13 research outputs found

    A proposal for the evaluation of the bioeconomic efficiency of beef cattle production systems

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    The objective of this study was to identify types of production system and their main indicators on bioeconomic efficiency, using qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate beef cattle farms in the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. A survey was carried out with 43 farmers operating in the western region of that state. All farms operated with complete cycle production systems in areas larger or equal to 900 ha. A qualitative questionnaire with binary answers and a quantitative questionnaire with numerical answers were applied. Technology and Management drivers were used for the calculation of the efficiency index of farmers obtained by both questionnaires. Farmers were divided into three clusters: low-efficiency level (LEL), intermediate-efficiency level (IEM), or high-efficiency level (HEL), as a result of the comparison of the scores obtained for the analyzed parameters. Subfactors resulting from each comparison (LEL × IEL; LEL × HEL, and IEL × HEL) were different as a function of the comparison and of the methods applied. Low-efficiency level farmers need to improve essential production processes, such as technology and management, as well as health management practices together with the financial management of the production system. Intermediate-efficiency level farmers need to improve their routine animal management, pasture management, and calculation of financial indicators to become highly efficient. The quantitative method allowed to identify underestimation (39.3%) or overestimation (24.2%) when farmers were are classified in clusters. Different methods may be used, but those based on quantitative information have stronger discrimination power to identify different types of farmers

    A proposal for the evaluation of the bioeconomic efficiency of beef cattle production systems

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify types of production system and their main indicators on bioeconomic efficiency, using qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate beef cattle farms in the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. A survey was carried out with 43 farmers operating in the western region of that state. All farms operated with complete cycle production systems in areas larger or equal to 900 ha. A qualitative questionnaire with binary answers and a quantitative questionnaire with numerical answers were applied. Technology and Management drivers were used for the calculation of the efficiency index of farmers obtained by both questionnaires. Farmers were divided into three clusters: low-efficiency level (LEL), intermediate-efficiency level (IEM), or high-efficiency level (HEL), as a result of the comparison of the scores obtained for the analyzed parameters. Subfactors resulting from each comparison (LEL × IEL; LEL × HEL, and IEL × HEL) were different as a function of the comparison and of the methods applied. Low-efficiency level farmers need to improve essential production processes, such as technology and management, as well as health management practices together with the financial management of the production system. Intermediate-efficiency level farmers need to improve their routine animal management, pasture management, and calculation of financial indicators to become highly efficient. The quantitative method allowed to identify underestimation (39.3%) or overestimation (24.2%) when farmers were are classified in clusters. Different methods may be used, but those based on quantitative information have stronger discrimination power to identify different types of farmers

    Efeitos do ambiente na reprodução de bovinos de corte

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    Os sistemas de criação de bovinos na pecuária brasileira caracteriza-se por serem realizados, principalmente, em sistemas extensivos de criação, condição na qual os animais estão sob influência do ambiente ao qual estão expostos e bastante susceptíveis a problemas relacionados as intempéries climáticas, o acasalamento ocorre nos meses mais quentes do ano, onde os animais recebem com máxima intensidade os efeitos diretos e indiretos do clima, portanto, o clima pode intensificar o estresse térmico em decorrência de alterações no balanço de energia térmica entre o animal e o ambiente, o qual influencia os mecanismos de termorregulação. O estresse térmico influencia o bem-estar destes animais devido as tentativas de adaptação do organismo para manter as condições térmicas normais em um clima impróprio para seu desenvolvimento fisiológico e, assim, possui efeito direto e indiretamente à reprodução dos bovinos de corte, como a degeneração do epitélio germinativo e redução da qualidade seminal nos touros, interferência na fertilidade do óvulo, implantação do embrião deficiente e aborto, nas fêmeas. A presente revisão bibliográfica caracteriza os efeitos do ambiente sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de bovinos de corte.Cattle breeding systems in Brazil are characterized by being performed, mainly, in extensive breeding systems, condition in which the animals are under influence of environment to which they are exposed and susceptible to inclement weather problems, the mating season occurs in the hottest months of the year, where the animals receive with maximum intensity the direct effects and the indirect climate so, the climate can intensify thermal stress due to changes in the thermal energy balance between the animal and the environment, which influence the thermoregulatory mechanisms. Heat stress affects animal welfare due to attempts adapt the body to maintain normal thermal conditions in an inappropriate environment for their physiological development and thus it has a direct effect and indirectly to the reproduction of beef cattle, as the degeneration of the germinal epithelium and reduced semen quality in bulls, interference in ovule fertility, implementation of deficient embryo and abortion, in females. This literature review characterizes the environmental effects on the reproductive performance of beef cattle

    Efeitos do ambiente na reprodução de bovinos de corte

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    Os sistemas de criação de bovinos na pecuária brasileira caracteriza-se por serem realizados, principalmente, em sistemas extensivos de criação, condição na qual os animais estão sob influência do ambiente ao qual estão expostos e bastante susceptíveis a problemas relacionados as intempéries climáticas, o acasalamento ocorre nos meses mais quentes do ano, onde os animais recebem com máxima intensidade os efeitos diretos e indiretos do clima, portanto, o clima pode intensificar o estresse térmico em decorrência de alterações no balanço de energia térmica entre o animal e o ambiente, o qual influencia os mecanismos de termorregulação. O estresse térmico influencia o bem-estar destes animais devido as tentativas de adaptação do organismo para manter as condições térmicas normais em um clima impróprio para seu desenvolvimento fisiológico e, assim, possui efeito direto e indiretamente à reprodução dos bovinos de corte, como a degeneração do epitélio germinativo e redução da qualidade seminal nos touros, interferência na fertilidade do óvulo, implantação do embrião deficiente e aborto, nas fêmeas. A presente revisão bibliográfica caracteriza os efeitos do ambiente sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de bovinos de corte.Cattle breeding systems in Brazil are characterized by being performed, mainly, in extensive breeding systems, condition in which the animals are under influence of environment to which they are exposed and susceptible to inclement weather problems, the mating season occurs in the hottest months of the year, where the animals receive with maximum intensity the direct effects and the indirect climate so, the climate can intensify thermal stress due to changes in the thermal energy balance between the animal and the environment, which influence the thermoregulatory mechanisms. Heat stress affects animal welfare due to attempts adapt the body to maintain normal thermal conditions in an inappropriate environment for their physiological development and thus it has a direct effect and indirectly to the reproduction of beef cattle, as the degeneration of the germinal epithelium and reduced semen quality in bulls, interference in ovule fertility, implementation of deficient embryo and abortion, in females. This literature review characterizes the environmental effects on the reproductive performance of beef cattle

    Vulnerability to heat stress of Braford bulls

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    Devido às mudanças climáticas, a adaptação das raças de touro às condições ambientais torna-se um aspecto importante para a expressão do seu potencial genético. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance reprodutiva de touros da raça Braford, através do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) e as suas relações com as características seminais de touros mantidos em diferentes climas do Brasil. Foram utilizados setenta e seis touros da raça Braford (5/8 Hereford x 3/8 Nelore), de seis propriedades rurais localizadas nos municípios de Rondonópolis (MT), Porto Nacional (TO) e Rio Verde (GO); Uruguaiana (RS), São Gabriel (RS) e Lages (SC). A avaliação seminal foi realizada 4 vezes em cada local. Os dados climáticos de temperatura e umidade foram coletados a cada hora de estações automáticas do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia de cada localidade. O ITU foi analisado no período de 30, 18 (espermiogênese) e 12 dias (trânsito epididimário) antes da coleta seminal. Os maiores ITU foram observados no verão na localidade de Uruguaiana (83,69) e durante a estação chuvosa em Rondonópolis (80,15) Os menores valores de ITU foram observados durante o outono e inverno de Lages (51,66 e 50,03) e na estação chuvosa de Rio Verde (72,05). Na qualidade seminal, turbilhonamento (T), motilidade (M) e vigor (V) são menores no inverno de São Gabriel (2,87 ± 0,61; 60,60 ± 10,80 e 2,87 ± 0,51). Os defeitos espermáticos totais foram superiores em Uruguaiana (21,42 ± 1,26). Em Rio Verde, T, M e V foram menores (2,69 ± 0,17; 63,79 ± 4,01 e 2,69 ± 0,17) e maiores percentuais de defeitos maiores e menores (29,01 ± 3,24 e 16,02 ± 1,80). A motilidade mostrou correlação negativa com o ITU de 30 e 18 dias (-0,121 e -0,163; P<0,01), equanto que os defeitos totais estão correlacionados positivamente com todos os períodos de ITU (0,234; 0,207 e 0,198; P<0,01). Apesar dos altos índices de ITU, a qualidade seminal não mudou significamente para reprovar algum touro ao exame andrológico durante todas as estações, mostrando que os touros Braford são capazes de trabalhar a campo sob diferentes climas quente, demonstrado pelo ITU.Due to climate change, the adaptation of bull breeds to environmental conditions becomes an important aspect for the expression of genetic potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of Braford bulls, through the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and its relationships with the seminal characteristics of bulls sustained in different climates of Brazil. Seventy-six Braford bulls (5/8 Hereford x 3/8 Nellore) were used, of six farms located in the cities of Rondonópolis (MT), Porto Nacional (TO) and Rio Verde (GO); Uruguaiana (RS), São Gabriel (RS) and Lages (SC). The seminal evaluation was performed four times at each location. Temperature and air humidity data were collected every hour from the automatic weather station at the National Institute of Meteorology. The THI was analyzed in the period of 30, 18 (spermiogenesis) and 12 days (epididymal transit) before seminal collection. The highest THI were observed in the summer of Uruguaiana (83.69) and in the rainy season of Rondonópolis (80.15) The lowest values of THI were observed in the autumn and winter of Lages (51.66 and 50.03), and in the rainy season of Rio Verde (72.05). In sperm quality, mass motion (MM), motility (M) and vigor (V) are lower in the winter of São Gabriel (2.87 ± 0.61; 60.60 ± 10.80 and 2.87 ± 0.51). The total defects were higher in Uruguaiana (21.42 ± 1.26). In Rio Verde, MM, M and V were lower (2.69 ± 0.17; 63.79 ± 4.01 and 2.69 ± 0.17) and higher percentages of major and minor defects (29.01 ± 3.24 and 16.02 ± 1.80). Motility showed a negative correlation with THI of 30 and 18 days (-0.121 e -0.163; P<0.01), while the total defects are positively correlated with all periods of THI (0.234; 0.207 and 0.198; P<0.01). Despite the high THI indexes, the sperm quality has not changed significantly to reject a bull during BBSE exam during all seasons, showing that Braford bulls are able of field service under different hot climates, as demonstrated by the THI

    Relationship between feed efficiency measures and performance in Hereford herds with degrees of inbreeding

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    Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da endogamia no desempenho, eficiência alimentar e características reprodutivas de um rebanho Hereford – Linhagem 4, fechado desde 1976, com diferentes graus de consanguinidade. Os dados foram coletados, nas fêmeas, durante sete anos (2012 a 2018), usando informações de 198 novilhas do nascimento até o primeiro parto, para percentual de consanguinidade (CONS), dados de nascimento das novilhas (vigor ao nascimento (VIG) e peso ao nascimento (PN)), performance (peso a desmama (PD), peso da matriz ao desmame (PDMAT), escore de condição corporal da vaca ao desmame (ECC), peso ao ano (PA), peso ao acasalamento (MW) e taxa de concepção (TC)), eficiência alimentar após a desmama (consumo de matéria seca (DMI), ganho médio diário (ADG) e consumo alimentar residual (CAR)), e dados da parição (área pélvica (AP) e facilidade de parto da novilha (CDIF)). Nos machos, os dados foram obtidos de oito anos (2012 a 2019), utilizando informações de 137 touros do nascimento até um ano, para percentual de consanguinidade (CONS), dados de nascimento (vigor ao nascimento (VIG) e peso ao nascimento (PN)), performance (peso a desmama (PD) e peso ao ano (PA), eficiência alimentar após a desmama (consumo de matéria seca (DMI), ganho médio diário (ADG) e consumo alimentar residual (CAR)), e dados do exame andrológico (circunferência escrotal (CE) e percentual de espermatozoides normais. O grau médio de consanguinidade para as novilhas foi de 16,20%, variando de 11,5% a 26,0%, enquanto para os touros foi de 15,73%, com variação de 13,3 a 21,5%. A TC média das novilhas foi 67,51%, variando de 54,84 a 83,33% durante os anos, o peso ao acasalamento das novilhas foi influenciado apenas pelo ano da avaliação (P < 0,001) e obteve relação positiva com o peso adulto (r=0,942). Nos touros Hereford, o CAR foi afetado pela consanguinidade (P < 0.05), variando de -2.722 a 3.30 kg/kg. Para cada 1% de aumento na endogamia, diminui 0,1631cm de circunferência escrotal. A depressão endogâmica teve um pequeno efeito nos parâmetros reprodutivos dos machos, além da eficiência alimentar residual melhorar conforme o aumento da consanguinidade. Nas fêmeas, a endogamia não influenciou o desempenho, eficiência alimentar e características reprodutivas, o ano avaliado foi o principal responsável pelo efeito nessas variáveis avaliadas.This study evaluated the effects of inbreeding on performance, feed efficiency and reproductive characteristics of a Hereford herd – Line 4, closed since 1976, with different degrees of inbreeding. Data were collected, in females, over seven years (2012 to 2018), using information from 198 heifers from birth to first calving, for inbreeding (CONS), heifer birth data (vigor at birth (VIG) and birth weight (PN)), performance (weaning weight (PD), dam weight at weaning (PDMAT), body condition score at weaning (ECC), year weight (PA), mating weight (MW) ) and conception rate (TC)), feed efficiency after weaning (dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and residual feed intake (CAR)), and calving data (pelvic area (AP) and heifer calving facility (CDIF)). In growing bulls, data were obtained from eight years (2012 to 2019), using information from 137 bulls from birth to one year, for inbreeding (CONS), birth data (vigor at birth (VIG) and birth weight (PN)), performance (weaning weight (PD) and year weight (AP), feed efficiency after weaning (dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and residual feed intake (CAR)), and breeding soundness traits (scrotal circumference (SC) and percentage of normal sperm. The average degree of inbreeding for heifers was 16.20%, ranging from 11.5% to 26.0%, while for bulls it was 15 .73%, with a variation from 13.3 to 21.5%. The average TC of heifers was 67.51%, ranging from 54.84 to 83.33% over the years, mating weight was influenced only by the year of evaluation (P < 0.001) and had a positive relationship with adult weight (rp = 0.942). In Hereford bulls, CAR was affected by inbreeding (P < 0.05), varying from and -2,722 to 3.30 kg/kg. For every 1% increase in inbreeding, 0.1631 cm of scrotal circumference decreases. Inbreeding depression had a small effect on male reproductive parameters, and residual feed efficiency improved as inbreeding increased. In females, inbreeding did not influence performance, feed efficiency and reproductive traits, the year evaluated was the main responsible for the effect on these variables evaluated