and volume but does not allow quantitative measurements. A subsequent approach is represented by shape-from-stereo reconstruction, which builds a quantitative computer model of the specimen. This is now a consolidated technique and several solutions, both hardware- and software-based, are readily available. Although limited to the development of 2 ½ dimensions, rather than real 3D, this technique is simple and effective and for several years the authors have used a proprietary package [1] featured in a number of published papers. More recently a new generation of shape-from-motion or shape-from-video photogrammetric software [2] makes possible the full recovery of the third dimension, complete with undercuts and texture mapping. All these techniques are now complemented and extended by the availability of inexpensive three-dimensional printers. Going beyond visual appreciation and beyond computer graphics, this technique makes possible to obtain a tangible, material model of the specimen. 3D printing is already in use for educational purposes but can be effectively deployed also in morphological research, making possible to obtain highly magnified, accurate copies of microscopic structures such as molecules, cells and interfaces, adding to the visual appreciation the immediacy of the tactile experience. A few examples are shown

    Enhancing SEM positioning precision with a LEGO®-based sample fitting system

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a precious tool in materials science and morphology sciences, enabling detailed examination of materials at the nanoscale. However, precise and accurate sample repositioning during different observation sessions remains a significant challenge, impacting the quality and repeatability of SEM analyses. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a LEGO (R)-based sample positioning system for SEM analysis. The system was designed to consistently identify and align features across multiple repositioning cycles, maintain accurate positioning along the z-axis, minimize distortion, and provide repeatable and reliable results. The results indicated a high degree of precision and accuracy in the repositioning process, as evidenced by the minimal displacements, deviations in scaling and shearing, and the highly significant results (p < 0.001) obtained from the analysis of absolute translations and rotations. Moreover, the analyses were consistently replicated across six repetitions, underscoring the reliability of the observed results. While the findings suggest that the LEGO-based sample positioning system is promising for enhancing SEM analyses' quality and repeatability, further studies are needed to optimize the system's design and evaluate its performance in different SEM applications. Ultimately, this study contributes to the ongoing efforts to develop cost-effective, customizable, and accurate solutions for sample positioning in SEM, contributing to the advancement of materials science research and all SEM analysis requiring overtime observations of the same sample

    Plexiform vascular structures in the human digital dermal layer: a SEM-corrosion casting morphological study

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    This study aimed to describe the impressive diversity of vascular plexiform structures of the hypodermal layer of human skin. We chose the human body site with the highest concentration of dermal corpuscles, the human digit, and processed it with the corrosion casting technique and scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM). This approach proved to be the best tool to study these microvascular architectures, free from any interference by surrounding tissues. We took high-definition pictures of the vascular network of sweat glands, thermoreceptorial and tactile corpuscles, the vessels constituting the glomic bodies and those feeding the hair follicles. We observed that the three-dimensional disposition of these vessels strictly depends on the shape of the corpuscles supplied. We could see the tubular vascularization of the excretory duct of sweat glands and the ovoid one feeding their bodies, sometimes made up of two lobes. In some cases, knowledge of these morphological data regarding the normal disposition in space and intrinsic vascularization structure of the dermal corpuscles can help to explain many of the physiopathological changes occurring during chronic microangiopathic diseases
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