573 research outputs found

    Climate and Yield in a closed greenhouse

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    The so-called closed greenhouse (closed ventilation windows) is a recent innovation in Dutch greenhouse industry. The technical concept consists of a heat pump, underground (aquifer) seasonal energy storage as well as daytime storage, air treatment units with heat exchangers, and air distribution ducts. Savings of up to 30% in fossil fuel and production increases by up to 20%, mainly because of the continuously high CO2 concentration, have been reported. Economic feasibility of this innovative greenhouse highly depends on the yield increase that can be obtained. In this simulation study the effects of greenhouse climate on tomato yield in a closed greenhouse are presented. The explanatory model INTKAM was used, which has several submodels e.g. for light interception, leaf photosynthesis and biomass partitioning. The closed greenhouse offers possibilities for combinations of light, temperature, air humidity and CO2 concentration that are impossible in a conventional greenhouse. At high CO2 concentration and high light intensity, leaf photosynthesis shows a more narrow optimum for temperature than at high CO2 and moderate light intensity. However, the response of crop photosynthesis to temperature has a much broader optimum than that of leaf photosynthesis. Besides photosynthesis, temperature also influences aspects like partitioning, leaf area development and fruit development. Yield potential reduces at temperatures above 26°C, with fruit set being one of the first processes that is negatively influenced by supra-optimal temperatures. Based on actual climatic conditions in a conventional and a closed greenhouse (same crop management) measured during two years, INTKAM predicts an increase in yield by about 17%. Hence, in a closed greenhouse a higher stem density can be maintained for obtaining the same average fruit weight (size) as in a conventional greenhouse. In 2005 actual yield increase was similar to the simulated one (16%), but in 2004 only a 9% higher yield was realized, at least partly because of botrytis infection in the closed greenhouse

    Stochastic dynamic simulation of fruit abortion: a case study of sweet pepper

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    Abortion of reproductive organs diminishes yields in many crops. In indeterminate greenhouse crops, alternating periods of fruit abortion and fruit set exist, resulting in fluctuations in fruit yield. Factors affecting the level of abortion are e.g., the supply and demand for assimilates (source and sink strength, respectively), temperature and cultivar. However, simulation of fruit abortion is still a weak part of crop simulation models. Variation in fruit abortion exists between plants, which results in differences in the timing and the number of set fruits. Therefore, simulating fruit abortion with variation could give more realistic simulation results. The probability of a fruit to abort should be related to factors like source strength and sink strength. The more favourable the circumstances are for fruit abortion, e.g., low source strength or high sink strength, the more likely it is that the fruit aborts. Survival analysis estimates parameters quantifying the influence of explanatory variables on the abortion rate. Time-varying explanatory variables can be used in the analysis. In a case study, we used survival analysis to analyse a data set with observations on flowering, fruit abortion and fruit harvest for sweet pepper. Source and sink strength were used as explanatory variables. The resulting equation determining the probability of abortion per day was implemented in a simple simulation model to simulate fruit set. The model output, as an average of 100 plants, showed similar timing in the fluctuations in fruit set as the observations, although the amplitude of the fluctuations was in some cases underestimated. The percentage fruit set was simulated correctl

    Simulating Growth and Development of Tomato Crop

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    Crop models are powerful tools to test hypotheses, synthesize and convey knowledge, describe and understand complex systems and compare different scenarios. Models may be used for prediction and planning of production, in decision support systems and control of the greenhouse climate, water supply and nutrient supply. The mechanistic simulation of tomato crop growth and development is described in this paper. The main processes determining yield, growth, development and water and nutrient uptake of a tomato crop are discussed in relation to growth conditions and crop management. Organ initiation is simulated as a function of temperature. Simulation of leaf area expansion is also based on temperature, unless a maximum specific leaf area is reached. Leaf area is an important determinant for the light interception of the canopy. Radiation shows exponential extinction with depth in the canopy. For leaf photosynthesis several models are available. Transpiration is calculated according to the Penman-Monteith approach. Net assimilate production is calculated as the difference between canopy gross photosynthesis and maintenance respiration. The net assimilate production is used for growth of the different plant organs and growth respiration. Partitioning of assimilates among plant organs is simulated based on the relative sink strengths of the organs. The simulation of plant-nutrient relationships starts with the calculation of the demanded concentrations of different macronutrients for each plant organ with the demand depending on the ontogenetic stage of the organ. Subsequently, the demanded nutrient uptake is calculated from these demanded concentrations and dry weight of the organs. When there is no limitation in the availability at the root surface, the actual uptake will equal the demanded uptake. When the root system cannot fulfil the demand, uptake is less, plant nutrient concentration drops and crop production might be reduced. It is concluded that mechanistic crop models accurately simulate yield, growth, development and water and nutrient relations of greenhouse grown tomato in different climate zone

    Cut-rose production in response to planting density in two contrasting cultivars

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    Growing in lower planting density, rose plants produce more assimilates, which can be used to produce more and/or heavier flowering shoots. The effect of planting density was investigated during a period including the first five flowering flushes of a young crop. In a heated greenhouse two cut-rose cultivars were grown under bent canopy management. ‘Akito’ on own-roots and ‘Ilios’ on ‘Natal Briar’ rootstock were planted with densities of 8 and 4 plants per m2. Starting at the end of June 2007, flowering shoots were harvested over a time span of eight months. Based on ‘flowering flushes’, times of high harvest rate, the harvesting time span could be divided into five consecutive periods, each including one flush. The cultivars showed contrasting responses to planting density. In the first three periods the response in ‘Ilios’ was extraordinary, because at low density plants did not produce more flowering shoots, as would be expected. However, the response in shoot fresh weight was larger for ‘Ilios’ than for ‘Akito’, 35% compared to 21% over the entire study period. The results imply that there was a genetic difference in the effect of assimilate availability and/or local light environment. During the first three periods, these factors can not have influenced shoot number in ‘Ilios’, while they did in ‘Akito’. It is suggested that decreases of assimilate availability in winter caused the shoot number response to emerge for ‘Ilios’ later on

    Light use efficiency at different wavelengths in rose plants

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    Current knowledge about the spectral dependence of leaf light use efficiency of leaf photosynthesis (LUE; rate of leaf photosynthesis per unit incident light energy) is based on investigations of mostly arable crops. The leaf LUE depends on the optical properties of the leaf (light absorption), on the fraction of light energy absorbed by photosynthetically active pigments and on the excitation balance of the two photosystems. These properties have hardly been investigated on modern vegetable and especially ornamental greenhouse crops. In this research we investigated the action spectrum of leaf photosynthesis and related leaf optical properties of reddish young leaves and green middle aged leaves of rose ‘Akito’. The crop was grown in a heated greenhouse in Wageningen (The Netherlands, latitude 52°N). The green and reddish leaves had similar total absorptance of 87% on average in the PAR range (400 to 700 nm). In the green leaves, however, leaf absorptance around 550 nm was lower than in the reddish leaves, but slightly higher at longer wavelengths. Red light of 680 nm was found to be the most effective for leaf photosynthesis in the short term. Leaf LUEs were calculated for supplemental light by HPS and 645 and 680 nm LEDs based on their emission spectra and the measured action spectra of leaf photosynthesis. These calculations showed that a 645 nm LED light yielded more improvement in LUE compared to HPS light than 680 nm LED light. This is because the 680 nm LED also emits light >700 nm at which the LUE is much lower. If these calculated improvements in leaf LUE for red LED-light compared to HPS-light are sustained at the crop level during prolonged illumination, substantial energy savings may be realized in rose by supplemental lighting with red LED ligh

    Feshbach resonances with large background scattering length: interplay with open-channel resonances

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    Feshbach resonances are commonly described by a single-resonance Feshbach model, and open-channel resonances are not taken into account explicitly. However, an open-channel resonance near threshold limits the range of validity of this model. Such a situation exists when the background scattering length is much larger than the range of the interatomic potential. The open-channel resonance introduces strong threshold effects not included in the single-resonance description. We derive an easy-to-use analytical model that takes into account both the Feshbach resonance and the open-channel resonance. We apply our model to 85^{85}Rb, which has a large background scattering length, and show that the agreement with coupled-channels calculations is excellent. The model can be readily applied to other atomic systems with a large background scattering length, such as 6^6Li and 133^{133}Cs. Our approach provides full insight into the underlying physics of the interplay between open-channel (or potential) resonances and Feshbach resonances.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A; v2: added reference

    Sustainable crop production in greenhouses based on understanding crop physiology

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    More precise control of growth conditions has led to a strong increase in crop yield in greenhouses. To further improve crop production, product quality and sustainability, we need profound knowledge of the responses of plants to environmental conditions as well as crop management by growers (e.g., pruning and plant density). In young plants, rapid leaf formation initially boosts production through its role in intercepting light. However, we propose that many full-grown crops invest too much assimilate in new leaves. Responses of plants to the environment are seldom linear, and show many interactions. Furthermore, short- and long-term responses can be very different because of acclimation and feedback mechanisms. Therefore, research should not only study plant responses under constant conditions, but also analyse multiple interacting factors under fluctuating conditions. Controlling the climate should focus more on the microclimate near plant organs than on the average greenhouse climate. For instance, the temperature of the apical meristem may deviate by 4°C from that of the air. Leaf initiation rate depends on the temperature of the apical meristem, independent of the temperature of the other plant organs, and this has a significant impact on the plant phenotype. LED lamps open opportunities for energy saving while improving growth, yield and product quality, as they allow the instantaneous control of spectrum, intensity and direction of light, and the decoupling of lighting from heating. Effects of LED light on yield can be attributed to effects on leaf photosynthesis, plant morphology, which affects the absorption of light, and dry-matter partitioning. LED light can also trigger secondary metabolite production, resulting in increased disease resistance, or increased antioxidants such as vitamin C or anthocyanins. A next step in the control of the production process is indoor production without solar light in vertical farms. This step is boosted by developments in LED technology.</p

    The Latest Developments in the Lighting Technologies in Dutch Horticulture

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    The use of lamps for improvement of CO2-assimilation of greenhouse crops has increased enormously during the last 15 years in The Netherlands. The main reasons for the use of assimilation lighting are not only to increase crop production and product quality, especially in winter time, but also more and more to ensure a year round production and quality level which meets market demands. Assimilation lighting is often used for plant propagation and rose production, while its use in other ornamental crops is increasing rapidly. In addition, few producers of vegetables started to apply assimilation lighting. Some new trends are higher light intensities during longer periods, techniques to improve light output per lamp by enlarging the voltage and moveable lamps with high light intensities. The coming years the use of artificial lighting in the Netherlands will be affected by liberalization and legislation of the trade of energy (gas and electricity). Nowadays explanatory crop models are available that can predict crop growth quite accurately. These models in combination with models simulating the greenhouse climate are powerful tools to analyse effects of artificial lighting. Some results of a combined model for crop growth and greenhouse climate are shown with respect to different strategies for the operation of artificial lighting. It is shown that the light use efficiency (unit production per unit of PAR from lamps) decreases when intensive lighting regimes are applied. Besides light, lamps produce heat. Therefore, the energy demand of the heating system decreases when lights are turned on. This simulation study showed that it is possible to increase the energy use efficiency (unit production per unit of energy input from lamps and heating system together) by the use of lighting

    Quantifying the source-sink balance and carbohydrate content in three tomato cultivars

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    Supplementary lighting is frequently applied in the winter season for crop production in greenhouses. The effect of supplementary lighting on plant growth depends on the balance between assimilate production in source leaves and the overall capacity of the plants to use assimilates. This study aims at quantifying the source-sink balance and carbohydrate content of three tomato cultivars differing in fruit size, and to investigate to what extent the source/sink ratio correlates with the potential fruit size. Cultivars Komeet (large size), Capricia (medium size), and Sunstream (small size, cherry tomato) were grown from 16 August to 21 November, at similar crop management as in commercial practice. Supplementary lighting (High Pressure Sodium lamps, photosynthetic active radiation at 1 m below lamps was 162 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1); maximum 10 h per day depending on solar irradiance level) was applied from 19 September onward. Source strength was estimated from total plant growth rate using periodic destructive plant harvests in combination with the crop growth model TOMSIM. Sink strength was estimated from potential fruit growth rate which was determined from non-destructively measuring the fruit growth rate at non-limiting assimilate supply, growing only one fruit on each truss. Carbohydrate content in leaves and stems were periodically determined. During the early growth stage, Komeet' and Capricia' showed sink limitation and 'Sunstream' was close to sink limitation. During this stage reproductive organs had hardly formed or were still small and natural irradiance was high (early September) compared to winter months. Subsequently, during the fully fruiting stage all three cultivars were strongly source-limited as indicated by the low source/sink ratio (average source/sink ratio from 50 days after planting onward was 0.17, 0.22, and 0.33 for 'Komeet, 'Capricia,' and 'Sunstream,' respectively). This was further confirmed by the fact that pruning half of the fruits hardly influenced net leaf photosynthesis rates. Carbohydrate content in leaves and stems increased linearly with the source/sink ratio. We conclude that during the early growth stage under high irradiance, tomato plants are sink-limited and that the level of sink limitation differs between cultivars but it is not correlated with their potential fruit size. During the fully fruiting stage tomato plants are source-limited and the extent of source limitation of a cultivar is positively correlated with its potential fruit size
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